Повторить особенности переводов из прямой речи в косвенную

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную мы должны обязательно учитывать правило согласования времен. Согласование времен – это процесс, при котором сказуемое в главном предложении, выраженное глаголом в прошедшем времени, должно быть изменено в придаточном предложении, и тоже должно быть изменено на одно из прошедших времен. Однако, если в главном предложении глагол стоит в Present Simple (Настоящем простом времени), то в придаточном предложении форма грамматического времени не меняется (сохраняется, как и в прямой речи).

Также, все указательные местоимения и наречия времени и места в придаточном предложении должны быть изменены по смыслу предложения:

this —> that

these —> those

now —> then

today —> that day

tomorrow —> next day

the day after tomorrow —> 2 days later

yesterday —> the day before

the day before yesterday —> 2 days before

ago —> before

here —> there

Например, She told me, «I will come to see you tomorrow » → She told me she would come to see me the next day.

Все личные и притяжательные местоимения должны быть изменены в зависимости от лица, от которого ведется повествование:

Например, They told me «We need your book today» → They told me they needed my book that day.

Обобщение пройденного материала

Выполнение тренировочных упражнений.

Rewrite the following sentences in the reported speech.

1. “Tom and Karen have bought a house in the countryside,” Mary said to us.

2. She said, “I am sure he will ring me up when he is back in London.”

3. “We don’t go to this shop very often,” they said to me.

4. “Dad was mowing the grass while I was cleaning the car,” Nick said.

5. “The kids are riding their bikes,” Helen said to me.

2. Turn the following into reported questions.

1. “What are you doing?” he asked his daughter.

2. “Have you seen Ann?” Sarah asked David.

3. “When will you return?” Mary asked him.

4. “Where were you?” Barbara asked him

5. ” Who is your favorite singer?” Nick asked me.

Translate the sentences following the rules of sequence of tenses (правило согласования времён).

1. Я боялся, что они не последуют моему совету.

2. Она сказала, что, когда она вошла в комнату, её друзья уже готовили обед.

3. Учитель сказал, что получил письмо от наших друзей из Лондона.

4. Никто не знал, что вы ждёте здесь.

5. Они вчера узнали, что она больна.


Шкала ответов тренировочного модуля






Законспектировать основной лекционный материал.

Выполнить контрольное задание

Контрольное задание:

Тест «Грамматический практикум»

Indirect speech.

Choose the right variant.

1. I thought, «I am responsible for the mistake».

● I thought that I was responsible for the mistake.

● I thought that I am responsible for the mistake.

● I thought that me was responsible for the mistake.

2. He says, «I can read faster than you».

● He says that he reads faster than me.

● He says that he can read faster than me.

● He says me he can read faster than me.

3. Jane asked, «When did you see Alice? ».

● Jane asked me when did I see Alice.

● Jane asked when did I saw Alice.

● Jane asked me when I saw Alice.

4. Mike asked, «Do you speak Spanish?»

● Mike asked me if I spoke Spanish.

● Mike asked me do I speak Spanish.

● Mike asked if I speak Spanish.

5. The teacher said, «Close your books».

● The teacher said us to close the books.

● The teacher told us to close the books.

● The teacher said to close the books.

6. Parents said, «Don’t open the closet».

● Parents told not to open the closet.

● Parents said not to open the closet.

● Parents said us not to open the closet.

7. Henry said, «We are staying in Paris».

● Henry said that they stayed in Paris.

● Henry said that they had been staying in Paris.

● Henry said that they were staying in Paris.

8. Mary said, «I have never been abroad».

● Mary said that she had never been abroad.

● Mary told that she had never been abroad.

● Mary said that she has never been abroad.

9. The teacher said, «Monkeys are mammals».

● The teacher said that monkeys were mammals.

● The teacher said that monkeys are mammals.

● The teacher told that monkeys were mammals.

10. Mark said, «I am going to the cinema now».

● Mark said that he was going to the cinema then.

● Mark said that he was going to the cinema yesterday.

● Mark said that he was going to the cinema that day.

Шкала ответов контрольного задания




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