Describe your classroom (the picture).

First year


Test 1 Lesson 5

1. Put all types of questions to the following sentences:

1. She is a physicist.

2. Her hair is grey.

3. Paris is in France.

4. There is a sofa near the door.

5. It is frosty.

2. Give synonyms to the following adjectives:

slim little

kind big

clever hard

beautiful correct

3. Give antonyms:









4. Transform the sentences with as... as... into the sentences with the comparative degrees of the adjectives:

1. The film is as good as the play.

2. The girl is as slim as her sister.

3. The bedroom is as cosy as the drawing-room.

4. The dress is as bad as the skirt.

5. The story is as interesting as the novel.

5. Give the plural form:

Wife, mouse, piano, chief, family, woman, swine, day, son-in-law, sheep.

6. Fill in the verb "to be" in the correct form:

1. The news... very interesting.

2.... the boys away?

3. The money... on the table.

4. Canada... a big country.

5. What... you? – I... a student.

7. Translate into English:

1. Доктора Санфорда нет дома, он все еще в больнице.

2. Миссис Санфорд нет дома. Она в парке с Бэнни, а старая миссис Санфорд плохо себя чувствует.

3. Это не грипп, это сильная простуда.

4. Сегодня ей лучше.

5. Она не в постели и рада поговорить с вами.

6. - Жаль, что мистера Санфорда еще нет дома. - Ничего. Передайте привет миссис Санфорд.


Test 2 Lesson 6

1. Give the plural of the following nouns:

1. monkey 11. sportsman

2. ox 12. deer

3. hanger-on 13. roof

4. tooth 14. knife

5. fly 15. money

6. piano 16. grown-up

7. tomato 17. hero

8. sister-in-law 18. photo

9. datum 19. phenomenon

10. crisis 20. mouse

Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. The money... on the table, (is, are)

2. The news... very important for us (was, were).

3. The furniture... modem, (is, are)

4. The police... looking for the murderer, (is, are)

5. The cattle... gracing in the field, (was, were)

6. The fruit... not ripe yet. (is, are)

3. Explain the usage of the verb to be in the following sentences.

1. She was not in the classroom.

2. He was a popular singer.

3. The delegation is to arrive in Moscow tonight.

4. The girl was singing loudly.

5. The house will be built next year.

6. To live is to think.

7. What have you been doing since 9 o'clock?

Form the possessive case of the nouns if possible.

1. the book / Ann

2. the tail / the dog

3. the bottom / the book

4. the nephew / Charles

5. the toy / the boys

6. the name / your husband

7. theatres / London

8. the name / hotel

9. the adventures / Ton and Jerry

10. newspaper / today

5. Translate into English:

1. У нее огромное количество родственников: дяди, тети, племянники, племянницы, двоюродные братья и сестры, золовки, зятья, свекровь и свекор. И все они славные и хорошо воспитанные.

2. Его старший брат старше меня на 5 лет.

3. Мой шестилетний племянник очень хочет посмотреть на диких зверей и птиц: львов, тигров, волков, лис, обезьян, орлов, лебедей и попугаев.

4. Как раз пора задуматься о своей будущей профессии.

5. Как выглядит ее жених?

6. Том родственник Чарльза? Да. Его сестра замужем за двоюродным братом Чарльза.

7. Меня зовут Мария Луиза Браун.

8. У меня высшее образование.

9. Мне 23 года, я начинающая учительница.

10. Большинство моих друзей мои бывшие одноклассники. Они добрые, веселые и хорошо воспитанные.

11. Бэтти около 18 лет, а Джон еще несовершеннолетний.

12. Мэри еще подросток, а ее матери немного за 40.

13. Вашему племяннику еще нет 30, не так ли? - Далеко не так. Вы ошибаетесь. Ему около 20.

Test 3 Lesson 7

1. Transform the sentences with "have, has" into the sentences with "there is, there are".

1. We have some English books on the table.

2. Mary has a beautiful plant in her room.

3. They have very many beautiful pictures on the walls.

4. We have two pretty kittens in the house.

5. I have plenty of milk in the mug.

2. Write down the following numerals in words:

298, 3765, 75286, 6701436, 216 754 297.

3. Write down how you should read such years:

1897, 1900, 1941, 1917, 1147, 1905

4. Transform the sentences using the construction "there is", "there are".

1. The pen is in the pen-box.

2. The book is on the table.

3. The flowers are in the vase.

4. The students are in the classroom.

5. The picture is over the table.

5. Put all the possible questions:

1. There is little soup in the plate.

2. There are a few mistakes in the dictation.

3. There is some sugar on the saucer.

4. There are few people in the street.

5. There are some chairs near the wall.

6. Fill in the prepositions:

1. What time is it now? - It is half... seven.

2. They are going to leave... a quarter... nine.

3. We must work... eight... eleven.

4. Don't be late. Come... nine o'clock.

5. He is... North... our country.

7. Translate into English the words given in the brackets:

1. There are (много) newspapers on the table.

2. Put (немного) salt into the soup.

3. He has not (много) money.

4. There is (немного) milk in the jug.

5. There are (несколько) notebooks in the bag.

Describe your classroom (the picture).

9. Translate into English:

1. В семье доктора Брауна 5 человек.

2. Это его мать, его невестка, его сын Бэнни, его жена Хелен и он сам.

3. У Хелен нет родителей.

4. Бэнни - единственный ребенок и ему не с кем поиграть.

5. У Бэнни есть пятилетний двоюродный брат, Джорджи, и четырехлетняядвоюродная сестра, Мэг.

6. Кто вы по профессии? — Я - механик, моя жена - хирург, моя дочь — зубной врач, мой сын - юрист, мой отец - журналист, а моя мать - музыкант.

7. Рабочий, токарь, слесарь, моряк, солдат, летчик, офицер, продавец, продавщица, научный работник, архитектор, машинистка, водитель, актер, композитор, художник, писатель, драматург, кондуктор, химик, физик.

Test 4 Lesson 8

1. Fill in the missing modal verbs:

1. Shall I write a report? - No, you... It's not necessary.

2.... I take you pen? - Do, please.

3.... you translate this book? - No? I... I... leam a lot before it.

4. You... go out today. It's too cold.

5. We... not carry the bookcase upstairs. It's too heavy.

6. Pete... finish his work at once.

7.... you write without a pen?

2. Respond to the following question; use about three sentences:

a) Positive replies:

1. May I take your pencil? -...

2. Shall I read the text? -...

3. What must we have to write a letter? -...

b) Negative replies:

1. May I smoke here? -...

2. Must I translate the text? -...

3. Can I open the window? -...

3. Fill in the prepositions:

1. You may see the Dean... the Dean's office.

2. It's time to finish your translation. Hand... yourpapers.

3. This word is wrong. Wipe it... the blackboard.

4. Don't stand... front... the board. Step...

5. Ask your questions... the text.

6. Put questions... the sentences.

7. How long is it... the bell?


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