Задание 11. Самостоятельная работа


Text 1. Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for sports and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules imposed by morality and custom that play an important role in telling us what we should and should not do.

However, some rules – those made by the state – are called “laws” and if you break a law – whether you like that law or not – you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.

Why are some rules so special that they are made into laws? Why do we need rules that everyone must obey? In short, what is the aim of law?

If we did not live in a structured society with other people, laws would not be necessary. We would simply do as we please. But ever since individuals began to live in society laws have been the glue that has kept it together. For example, the law in our country states that we must drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people were allowed to choose at random which side of the street to drive on, driving would be dangerous. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.

Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who is the real owner and to make sure that the real owner’s rights are respected.

We need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals’ rights are respected. The legal system should respect individual rights while, at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner. And society should believe in the Rule of Law, which means that the law applies to every person, including members of the police and other public officials, who must carry out their public duties in accordance with the law.

In our society laws are not only designed to govern our conduct: they are also intended to give effect to social policies. For example, some laws provide for benefits when workers are injured on the job. Another goal of the law is fairness. This means that the law should recognize and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality.

However, despite the best intentions, laws are sometimes created so that people later recognize as being unjust or unfair. In a democratic society, laws are not carved in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of society. In a democracy, anyone who feels that a particular law is flawed has the right to seek to change the law by lawful means.


Задание 1. Прочитайте текст 1. Найдите соответствие между английскими терминами и терминологическими сочетаниями и их эквивалентами на русском языке. Обратите внимание: один эквивалент лишний.


Словосочетание Эквивалент
1) custom a) уважать права отдельного человека
2) equality b) отражать изменяющиеся потребности общества
3) in accordance with the law c) иметь разногласия
4) liberty d) верить в верховенство закона
5) morality e) защищать основные права и свободы
6) society f) назначение (цель) права
7) the aim of law g) справедливость
8) to believe in the Rule of Law h) стремиться изменить закон законными средствами
9) to break a law i) охранять нашу собственность и жизнь
10) to have disagreements j) в соответствии с законом
11) to obey rules k) обращаться к закону
12) to pay damages l) решать споры миром
13) to play an important role m) обычай
14) to protect basic individual rights and freedoms n) свобода
15) to reflect the changing needs of society o) подчиняться правилам
16) to resolve disputes peacefully p) равенство
17) to respect individual rights q) общество
18) to safeguard our personal property and our lives r) играть важную роль
19) to seek to change the law by lawful means s) нарушать закон
20) to turn to the law t) мораль
    u) оплачивать убытки

Задание 2. Письменно переведите текст, используя при переводе термины и терминологические сочетания задания 1.

Задание 3. Завершите высказывания в соответствии с содержанием текста.

Например: 0. To adopt is to choose to take up or follow.

0. ______ is to choose to take up or follow.

1. Ever since individuals began to _____ laws have been the glue that has kept it together.

2. Almost everything we do is governed by _____.

3. The rules which are made by the state are called _____.

4. If you break a law you may be forced to _____, to ______, or go to prison.

5. For example, laws against criminal conduct help to ______.

6. Even in a well-ordered society, people ______.

7. The laws provide a way to _____.

8. The legal system should _____.

9. The Rule of Law means that _____.

10. In our society laws are designed to _____, they are also intended to _____ and to guarantee _____.

Задание 4. Составьте высказывания, определив правильный порядок слов.

Например: everyone, apply, laws, to. à 0. Laws apply to everyone.

0. everyone, apply, laws, to.

1. make to follow \ that \ by the people \ a set of rules\ is \ the law \ states.

2. the rights \ the Rule of Law \ of the people \ protects.

3. “the rule of any individual \ the Rule of law \ is better than.” (Aristotle)

4. have \ we \ crimes \ to deal with \ robbery and murder \ laws \ like.

5. who, \ pay a penalty \ people \ break the laws \ the courts and police \ such as \ punish \ by making them.

6. not \ young children \ enforced against \ the law \ is.

7. not \ you \ punished \ will be \ if you \ obey \ do \ rules.

8. not \ is \ the laws \ illegal \ does \ an activity \ if \ it \ follow.

9. not \ understand \ very often \ do \ the difference \ between \ right and wrong \ people.

10. not \ not \ to read them \ do \ where to find \ many people \ know \ the laws of their country\ and \ do \ find it easy.

11. the changing needs \ reflect \ laws \ do \of society?

12. peacefully \ easy \ is \ to resolve disputes \ it?

13. rather often \ we \ why \ have conflicts \ do?

