Северо-Западный филиал
Кафедра гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин
по дисциплине: «Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции»
студент 2 курса 244-1 группы
очно-заочной формы обучения
Ашиток Сергей Сергеевич
Научный руководитель:
Кандидат педагогических наук,
доцент кафедры
кафедры гуманитарных и
социально-экономических дисциплин
Башмакова Наталья Ивановна
Дата представления работы Работа защищена
«» _____________ 20____г. «» _________ 20___г.
Оценка _____________
Подпись ____________
Санкт-Петербург 2020 г.
Translate a text.
Правительство Малайзии заявило о намерении отменить смертную казнь в ходе акции, которая была одобрена участниками кампании в области прав человека. Министр юстиции Малайзии сказал: «Смертная казнь будет отменена. Точка». Он также добавил: «Поскольку мы отменяем приговор, все казни не должны приводиться в исполнение». В настоящее время в камере смертников в Малайзии находится более 1267 человек, которые получат отсрочку. Министр юстиции заявил, что заключенные, приговоренные к смертной казни, будут освобождены или их приговоры будут смягчены. Он сказал: «Когда их заменят, им придется отбывать пожизненное заключение, потому что было несколько смертей, которые были причинены этими преступниками, за что они и были приговорены к смертной казни».
Решение Малайзии было одобрено организацией «Международная амнистия». Ее Генеральный Секретарь Куми Найду заявил: «Сейчас Малайзия должна присоединиться к 106 странам, которые навсегда отказались от крайнего жестокого, бесчеловечного, унижающего достоинство наказания. Мир наблюдает». Мистер Найду добавил: «Нельзя тратить время. Смертная казнь уже давно должна войти в историю. Новое правительство Малайзии пообещало обеспечить соблюдение прав человека, и сегодняшнее объявление является воодушевляющим знаком, но предстоит сделать гораздо больше». Еще 23 страны сохраняют смертную казнь. По данным организации «Международная амнистия», в 2017 году во всем мире было зафиксировано 993 казни.
Answer the questions
TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. F
SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.
1 – F
2 – E
3 – A
4 – C
5 – I
6 – D
7 – J
8 – G
9 – B
10 – H
4.Write about death penalty for 10 minutes.
Countries that continue to impose the death penalty are in an absolute minority, with only 23 States carrying out such sentences in 2017. In 106 countries, the death penalty has been abolished at all, and in several dozen States the possibility of such a sentence is retained by law but not applied in practice.
In 2020, the death penalty is maintained in the United States. It is applied in a number of states and by federal court order. The main methods of execution of punishment are the introduction of lethal injection and electric chair, significantly less often - shooting (the last case - 2010). The law also provides for the use of a gas chamber and hanging, but in fact American law enforcement refused them. In 21 state, capital punishment is prohibited from 50.
On average, between 20 and 25 death sentences per year are carried out in the United States (according to data from the last 20 years). A total of 1,500 people were executed between 1976 and 2019, most of them black (41%) men (98.9%). At the end of 2020, more than 2,500 people are awaiting execution. This ratio of convicted to executed sentences is due to the fact that American law leaves the possibility for the sentenced person to appeal and requires a thorough consideration of all the details of the case.
Crimes for which the death penalty is provided in the United States include aggravated murder and treason.
China does not publish any official statistics indicating the number of persons sentenced to the death penalty and sentences executed. Yet independent sources point to a figure of around 2,000 executions a year. This places the People 's Republic of China first in terms of the absolute number of executions per year (Iran holds the first place in terms of the number of executions per capita). In 2006, however, China had taken a policy of reducing the number of such sentences and had reduced the number of death sentences by about 4 times since 2002.
Most often, the death penalty in China is carried out through shooting or lethal injection. They are sentenced for counter-revolutionary activities, crimes against the State and Chinese cultural heritage, and particularly serious crimes against the person. Socially dangerous economic crimes, such as the sale of drugs and bribes in particularly large amounts, can be punished with the death penalty. Notably, until 1997, the killing of a large panda, considered an endangered species and an official symbol of the Wildlife Foundation and an unofficial symbol of China, was punishable by death until 1997.
Comprehension questions
1. Malaysian Government Decision Welcomed by human rights campaigners.
2. This statement was voiced by the Minister of Justice of Malaysia.
3. Currently, in Malaysia, more than 1,267 people are on death row.
4. Prisoners sentenced to death will be released or the sentence will be commuted.
5. Prisoners will have to face life imprisonment.
6. One hundred and six countries abolished the death penalty.
7. According to Amnesty International, there were 993 executions recorded worldwide in 2017.
1. The objectives of labour legislation are to establish State guarantees of labour rights and freedoms of citizens, to create favourable working conditions and to protect the rights and interests of workers and employers.
2. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation containing labour law shall not contradict this Code and other federal laws.
3. The death penalty is considered one of the most ancient forms of punishment.
4. The government abolished the death penalty.
5. By this period the death penalty would be abolished.
6. In today 's world practice types of the death penalty such as hanging, lethal injection, electric chair, etc.