Learn the following homonyms and prepare them for dictation.


aisle, isle

altar, alter

arc, ark

bare, bear berth, birth brake, break buy. by

canvas, canvass capital, capitol cereal, serial cession, session chord, cord coarse, course

die, dye dying, dyeing

faze, phase fiance, fiancee forth, fourth foul, fowl

hear, here heard, herd hole, whole

its, it's

lead, led lessen, lesson

mantel, mantle marshal, martial

medal, meddle

passed, past peace, piece plain, plane principal, principle

rain, reign, rein

right, rite, wright, write

ring, wring

role, roll

sight, site, cite sole, soul stake, steak

stationary, stationery steal, steel straight, strait

tail, tale

their, there, they're threw, through, thrown, throne to, too, two troop, troupe

vain,vane, vein

waist, waste weak, week who's, whose

your, you're


Words similar in sound and form

Learn the following words and prepare them for spelling dictation


accept, except

adapt, adept

advice, advise

ffect, effect

alley, ally

allusion, illusion

angle, angel

author, Arthur

basis, bases

bath, bathe

born, borne

breath, breathe

casual, causal

censor, censure

choose, chose

close, clothes,

cloths cloth, clothe

collar, colour

coma, comma

complement, compliment

costume, custom

council, counsel, consul

diary, dairy

decent, descent, dissent

desert, dessert

device, devise,

dual, duel,

elicit, illicit

emigrant, immigrant

eminent, immanent, imminent

ever, every

farther, further

foreword, forward

formally, formerly

holly, holy, wholly

human, humane

later, latter

loath, loathe

loose, lose, loss

marital, martial

moral, morale

of off

personal, personnel

poor, pore, pour

prophecy, prophesy

quiet, quite, quit

respectfully, respec­tively

sense, since

speak, speech

statue, stature, statute

suit, suite

than, then

though, thorough, through

trail, trial

vary, very

wander, wonder

weather, whether

woman, women





Reproduction 1 Balzac and the thief

The name of the famous French writer Balzac is very popular in many countries. His novels have been translated into many languages and are read all over the world.

Balzac is famous not only as a talented writer. He is also known, as a great humorist. His humor is described in many stories. Here is one of them.

It happened at night, when Balzac was lying in bed awake. He couldn't sleep as it was quite light in the room thanks to the moonlight.

Suddenly Balzac heard some noise and soon he saw a man enter his room.. He moved very carefully trying not to make any noise. Balzac realized that the stranger was a thief. He understood that the thief was looking for money. He was risking his life in order to find money at night.

Balzac began to laugh very loudly, but the thief did not get frightened and he was brave enough 10 ask the famous writer why the latter was laughing.

Balzac told the thief that he was very sorry for him. The famous writer had no money and very often could not find a penny in his desk. The thief was very much surprised. He thought that a great writer must have a lot of money. He was disappointed and left the room at once.

Balzac [ba:l`za:k]


Reproduction 2 A Story that made Daniel Defoe famous

Daniel Defoe, the great English writer, lived a full and interesting life. He travelled, tried many professions and wrote many books and pamphlets.

In 1712 Defoe met a sailor who told him a very interesting story. Alexander Zelkirk was the sailor's name. He quarreled with his officer and was put ashore on an island off the coast of Chile. For more than four years he had lived quite alone on the island. He was saved by a ship putting in this island for water. When the sailor returned to London, his story became the talk of the town. Several stories about him were printed, read and then forgotten.

Daniel Defoe could not forget the story. The sailor's experience produced a great impression on him and he started writing a story. He chose an island in a different part of the world, changed the name of the main character and created a very interesting book.

As Defoe was a journalist, he was able to make the story seem absolutely true.

His book about Robinson Crusoe was a great success not only in Great Britain but also in many countries of the world Both children and grown-ups read it with great interest. But the true story of Alexander Zelkirk is practically unknown today.

Daniel Defoe [`dænj l di`fou]

Alexander Zelkirk [ælig`za:nd `zelk k]

Robinson Crusoe [`robinsn `kru:sou]


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