14. turn to \ when \ the law \ people \ do \ usually?

15. the aim \ is \ what \ law \ of?

Задание 5. Предложения, помещенные ниже, поставьте в отрицательную форму и вопросительную (общий и специальный вопросы) форму и дайте ответы на поставленные вопросы.


Предложение: Laws resemble customs.
Отрицательная форма: Laws do not resemblehabits.
Общий вопрос: Do laws resemble habits? – No, laws do not resemble habits.
Специальный вопрос: What do laws resemble? – Laws resemble customs and morality.


1. In society laws govern our conduct only.

2. We always notice the laws.

3. We always do as we please with little regard for others.

4. Laws always reflect the changing needs of society.

5. In a well-ordered society conflicts often arise.

Задание 6. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя речевые модели a) или b).

Речевая модель a): I fully agree with the statement that...
Речевая модель b): I am afraid, I can’t agree with the statement that...
Например: I fully agree with the statement that... 0. We need rules that everyone must obey.


0. We need rules that everyone must obey.

1. Not everything we do is governed by some set of rules.

2. The rules which are made by the state are called “laws”.

3. We live in society that is why we do not need laws.

4. In a well-ordered society conflicts never arise.

5. It is impossible to resolve disputes peacefully.

6. If individual’s rights are respected it means that we live in a safe and peaceful society.

7. Laws should not be applied to every person in the society.

8. The only aim of the law is fairness.

9. Laws are not intended to give effect to social policies

10. Laws are not carved in stone.

Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Все люди должны соблюдать закон.

2. Если вы не соблюдаете законы, вы будете наказаны.

3. «Закон» означает установленные государством правила.

4. Законы существуют для того, чтобы охранять нашу собственность и жизнь.

5. Законы обеспечивают возможность решать споры мирным путем.

6. Кроме того, целью права является защита основных прав и свобод.

7. У людей иногда возникают разногласия, но очень важно решать споры миром.

8. В демократическом обществе законы отражают изменяющиеся потребности общества.

Задание 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What kind of society do we live in?

2. What is the society governed by?

3. What is the difference between laws and rules of morality?

4. Why are laws designed to control our behaviour?

5. What laws provide for benefits for workers who are injured on the job?

6. What is meant under the Rule of law?

7. Why do we need law?


Задание 9. Выберите подходящий заголовок для текста 1.

1. The difference between laws, rules and customs.

2. The aim of law is to guarantee personal freedom.

3. The aim of law.

4. Law and society.

5. Law and state.

6. Society should believe in the Rule of Law.

7. Laws are not carved in stone.

8. Why do we need law?


Задание 10. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста в соответствии со схемой:

1. The article puts forward… (Вопросы, обсуждаемые в тексте)

2. The article discusses some problems relating to... (Начало текста)

3. At the beginning the author points out.... Then the author goes on to the problem.... (Переход к следующим частям текста)

4. The final paragraph states that... (Конец изложения текста)

5. In my opinion... (Оценка материала или проблемы изложенной в тексте)


Задание 11. Самостоятельная работа

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст (A) и выполните полный письменный перевод текста.


(A). Laws are rules made by the state that forbid certain actions and are enforced by the courts. Laws apply to everyone equally. If you break a law, you may have to pay a fine, pay for the damage you have done, or go to jail. Laws also recognize and protect basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality.

Imagine the chaos – and the danger – if there were no laws. The strongest people would be in control and people would live in fear. Drivers could choose which side of the street to drive on and no one could stop them. Imagine trying to hold onto your personal property or even to keep yourself safe if there were no laws against robbery or assault.

Упражнение 2. Подберите подходящий/ие по смыслу ответ/ы из предложенных вариантов.


1. Laws are rules imposed by …

a) the government.

b) morality.

c) the courts.

2. Laws apply to…

a) certain individuals.

b) every member of society.

c) certain states.

3. If you break a law, you …

a) may have to pay a fine

b) may have pay for the damage you have done

c) will be punished.

4. If there were no laws people would …

a) be in control over weaker individuals.

b) live in fear.

c) be deprived of basic individual rights and freedoms.

Упражнение 3. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста (A) в соответствии со схемой задания 10.


Упражнение 4. Прочитайте текст (B) и выполните полный письменный перевод текста.


(B). The law is a set of rules that states make to follow by the people. The courts and police enforce this system of rules and punish people who break the laws, such as by making them pay a fine or other penalty or sending them to jail. To follow the laws of a society is to do legal things. An activity is illegal if it breaks a law or does not follow the laws.

