Соотнесите слова с предложениями.

Уважаемые студенты, напоминаю Вам, что мы работаем в дистанционном режиме.

Следующая тема для изучения «Урок физкультуры. Спорткомплекс, спортивная жизнь техникума».





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Тема «Урок физкультуры. Спорткомплекс, спортивная жизнь техникума».

Good day my students!

Have a nice and wonderful day!

Добрый день мои студенты! Хорошего вам и прекрасного дня!

Переведем и запишем слова в тетрадь:

· to play sport

· to go in for sport

· kind of sport

· favourite

· heath

· to be healthy

· to be fit

· to be fat

· to eat fruits and vegetables

· to sleep enough

· sport's club

· football

· basketball

· volleyball

· tennis

· swimming

· weight-lifting

· hockey

· figure-skating

· horse-racing

· snowboarding

· national kind of sport

Прочитаем и переведем текст

Sport in our life.


We may not imagine our life without sport today. It is an important part of our everyday's life. Many people like to go in for sport, many people like to watch different sport events on TV, other people like to be fans of their favourite teams or players.

There are a lot of different sport clubs and schools in many cities of the world, they are very well equipped, many professional sport trainers work there. Physical training is a compulsory subject in schools, colleges and universities.

All doctors and scientists say: «If you want to be healthy, fit and beautiful, if you want to have a good shape, skin, teeth and body — you must go in for sports, have a good sleeping and eat only useful food». It is also very important to do morning exersises and remember: you must not have bad habbits — don't smoke, don't drink, don't use drugs!

There are many popular kinds of sport today: football, basketball, hockey, swimming, gymnastics... Tastes differ, and everybody can choose what he wants! Do you agree?


Задание 1

Ответить на вопросы:

1. What is important in our life today?

2. Why do many people go in for sport?

3. What is one of the most important subject in our schools today?

4. What do many doctors advise us to do to be healthy?

5. What popular kinds of sport do you know?


Задание 2

Соотнесите слова с предложениями.





football ground (or pitch)



free (or penalty) kick






1. What Europeans call "football", Americans call.
2. The instructor of the team is the.
3. When you play in a football team you are a.
4. The games take place on a.
5. The leader of the team is the.
6. The man in the is the goal-keeper.
7. The beginning of the match is the.
8. During the match each team tries to as many goals as possible.
9. When the teams have scored the same number of goals we say it's a.
10. The players of the other team are the.
11. The man who enforces the rules during the game is the.
12. Playing correctly is called play.
13. Unfair moves are called.
14. When a player breaks the rules the other team may get a.
15. A federation of football clubs is called a football.


Thank you for the lesson. All the best, goodbye!

(Благодарю вас за урок. Всего доброго, до свидания!).


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