Spiderman (Side Kick) Push-Up


What It Does Strengthens the core in addition to the typical push-up muscles. How to Do It Assume a standard push-up position. As you lower yourself toward the ground, simultaneously bring one knee out to the side and up to touch your elbow, with your leg parallel to the ground. Your knee should touch your elbow at the lowest point of the push-up. Reverse the movement to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Cross-Body Push-Up

What It Does Strengthens the upper body, with more focus on the core, hip flexors, and shoulders. How to Do It Assume a standard push-up position. As you lower yourself to the ground, simultaneously pick up one leg and cross it beneath your body as you rotate your hip toward the ground. Reverse the movement to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Archer Push-Up

What It Does Applies a higher percentage of body weight to a single arm, while the opposite arm assists (a good way to build up to a one-arm push-up). How to Do It Assume a push-up position, with wide hands angled outward at about 45 degrees. Lower yourself at an angle to one side so that you bring your shoulder down to your hand of the same side, while the other arm stretches to become fully extended. (It’s okay if your hands pivot during the movement.) Push back up to reverse the movement and return to the starting position. Repeat to the other side. It might help to keep your feet wider.

Typewriter Push-Up: This variation is similar to the archer, but instead of returning to the starting position between every push-up, move your chest from side to side horizontally along and just above the ground, while fully extending the opposite arm each time.


Power and Clap Push-Ups


What It Does Develops power in the chest, triceps, and shoulders. How to Do It From a standard push-up position, lower your chest until it’s slightly below the level of your bent elbow, and then push upward with enough force so that your hands leave the ground by a few inches. Land with soft elbows in push-up form and continue the lowering motion toward the ground. Repeat. Make sure to keep your back flat and hips level throughout the movement.

Claps (Harder): Once you get a handle on power push-ups, you can progress the exercise by adding in claps, which require more power to achieve the necessary airtime. For regular clap push-ups, perform a power push-up but with even more upward force. While your hands are in the air, clap below your chest. Like before, land with soft elbows in push-up form and continue lowering until your chest is slightly below the level of your bent elbow. Repeat.

Behind-the-Back Claps (Even Harder): Do the same exercise, but clap behind your back instead of below your chest. Be careful not to bend at the hips (cheating), and watch your face on this one.

Triple Claps (Hardest): Do the same exercise, but clap under your chest, then behind your back, and then under your chest again, all before touching the ground.



Flying Push-Ups

What It Does Develops even more dynamic power. How to Do It Like with claps, start in a standard push-up position and lower your chest until it’s slightly below the level of your bent elbow. Then explode upwards and lift both your hands and feet off the ground. Try to keep your back as flat as possible, but you may need to lift your hips slightly to generate momentum. It also helps to keep your feet wider. Land with soft elbows in push-up form and continue lowering toward the ground. Repeat.

Clapping Jacks (Harder): Do the same exercise, but clap your hands and feet together while in the air. Requires more airtime and power.

Superman Push-Up (hardest): Do the same exercise, but while in the air, fully extend your arms in front of you so that your body is in a single plane, parallel to the ground, like a flying Superman. Requires even more airtime and power.

One-Arm Push-Up

What It Does Doubles the weight on a single arm and further activates the core for stability. How to Do It Just like it sounds—perform a push-up with one arm centered below your chest and the unweighted arm behind your pack. This one takes a bit more balance; it helps to keep your feet wider. Maintain a flat back and level hips (don’t let them twist one way or the other) throughout the movement. If you want an added challenge, opt for a two-point push-up: assume a standard push-up position with wide feet, then raise the opposite hand and leg to form a two-point plank. While maintaining a rigid plank, perform a push-up. Keep your back flat and hips level throughout the movement.



Отжимание - одно из величайших упражнений общего характера для атлета на открытом воздухе, и вы можете выполнять его где угодно, без какого-либо оборудования.

Отжимания нацелены на грудь, плечи и трицепс и воздействуют на живот, спину и ноги. Они наносят серьезный удар за такое, казалось бы, простое упражнение, но вы не оказываете никакой помощи, если ваша форма не набрана.. Отличная форма отжимания начинается с жесткой доски. Ваши руки должны быть полностью вытянуты, руки, локти и плечи должны быть на одной линии, а ваши ступни должны находиться на расстоянии не более 12 дюймов друг от друга - чем ближе друг к другу, тем сложнее отжимание, потому что для его активации требуется больше активной зоны стабильности. Во время отжимания (если иное не указано в вариации), ваш позвоночник должен быть нейтральным, так что ваше тело образует прямую линию от ваших ног к макушке головы. Не забудьте задействовать ядро ​​и бедра, чтобы ваши бедра были ровными и ровными.. Вы можете согнуть свои локти в сторону в Т-образной формации, которая напрягает ваши грудные мышцы, или держать их спрятанными вдоль грудной клетки, для напряжения трицепса... Что касается скорости, то нет смысла набирать 30 быстрых. Правильная форма гораздо важнее. Всегда двигайтесь медленно и контролируемо. Сделайте это медитативным и сфокусируйтесь на своем дыхании: вдохните при опускании; выдохните при толкании назад.



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