In ancient societies, laws were written by leaders, to set out rules on how people can live, work and do business with each other. Today in most countries, laws are written and voted on by groups of elected politicians in a legislative body of a state, such as a parliament or congress.

Упражнение 5. Подберите подходящий/ие по смыслу ответ/ы из предложенных вариантов.


1. … enforce the system of rules that a state makes to follow by the people.

a) The government;

b) The courts and police;

c) The mass media;

2. … is to do legal things.

a) To believe in the Rule of law;

b) To break a law;

c) To follow the laws of a society;

3. An activity is illegal if it …

a) protects certain basic individual rights and freedoms.

b) breaks a set of rules made by the state or does not follow the laws.

c) obeys rules.

4. Nowadays, in most countries laws are made by …

a) a ruler.

b) a congress.

c) a legislative body.

5. In ancient societies, laws were written by …

a) a ruler.

b) a congress.

c) a legislative body.

Упражнение 6. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста (B) в соответствии со схемой задания 10.


Текст 2. When the world was at a very primitive stage of development there were no laws to regulate life of people. If a man chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband that was their own business and no one interfered officially.

But things never stay the same. The life has constantly been changing. We live in a complicated world. Scientific and social developments increase the tempo of our daily living activities. Now we need rules and regulations which govern our every social move and action. We have made laws of community living.

Though laws are based on the reasonable needs of society we often don’t notice them. If our neighbour plays loud music late at night, we probably try to discuss the matter with him rather than consulting the police, or the courts. When we buy a TV set, or a train ticket or loan money to somebody a legal expert may tell us it represents a contract with legal obligations. But to most of us it is just a ticket that gets us on a train or a TV set to watch.

Only when a neighbour refuses to behave reasonably or when we are injured in a train accident, the money wasn’t repaid, the TV set fails to work and the owner of the shop didn’t return money or replace it, we do start thinking about the legal implications of everyday activities. And you may wish to take legal action to recover your loss.

The law affects nearly every aspect of our lives every day. The rule of law, freedom under the law, democratic principles, and respect for others form the foundations of world’s legal heritage. Every citizen should understand the law, and the ideas and principles behind it. Laws also balance individual rights with our obligations as members of society. For example, when a law gives a person a legal right to drive, it also makes it a duty for a driver to know how to drive and to follow the rules of the road. In the same way, some transactions in modern society are so complex that few of us would risk making them without first seeking legal advice. For example, buying or selling a house, or setting up a business.

On the whole it seems that people all over the world are becoming more and more accustomed to using legal means to regulate their relations with each other.


Задание 12. Прочитайте текст 2. Найдите соответствие между английскими терминологическими словосочетаниями и их эквивалентами на русском языке. Обратите внимание: один эквивалент лишний.


Словосочетание Эквивалент
1) legal action a) законный владелец
2) legal advise b) правовая система
3) legal expert c) консультация юриста
4) legal implications d) средства, предусмотренные законом
5) legal means e) юридическое лицо
6) legal obligations f) правовой кодекс
7) legal owner g) юрист; адвокат
8) legal system h) судебный иск; обращение в суд
9) legal code i) правовые обязательства
    j) правовые последствия

Задание 13. Найдите в тексте термины, соответствующие данным определениям.

Например: 0. To adopt is to choose to take up or follow.

0. ______ is to choose to take up or follow.

1. _____ is the system of rules which a particular state recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.

2. _____ is an instruction that tells you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do.

3. _____ is the people considered collectively, especially in the context of social values and responsibilities.

Задание 14. Письменно переведите текст, используя при переводе терминологические сочетания задания 12.

Задание 15. Завершите высказывания в соответствии с содержанием текста.

Например: 0. The Code of Hammurabi was carved into a great stone pillar.

0. The Code of Hammurabi was carved into a _____.

1. When the world was at a very primitive stage of development there were no _____.

2. But now people have made _____.

3. People often don’t notice _____ though they are based on the _____.

4. In case something goes wrong, people start thinking about the _____ of everyday activities.

5. And sometimes people may wish to _____ to recover their loss.

6. Setting up a business is so complex that few people would risk doing it without first _____.

7. Thus, it seems that people in society are becoming accustomed to _____ to _____ with each other.

Задание 16. Составьте высказывания, определив правильный порядок слов.

Например: everyone, apply, laws, to. à 0. Laws apply to everyone.

0. everyone, apply, laws, to.

