Unit 1. Introductory Text


Иностранных языков



Методические указания

к чтению прогнозов погоды на английском языке

для курсантов старших курсов СВФ

по специальности 180402.65





УДК 811. 111 (076.5)

ББК 81. 2Англ. – 923

М 54



Составитель – Ирина Владимировна Глинская, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета


Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой 22 мая 2009 г., протокол № 9



Рецензент – Н. Г. Марьина, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета



Редактор Г. В. Зобнина



© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2009





ВВЕДЕНИЕ................................................................................................. 4

Part I. Meteorological Elements.................................................................... 5

Unit 1. Introductory Text.......................................................................... 5

Unit 2. Weather Messages......................................................................... 7

Unit 3A. Time. Period................................................................................ 9

Unit 3B. Areas......................................................................................... 11

Unit 4. Pressure Systems......................................................................... 12

Unit 5. Wind............................................................................................ 22

Unit 6. Sea Disturbance........................................................................... 28

Unit 7. Precipitation................................................................................ 31

Unit 8A. Cloudiness................................................................................ 33

Unit 8B. Visibility................................................................................... 33

Unit 9. Icing. Temperature....................................................................... 41

Part II. Reading Material............................................................................. 43

Unit 1....................................................................................................... 43

Unit 2....................................................................................................... 53

Vocabulary................................................................................................. 67

ЛИТЕРАТУРА........................................................................................... 76





Данные методические указания предназначены для формирования навыков чтения и перевода метеорологических бюллетеней.

Методические указания состоят из двух частей. Первая часть включает в себя 9 разделов, соответствующих разделам метеорологического бюллетеня. Каждый из разделов содержит словарь активной лексики, упражнения для его закрепления, образцы метеосводок для перевода. Вторая часть включает в себя 2 раздела, содержащих текстовый материал для чтения и перевода, который может быть использован на аудиторных занятиях и для самостоятельной работы курсантов. Англо-русский словарь и список сокращений, помещенные в конце методических указаний, содержат активную лексику всех разделов.

Методические указания предназначены для курсантов старших курсов судоводительского факультета.

Part I. Meteorological Elements

Unit 1. Introductory Text

I. Before reading the text guess the meaning of the words and word combinations:

1. to have an influence means to have an effect on something or somebody;

2. to take into consideration means remember to think about something important when you are making decision;

3. weather forecast is a description of what kind of weather is expected;

4. fair weather is pleasant and not windy, rainy etc;

5. sleet is falling snow mixed with rain;

6. hail is frozen rain drops which fall as hard balls of ice;

7. drizzle is rain in very small fine drops (fine rain);

8. centigrade – in or of the temperature scale that has 100 degrees between the freezing point and the boiling point of water;

9. dense fog is very thick fog.

II. Read the text and guess the meaning of the following words:

1. Celsius scale

2. thick weather

3. precipitation

4. veering

5. backing


Weather conditions have a great influence on the safety during a voyage and should always be taken into consideration in voyage-planning and when underway.

The state of the atmosphere is determined by various meteorological elements, such as temperature, cloudiness and fog, forms of precipitation (rain, snow…), barometric pressure, and speed and direction of wind. All these elements may be referred to as the weather.

Any change in temperature is significant in weather forecasting. The commonly used scale for measuring temperature is Celsius scale which measures a temperature in centigrade.

Clouds very often indicate an imminent change of weather. Rising clouds is an indication that the weather is about to clear; lowering or thickening clouds will indicate precipitation.

Fog is a cloud that touches the ground. Dense fog will reduce visibility considerably and is referred to as thick weather. By this is meant any type of weather condition that will reduce visibility considerably, whether by fog, snow, rain, etc.

Precipitation is formed when the droplets or ice crystals in clouds have become sufficiently large to fall to the ground. Precipitation may take a variety of forms, for example rain, snow, drizzle, hail or sleet.

Wind is the most important factor that determines the condition of the weather.

Wind is merely an amount of air that moves horizontally over the earth from an area of high barometric pressure towards an area of low barometric pressure.

Falling barometric pressure generally indicates that a gale or storm is approaching; rising pressure indicates the approach or continuation of fair weather.

An area of low pressure is called a cyclone. A high pressure area is an anticyclone.

Wind is always named after the direction it is coming from, not blowing in. Its force is indicated by the Beaufort scale numbers. These numbers, ranging from zero to force 12, refer to the wind speed measured in nautical miles per hour. For the navigator the wind direction and force are the most important aspects of meteorological conditions that are forecast in weather reports by weather stations.

Information must always include an increase or decrease in force and any change in wind direction. A change of direction is usually indicated by the terms veering and backing.

A veering wind changes in a clockwise direction.

A backing wind changes in an anti-clockwise direction.

III. Look through the text and answer the following questions:

1. Why should weather conditions always be taken into consideration?

2. What meteorological elements determine the state of the atmosphere?

3. What does the term "thick weather" mean?

4. What forms of precipitation do you know?

5. What indicates the approach of a storm?

6. What is the wind always named after?

7. What do the Beaufort scale numbers mean?

8. What terms indicate a change of wind direction?

9. Which of the meteorological elements are most important for the navigator?


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