Facilities for academic work

General information about the faculty

- What faculty / institute are you from?

- Is it a new faculty?

- When was it founded?

- What departments does it have?

- What specialists are trained here?

- How big is the faculty?

- How many students study here?

- Who is the Dean of the faculty / Director of the Institute?

- Where is the Dean’s / Director’s office?

- What can you say about the teaching staff (age, qualification etc)?


department - отделение

are trained - обучаются

the Dean - декан

the Dean’s - деканат

the teaching staff – преподавательский состав


- How long does the course of studies last?

- When does the academic year begin?

- When does it end?

- How many terms / semesters does each academic year have?

- What degree are students going to get (Bachelor? Master? Engineering?)

- What subjects do you have to study (general and special)? When?

- Do students of the faculty have on-the-job training? When and where?

- Do students have to write any graduation work?

- Who do they present it to?

- What certificate do graduates receive after the completion of the course of studies?



the course of studies - курс обучения

to last - длиться, продолжаться

the academic year - учебный год

terms / semesters - семестр

to get а degree - получить степень (ученую)

Bachelor - бакалавр

Master - магистр

Engineering degree - квалификация инженера

have to study - вынуждены обучать

general subjects - общеобразовательные предметы

special subjects - специальные предметы

have on-the-job training – проходить практику

graduation work - выпускная работа

to present - представлять (кому-то что-то)

graduates - выпускники

to receive - получать

the completion of the course of studies – завершение курса обучения


4. How to enter the university

– Do many students apply to the faculty every year?

- Are there any special admission requirements to become a student of the university?

- What education must applicants have?

- What documents must they submit?

- Do applicants have to take any entrance examinations?

- Are the results of school leaving exams valid as entrance examinations?

- Is there any competition among applicants? How big is it?

- Are there any age limits for applicants?

- Are studies free for all students? Who pays for the education?

- How much do they pay for the studies at this faculty?


apply to the faculty - подавать заявления о приеме (на факультет)

applicants - абитуриенты

have to take entrance examinations - вынуждены сдавать вступительные


admission requirements - требования к поступающим

must submit - должны представить (документы куда-то)

school leaving exams - выпускные экзамены

are valid as - действительны в качестве

competition among applicants - конкурс абитуриентов

free - бесплатный

pay for the education - платить за обучение



- Where do students come from?

- How old are most of the first-year students (and the graduates)?

- Why do they choose this university and this faculty?

- What are they interested in?

- What subjects are they good at?

- Is it of high prestige to study here?

- Do students of this faculty have good prospects for the future?

- Do students get scholarship?

- How high is it?

- How big are student groups?


first-year students - первокурсники

get scholarship - получать стипендию

student groups - студенческие группы

have good prospects for the future - иметь хорошие перспективы на



Facilities for academic work

- Has the university all the necessary facilities for academic work of the students?

- Where do the classes take place (lectures, seminars, workshops)?

- Are they well-equipped? What with (computers, TV-sets, tape recorders and CD players, overhead projectors, measurement instruments, other laboratory equipment)?

- How modern is the equipment?

- Can students enjoy access to the Internet? Is it free?

- Is there a library at the university? How big is it?

- Can students borrow all the necessary course books and manuals from the library?

- Is there a reading hall at the library?

- What else is it possible to take at the library (fiction, magazines, newspapers)?


all the necessary facilities – все необходимое

academic work - учебная работа

the classes take place - занятия проходят

lectures - лекции

workshops - практические занятия

well-equipped - хорошо оборудованный

tape recorders - магнитофоны

overhead projectors - проекторы

measurement instruments - измерительные приборы

other laboratory equipment - другое лабораторное оборудование

access to the Internet - доступ к Интернету

borrow from the library - брать в библиотеке

course books - учебники

manuals - учебные пособия

Sport facilities

- Do university students like sports?

- Do many of them try to keep fit?

- Are shaping and aerobics popular with girls?

- Are boys fond of body-building and power lifting?

- What sport facilities does the university provide for that (sport halls, gyms, stadiums, swimming pools, play grounds)?

- Are they well-equipped?

- What do students come there for? (to exercise, to play sport games etc)?

- Is sports one of the university subjects?

- What kinds of sports are popular among students?

- What sport evens are organized at the university? (competitions, contests, tournaments, festivals, hiking trips, football matches etc/)



sport facilities - спортивные сооружения

to keep fit - держать себя в форме

provide - обеспечивать

sport halls - спортивные залы

gyms - тренажерные залы

well-equipped - хорошо оборудованный

among students - среди студентов

sport evens - спортивные мероприятия

competitions - соревнования

contests - состязания

tournaments - турниры

festivals - праздники

hiking trips - походы

After class activities

- When does the students’ working day begin?

- When does it end?

- How do university students spend their free time after classes?

- What hobbies and interests have they?

- Are there any clubs at the university? What are they?

- Do students arrange any concerts, parties, games?

- Where do they take place?

- Is there much fun there?

- What talents can students demonstrate?

- Do students enjoy after class activities?


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