respiratory passages – дыхательные пути lungs – легкие respiratory muscles – дыхательные мышцы exchange of gases – газообмен to gain oxygen – получить кислород to get rid of carbon dioxide – избавиться от углекислого газа upper respiratory tract – верхние дыхательные пути lower respiratory tract – нижние дыхательные пути Nose – нос To humidify – увлажнять To warm – согревать To filter – очищать Pharynx (throat) – глотка a passage – путь Larynx – гортань vocal cords – голосовые связки voice box – голосовая коробка to breathe – дышать | to swallow – глотать Trachea (windpipe) – трахея (дыхательное горло) To Enter – попадать gaseous exchange – газообмен air-ways – дыхательные пути Bronchus – бронх Bronchiole - бронхиола Alveolus- альвеола sacs – мешочки elastic fiber – эластичное волокно excretion of carbon dioxide – выделение углекислого газа metabolic break down – нарушение обмена веществ carbohydrate – углевод to eliminate – удалять из организма to loose from the lungs – вывести (очистить) из легких Oxygenation o- насыщение кислородом Oxygen – кислород Alveolar sac – альвеолярный мешочек |
Respiratory syste m is the system of respiratory passages, lungs and respiratory muscles of human body. Respiratory system is responsible for exchange of gases between the human body and the surroundings. In the process of exchange of gases, human body gains oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. Other gases of the atmosphere have no significant role in human respiratory system. Respiratory system is extremely important for human body because the process of respiration cannot be stropped even for a few seconds. If the process of respiration stops even for a minute or two, the condition will become serious and will ultimately end in death.
The respiratory system is divided into two parts: the upper respiratory tract and the lower respiratory tract. The following are the organs of the upper respiratory tract:
► Nose - It is the entrance of the respiratory tract and helps in allowing air to flow in and out. It humidifies, warms, and filters the air that comes in.
► Pharynx (throat) - It is located at the back of the mouth, and connects the mouth to the esophagus. It is a passage for air and food.
► Laryn x - It is present at the top of trachea and contains vocal cords. It is also known as the voice box. It helps in controlling breathing and swallowing.
► Trachea (windpipe) - It is a tube like structure that helps in passing air from larynx to bronchi. It also warms the air and prevents foreign bodies from entering lungs.
The following are the organs o f the Lower Respiratory Tract:
Lungs are the organs of human body where gaseous exchange take place. Human beings have two lungs known as the right and left lungs. Lungs are soft, spongy and very elastic.
Respiratory Passages or air-ways are the conducting portions of human respiratory system. Here no exchange of gases take place, but they guide the air to go to the lungs and not anywhere else in the body. Conducting portion of the human respiratory system consists of: Traches, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveolar sacs and Alveoli.
► Bronchi - These are the airways of the lungs diverging from the trachea. They carry air in and out of the lungs.
► Bronchioles - These are branches of the bronchi that conduct air into the lungs. They perform the same function as the bronchi.
► Alveoli - These are sacs in the lungs and contain elastic fibers. The exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs here.
Functions of Respiratory System:
1. Main function of respiratory system is gaseous exchange. Through respiratory system new air is always brought into the body and used air is expelled out.
2. Respiratory system is the major system for excretion of carbon dioxide from the body. Carbon dioxide is produced as a result of metabolic break down of carbohydrates in body and must be eliminated quickly. Carbon dioxide is brought to the lungs by blood and is lost from the lungs through gaseous exchange with fresh air in lungs.
3. Oxygenation of blood.
Components |
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Functions | Gaseous Exchange, Excretion of carbon dioxide, Oxygenation of blood |