Topic 5. Communication in management
Goals: After studying the topic you can:
• consider communication as an integrative management factor;
• distinguish between vertical, horizontal and other types of communications;
• analyze the communication process;
• chart communication networks;
Lecture’s plan
The concept and value of communications in management. Types of communications.
The concept of the communication process.
Communication networks and roles.
Interpersonal communication. Organizational communications and their improvement.
The concept and value of communications in management. Types of communications.
Communication is the process of sharing information, experience, information. Communication allows you to coordinate activities within the organization, and to establish external contacts. The main types of communications are shown in fig. 9.
General types of communications |
Communication between the organization and the external environment |
Communications inside the organization |
with consumers |
with suppliers |
with authorities |
with commercial intermediaries |
vertical |
informal |
leader - subordinate - working group |
horizontal |
Figure 9. Types of communications
In addition to the division into internal and external communications are divided into verbal and non-verbal.
The concept of the communication process.
Communication tasks are solved by communication processes (see fig.10, 11).
The communication process is the exchange of information between two or more people. The main task of the communication process is to ensure understanding and correct perception of the transmitted information. |
Feedback and interference |
Stages of the communication process |
Elements of the communication process |
- sender - message - channel, medium - recipient |
- the birth of ideas - coding and selection of transmission media - message transfer - decoding |
- feedback - the rela-tionship between the result and the action causing this result - interference (noise) - that distorts the meaning of information |
Figure 10. Stages and elements of the communication process
Stages and elements can be linked in the form of a simple model of the information exchange process.
Отправитель |
Формирование идеи |
Передача идеи |
Получатель |
Степень восприятия |
Figure 11. Communication process
Communication networks and roles.
Communication network is a connection in a certain way involved in the communication process of individuals through communication flows.
In practice, there are three types of communication networks: open, closed and combined.
- Open communication networks
В |
С |
А |
Figure 12. “Snake” network
D |
В |
E |
C |
A |
Figure 13. Network "tent"
- Closed communication networks
А |
С |
D |
В |
Figure 14. Network type "circle"
- Combined communication networks
А |
С |
В |
D |
E |
F |
Figure 15. Network type "bivouac"
Interpersonal communication. Organizational communications and their improvement.
In the interpersonal exchange of information, there are many barriers that distort the meaning of information for the following reasons:
- wrong perception;
-semantic barriers;
- improper use of "sign language" (non-verbal characters);
- poor quality feedback;
- bad hearing.
Those entering the exchange of information should adhere to the following tips:
-explain your ideas before the transfer;
- be prepared for potential semantic problems;
- follow the language of your own gestures, poses, intonations;
- be attentive to the feelings of others;
- get feedback.
In addition to interpersonal contacts, the manager should have an idea of barriers to the exchange of information in the organization and methods for improving such exchange (see fig.16, 17).
Difficulties in the development of communications in a modern company |
The main causes of communication problems |
Reasons for distorting the meaning of messages within the organization |
Consequences of bad communication |
- non-informing the members of the collective of other employees about their main achievements;- poor motivation;- unsatisfactory moral climate;- carelessness. |
- unclear objectives;- poor control;- insufficient coordination;- unsatisfactory progress of work. |
- unintended distortion (due to difficulties in interpersonal contacts); - conscious distortion for personal use; - filtering; - the desire to get approval from management; - unsatisfactory structure of the organization. |
Figure 16. Barriers to organizational communication
Ways to improve communications in organizations |
Regulation of information flows |
Using Offer Collecting Systems |
Feedback system |
Using of modern information technology |
Practice informational messages |
Figure 17. Ways to improve communication in organizations
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Test questions:
1. Give the definition of communication, what types of communication can be identified in the organization?
2. Who is involved in the communication process?
3. What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?
4. How can communication be improved in an organization?