1. Steve’s trousers (is, are) out of fashion. 2. Where have you put the scissors? (Here it is. Here they are.) 3. The furniture in the room (is, are) of good quality. 4. The news on the radio (is, are) very important for us. 5. Their information (is, are) not correct. 6. Her hair (is, are) blonde. 7. The police (is, are) mobile and helpful here. 8. Look! The cattle (is, are) grazing. 9. Where (is, are) the money? (It is, They are) on the table. 10. Her knowledge of English (is, are) poor. 11. Your watch (is, are) 3 minutes slow. 12. The teachers’ wages (is, are) low. 13. The clothes (is, are) clean and ironed. 14. The fruit (is, are) not ripe yet. 15. Their progress (is, are) great. 16. Your advice (is, are) necessary for me. 17. Physics (is, are) the study of natural laws. 18. Athletics (is, are) challenging. 19. His luggage (is, are) extremely heavy. 20. The old couple (is, are) on the coast. 21. The staff of the clinic (is, are) nice. 22. Billiards (is, are) played everywhere. 23. There (is, are) a lot of sheep in the field. 24. The headquarters (is, are) in London. 25. Her wok (is, are) tiring.
Ex.10. Choose the correct word or phrase.
1. How much / How many spaghetti have we got? 2. Where is / are my new trousers? 3. I put some / any chocolate somewhere, but where is it? 4. Here is a / some glass to fix the broken window. 5. I’m afraid, we haven’t much / many time. 6. The news is / are on at 9 p.m. 7. How much / How many furniture shops are there? 8. I have the milk but I can’t find a / some glass. 9. Could you give me some / any orange juice, please? 10. I’d like a / some information about trains to Paris. 11. The police are / is interested in this case. 12. The youth of today have / has many advantages. 13. The statistics in this report are / is inaccurate. 14. Is / Are there any statistics for road accidents? 15. That shop sells twenty different cheese / cheeses. 16. Waiter, here is a hair / hair in my soup.
Ex.11. Put in some, any, a, the, a lot of, –.
1. I’d like … information, please. 2. Is there … toast, please? 3. There is … slice of toast left. 4. What’s … weather like today? 5. Can I have … potatoes, please? 6. I need … new clothing. 7. I’m tired. I’ve done … shopping. 8. This is … letter from John. 9. Can you give me … description of it? 10. I’d like … tomatoes, please. 11. Would you like … spaghetti, please? 12. There is … traffic this morning. 13. Jack has gone to bed with … flu. 14. Have you made … progress with French? 15. Our teacher has given us … homework. 16. There is … rubbish in the garden. 17. I’m going to plant … tree in front of the house.
Ex.12. Use the Possessive Case where it’s possible.
1. the camera / Tom; 2. the toys / the children; 3. the car / Nick’s parents; 4. the economic policy / the government; 5. the house / my aunt and uncle; 6. the ground floor / the building; 7. the cousins / Don and Mary; 8. the garden / our neighbours; 9. the top / the page; 10. the newspaper / yesterday; 11. son / Mr. Evans; 12. the ring / the princess; 13. the honey / the taste; 14. the tree / the roots; 15. the hat / his father-in-law; 16. collars / the cats; 17. the world / the wonders; 18. the wallet / the man; 19. the tail / the monkey; 20. the view / the beauty; 21. the paper / Sunday.
Ex.13. Use the words in brackets instead of the pronouns.
1. Where is his coat? (Andrew) 2. Is that his car? (your brother) 3. It’s on her desk. (the teacher) 4. Its dinner is here. (the dog) 5. Their children are at school now. (Pat and Mike) 6. It’s her idea. (my wife) 7. His new bike is really good. (Jeff) 8. Here’s their telephone number. (the Simons) 9. Its new cinema is fine. (the city)
Ex.14. Rewrite the sentences using ’s, s’ or the apostrophe (’).
1. This bicycle is for a child. 2. This pen belongs to the teacher. 3. Let’s listen to the career of the actress. 4. These toys belong to the children. 5. It’s a school for girls. 6. This umbrella belongs to James. 7. This is the lounge for students. 8. That’s a voice of a man. 9. These uniforms are for women. 10. It’s the fault of Doris. 11. Those are offices for bosses. 12. It’s a name for a girl. 13. It’s a nest for a bird. 14. These are clothes for men.
Ex.15. Use ’s, s’ or the apostrophe (’) where it is possible.
1. That is the decision of the committee. 2. I can’t see the bottom of the box. 3. This is the copy of the poetry by Tennyson. 4. This is the leg of the table. 5. Where is the key of the car? 6. That’s the bell of the church. 7. The paws of tigers are strong. 8. We stayed for some days at the house of my mother-in-law. 9. They have a journey of three days. 10. You look tired. Take a rest of a day. 11. The distance isn’t very long. It’s only of five miles. 12. Let’s meet at the shop owned by the chemist. 13. I’m going to spend a night at the house owned by my aunt. 14. They were married in the church dedicated to St. Andrew.
Ex.16. Write the apostrophe (’) in the correct place.
1. Theres a teachers meeting on Mondays. 2. Are the childrens coats in the car? 3. The mens clothes are upstairs. 4. Alices mothers very ill. 5. Thats my mothers dress. 6. My parents flats rather big. 7. Emma and Pauls cars outside. 8. Anns paintings beautiful. 9. Natalys my sisters friend. 10. Those are our relatives photos. 11. Todays conferences at 3 oclock. 12. My fathers birthdays on 12 July.