1. “a society \ where \ is \ there, be \ there \ law \ must”. (Latin proverb)

2. actions \ that \ laws \ made by \ are \ rules \ certain \ the state \ forbid.

3. govern activities \ laws \ we \ that \ like \ or \ driving a car \ getting a job \ have.

4. in order to \ agree \ to solve disputes \ people \ prevent chaos \ to find the way \ peacefully.

5. a society \ law \ order and predictability \ provides with.

6. you \ the \ is \ legal \ waiting for \ expert.

7. I am not setting up a business now.

8. talking to \ is \ a \ he \ now \ policeman? waiting for \ who \ he \ is?

9. next \ work \ I \ starting \ am \ week.

10. looking forward \ in the office \ all \ we \ to having you\ are. You \ time \ joining us \ at \ interesting \ an \ are.

Задание 17. Предложения, помещенные ниже, поставьте в отрицательную форму и вопросительную (общий и специальный вопросы) форму и дайте ответы на поставленные вопросы.


Предложение: People are becoming more accustomed to using legal means.
Отрицательная форма: People are not becoming more accustomed to simply do as they please.
Общий вопрос: Are people becoming more accustomed to using legal means? – Yes, they are becoming more accustomed to using legal means.
Специальный вопрос: What are people becomingmore accustomed to? – People are becoming more accustomed to using legal means.


1. I am buying a TV set.

2. My neighbour is playing loud music late at night.

3. I am trying to discuss the matter with him.

4. The legal expert is telling me that a ticket represents a contract with legal obligations.

5. I am taking a legal action to recover my loss.

6. My friend is setting up a new business.

7. People in society are becoming more and more accustomed to take legal advice.

8. My neighbours are selling their house.

9. They are discussing the legal implications.

10. He is explaining the difference between customs and laws.

Задание 18. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя речевые модели a) или b).

Речевая модель a): I fully agree with the statement that...
Речевая модель b): I am afraid, I can’t agree with the statement that...
Например: I fully agree with the statement that... 0. we need rules that everyone must obey.


0. We need rules that everyone must obey.

1. We need rules and regulations which govern our community living.

2. As laws are based on the reasonable needs of society we know a lot about legal implications of our daily living activities.

3. We usually think about the legal implications of everyday activities.

4. When we buy a train ticket a legal expert may tell us it represents a contract with legal obligations.

5. In case we are not injured in a train accident we start seeking legal advice.

6. We live in a complicated world that is why we prefer using illegal means to regulate our relations with each other.

7. All of us would risk making transactions without first seeking legal advice.

8. Laws do not balance individual rights with our obligations as members of society.

9. Every citizen should understand the ideas and principles behind the law.

10. The rule of law and respect for others form the foundations of world’s legal heritage.

Задание 19. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Эта сделка очень сложная, поэтому мне нужна консультация юриста.

2. Для того чтобы регулировать отношения в обществе нам нужны правовые средства.

3. Всегда ли люди думают о правовых последствиях своих действий?

4. Мне нужна консультация юриста, потому что я учреждаю новое торговое предприятие.

5. Он не хочет обращаться в суд, потому что думает решить спор мирным путем.

6. В обществе закон определяет права и обязанности граждан.

7. Закон не является застывшим в своем развитии институтом. Вместе с обществом и государством он постоянно изменяется и развивается.


Задание 20. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Were there any laws when the world was at a very primitive stage of development?

2. Why do we need rules and regulations nowadays?

3. Do we always notice laws? Why?

4. When do we start thinking about the legal implications of our everyday activities?

5. In what cases do people seek legal advice?

6. Why do people employ legal experts?

7. What ideas and issues form the foundations of world’s legal heritage?

8. Should every citizen understand the law, and the ideas and principles behind it?

9. What do laws balance?

10. In what way do law and society influence each other?


Задание 21. Выберите подходящий заголовок для текста 2.

1. The difference between laws, rules and customs.

2. The aim of law is to guarantee personal freedom.

3. The aim of law.

4. Law and society.

5. Law and state.

6. Society should believe in the Rule of Law.

7. Laws are not carved in stone.

8. Why do we need law?


Задание 22. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста в соответствии со схемой:

1. The article puts forward… (Вопросы, обсуждаемые в тексте)

2. The article discusses some problems relating to... (Начало текста)

3. At the beginning the author points out.... Then the author goes on to the problem.... (Переход к следующим частям текста)

4. The final paragraph states that... (Конец изложения текста)

5. In my opinion... (Оценка материала или проблемы изложенной в тексте)


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