Insert 'the' where necessary.

I. I have been to...United Kingdom, … Germany, and... Soviet Union, but never in... Poland. 2... Amazon in... Brazil is... longest river in... South America. 3....Liverpool is in... north of... England fairly close to... Wales. 4.While we were in... London we stayed at... Royal Hotel in... Albert Street near... Trafalgar Square. 5.Next day we went to... Houses of Parliament and... Westminster Abby and had lunch at... Peking Restaurant. 6.... Japan and... United States are separated by... Pacific Ocean.

Translate into English.

I. Eгo советы всегда такие убедительные. Почему ты им не следуешь? 2. Какая ненастная погода. В такую погоду лучше сидеть дома. 3. Она делает успехи в английском. 4. Виды этих растений неизвестны. 5. Где мои деньги? Я не могу их найти. 6. Здесь нет светофора, а перекресток - очень опасное место. 7. Мои часы отстают. 8. Морковь богата витаминами. 9. Она считает, что современная одежда красива и удобна. 10. Улики были важными, и суд присяжных был против него.


Test 3

Choose between a possessive determiner and the definite article to use it in the following sentences.

1.She gut to... feet and began to brush off... dress. 2. He took me by... hand and led out of the room. 3. His father touched him on... arm, 4. He took the child into … arms. 5. She slapped him on... cheek.

Supply reflexive pronoun for the following sentences where possible.

1. We enjoyed... at the dance. 2. She had made... very unpopular. 3. Why is she sitting all by... in the dark? 4.1 closed the door behind....5. Every man is important one time or another. 6. He was amiability...

Fill in the blanks with 'this' 'that' 'these', 'those'.

1... is a cooking apple,... is an eating one. 2, "I'm going alone and... 's...," I said. 3.Do you see... bushes on the other side of the river? 4.... is what I want you to do. 5. I've divided the books into two piles.... are to be kept.... are to be sold.

Supply 'some', 'any', 'no' for the following sentences.

1.If you have … news, call me back. 2. She helped borrow... more money. 3. He wants... more pudding. You can take it away. 4. He is... pianist. 5.... student can answer the question. 6. You have … fine flowers in your garden.

5. Choose between 'all', 'every' and "each' to use in the following sentences.

1. I have... book he has ever written. 2. He shouted her name twice,... time banging his

fist on the table. 3....the people were cheering loudly. 4. He looked at … of us in turn.

5. Hugh had... advantage of education.

Use 'other' in the proper form.

1. They were going to get punished any way or... 2. The bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American and... English. 3....people have told me the same thing. 4. That night Kate was gay and could make... laugh. 5. Well, I met him in the club... night. 6. Would you like... cup of tea?

Use 'both', 'either' or 'neither' in the following sentences.


1. Ed and I were... very big men. 2. The verandah stretched on...side of me. 3.1 could hear them... but saw... 4. You can borrow... of my two cameras. 5. "... the jars, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take... of them". "I'm afraid... will do".

Translate into English.

1. У нас слишком много мебели в гостиной. 2. Дай мне что-нибудь почитать. З.На этой фабрике много женщин, но очень мало мужчин. 4. Каждый ребенок любит яблоки. 5. Никто из детей еще не встал. 6. Вы боитесь темноты или собаки? - Я не боюсь ни того, на другого.

Test 4. The Noun group

State the number of the nouns in bold type. Define the class they belong to.

1. Sam amused himself by fitting branches into the fire as closely as possible. 2. He wore the remains of shorts and his feet were bare like Jack's. 3. Demerest reached out to switch radios. 4. He seemed to have more grey hairs at his temples. 5.The gray waters of the Atlantic stared back at me.

6.A netting wire fence ran all around to keep our rabbits and deer. 7. I really cannot help your beliefs or your disbeliefs. 8." The children are on the stairs," said Daniel. 9.You did not witness any of these phenomena yourself, did you? 10. Philip gazed with delight upon the passers-by. 1 l.You are not one of those people who see nothing and hear nothing. 12. Well, if you've broken your glasses, you must write home for a new pair. 13.I'm quite willing to answer any question the police want to ask me.

14.The wages were paid once a month by the secretary. 15.Are you going to pay me damages?

2. Give the plural of the following nouns:

Horse -....... Book........ Story - ox - …

Mouse - sheep- kilo - datum-

Cow- woman- bath- louse-

Tomato- roof- half- scarf-

Key- fly- month- staff-

Look at the following pairs of sentences. In one the noun in bold is used as a count noun and in the other as an uncountable noun. Mark the sentences С for count or U for uncountable.

I a) Shakespeare's language is magnificent. U

b) It's easier to work with someone who speaks your own language. С

2 a) She's had nine month's experience as a secretary......

b) The funeral was a painful experience......

3 a) People spend their lives worrying about money......

b) How's life?

4 a) Are you in San Francisco for business or pleasure?

b) He set up a small travel business.

5 a) She never completely gave up hope.

b) Ken has high hopes of a promotion before the end of the year.

6 a) There was general agreement on the problem.

b) We hope to come to a general agreement on future actions.


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