Инструкция по выполнению работы

Комплект заданий

«Подготовка к устной части ВПР по английскому языку в 7 классе»


Инструкция по выполнению работы

Работа включает в себя 15 заданий.

Ответы к заданиям 1-4, 9-13 записываются в виде последовательности букв. Эту последовательность букв запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы.

Ответы к заданиям 5-8 записываются в виде последовательности цифр. Эту последовательность цифр запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы.

Ответы к заданиям 14-15 записываются в виде слова. Ответ запишите в поле ответа в тексте работы.


№1. Выберите слова и выражения, которые относятся к категории “the place of the action”.

a. at home
b. reading a book
c. in the swimming pool
d. handsome
e. beautiful green eyes
f. at the bus stop


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№2. Выберите слова и выражения, которые относятся к категории “the action”.

a. in the living room
b. eating sandwiches
c. in the park
d. listening to music
e. writing a letter
f. at school


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№3. Выберите слова и выражения, которые относятся к категории “the appearance of the person”.

a. straight black hair
b. at the hospital
c. tall and slim
d. playing the piano
e. with his friends
f. handsome


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№4. Найдите лишнее слово или словосочетание в каждой строчке.

A 1. cold 2. sunny 3. pretty 4. windy

B 1. in the morning 2. at home 3. in the park 4. at school

C 1. reading 2. smiling 3. running 4. boring

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№5. Вставьте вместо каждого пропуска походящий глагол, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишнее.

Ato_____photos B to _____ sport C to _____ souvenirs D to _____ to music E to _____ the piano   1. look 2. take 3. do 4. go 5. listen 6. play 7. choose

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№6. Вставьте вместо каждого пропуска походящее существительное, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишнее.

Atolearn about culture and _____ B to go hiking in the _____ C to spend time _____ D to have a great _____ together E to share the _____   1. pictures 2. time 3. mountains 4. outdoors 5. traditions 6. impressions 7. travelling

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№7. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

  You can see a A_____ girl in this picture. The action is taking place outside. The B_____ is fine. It’s warm and sunny. I guess the girl is going to swim in the C_____. She’s wearing a pink D_____. The girl looks like she is about ten years old. She’s pretty. She’s got beautiful E_____. I like the picture because it makes me think of my little sister.   1. smile 2. pool 3. dress 4. weather 5. sea 6. little 7. swimsuit  


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№8. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

  The picture A_____ a young girl. I guess the action is taken place in the park. In the picture I can see a lot of trees and flowers. The girl is B_____ to music and dancing. She looks happy. I think she C_____ the music, because she’s D_____. The girl is about 20 years old. She’s got green eyes and long dark hair. She is wearing a green T-shirt, jersey and jeans. I like the picture because it’s full of positive E_____and I like listening to music too.     1. emotions 2. likes 3. plays 4. shows 5. listening 6. dancing 7. smiling  


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№9. Выберите предложения, которые Вы бы использовали для описания данной фотографии.


Photo 1

a. The action is taking place at home.

b. The boy is reading a book.

c. There are many books on the table.

d. The action is taking place at school.

e. The boy is doing his homework.

f. He is wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

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№10. Выберите предложения, которые Вы бы использовали для описания данной фотографии.


Photo 2

a. The girl has got short fair hair.

b. I like hamburgers too.

c. She’s at the school canteen.

d. She’s eating unhealthy food.

e. The action is taking place outside.

f. The girl likes ice-cream.

g. She’s wearing a dress.

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№11. Расположите части текста в логическом порядке, чтобы получился связный рассказ.

a Looking at this picture I get the impression that the girl is playing with her dog. She is looking at her pet and waiting for the reaction.

b The photo was (probably) taken inside. In this picture, the action is taking place in the room. I think that we can see a couple of friends.

c I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. It makes me think of my childhood and my pet.

d I’d like to describe picture № 2. The picture shows us a girl and her dog.

e The girl is wearing casual clothes. She looks like she is about 14 years old. I guess she is quiet and kind because she seems to be passionate about the game with her fluffy friend.


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№12. Расположите части текста в логическом порядке, чтобы получился связный рассказ.

a I like the picture because it makes me think of my mum.

b Looking at this picture I get the impression that this lady is cooking something delicious. She is looking at us, showing some details of the cooking process.

c I guess she is quiet and kind because she seems to be passionate about cooking and has a beautiful smile.

d The picture shows us a young woman. The action is taking place in the kitchen.

e The lady is wearing smart casual clothes. She looks like she is about 30 years old.


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№13. Посмотрите на картинку и прочитайте утверждения. Укажите T (true) / F (false) для каждого из них.

A The boys are taking part in the football match.

B They are playing at the large stadium.

C The weather is nice.

D The footballers are wearing uniform. Photo 3

E They don’t know how to play football.


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№14. Прочитайте текст и допишите вместо каждого пропуска подходящее по смыслу слово.

The picture shows us a young man. I think he is in the library

or A _____. The man is choosing a B _____. The man is wearing

casual clothes and looks like he is about 30 years old. I guess he

is C_____ and kind because he has a kind smile. I like the picture Photo 4

because the atmosphere is D_____. It makes me think of my favourite E_____.

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№15. Прочитайте текст и допишите вместо каждого пропуска подходящее по смыслу слово.

We see a young girl in this picture. The action is taking place in

the A_____. The girl is choosing her favorite B_____. The girl is

holding her basket. She is standing in front of the C_____. The girl

is wearing casual clothes. She looks like she is about 30 years old. Photo 5

I guess she is serious and D_____, because she has a beautiful smile.

I like the picture because the atmosphere is E_____. It makes me think of my sister.


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Ссылки на используемые картинки

Photo 1.


Photo 2.


Photo 3.


Photo 4.


Photo 5.





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