Задание 23. Самостоятельная работа

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст (A) и выполните полный письменный перевод текста.


(A). The function of law in a society is more or less universal. It acts as a deterrent to control the evil behavior of humans, to maintain discipline and imposes restrictions on some freedom. We live in a chaotic and uncertain world. Without an orderly environment based on and backed by law, the normal activities of life could easily turn into chaos.

Law is a social norm. It provides a society with order and predictability, resolving disputes, protecting individuals and property, providing for the general welfare and protecting individual liberties. Law and the predictability it provides cannot guarantee us a totally safe world, but it can create a climate in which people believe it is worthwhile to produce and to live for tomorrow.

Упражнение 2. Подберите подходящий/ие по смыслу ответ/ы из предложенных вариантов.

1. The function of law in a society is to …

a) act as a deterrent to control the illegal activities of its members;

b) to maintain discipline;

c) to impose restrictions on some liberties.

2. The normal activities of life could easily turn into chaos without …

a) legal experts.

b) legal implications.

c) the system of rules which a particular state recognizes as regulating the actions of its members.

3. Law provides a society with a possibility to

a) resolve disputes peacefully;

b) to protect individuals and their property;

c) to provide for the general well-being.

4. Law provides …

a) a chaotic and uncertain world.

b) an orderly environment.

c) the predictability.


Упражнение 3. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста (A) в соответствии со схемой задания 22.


Упражнение 4. Прочитайте текст (B) и выполните полный письменный перевод текста.


(B). “ Ubi societus, ibi jus ”. This legal proverb means “Where there is a society, there must be law”. Whenever humans form a society, it is not uncommon for disputes to occur and conflicts to arise. Therefore, all members of the society agree to find the way to solve such disputes peacefully in order to prevent chaos that may harm themselves. So they set up many rules and laws which ideally control members in the way the society wants.

Societies today are complex and interacting. Laws should be designed to protect the individual personal and civil rights. Some examples of this are freedom of speech, religion, the press, the right to a fair trail and the freedom from cruel and unusual punishment.


Упражнение 5. Какие ДВА из приведенных ниже утверждений являются верными?

a) It is uncommon for disputes to occur and conflicts to arise.

b) People have agreed to find the way to solve disputes peacefully in order to prevent chaos.

c) People have made laws of community living.

d) All laws ideally control members in the way the society wants.

e) Laws should be designed to protect the system of rules which a particular state recognizes as regulating the actions of its members.

Упражнение 6. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста (B) в соответствии со схемой задания 22.



Текст 3. The aim of (права) is to regulate the conduct of humans in society. The theory of natural law is based on the belief that there is a set of perfect (юридических норм) for human conduct and (законы) devised by men must be induced by these rules.

(Закон) is a term which is used in many different senses. To (юриста) law has a far narrower meaning – the principle recognized and applied by the state in (суде). The state has an important part to play in enforcing law. When (государства) make laws for their citizens, they use the system of courts backed by the power of the police (для того чтобы применять эти законы). Of course, there may be instances where the law is not enforced against someone – such as when young children (совершают преступления). But the general nature of the law is enforced equally against all members of the state.

States have many ways of making sure that citizens (подчиняются закону). They make the public aware of what the law is and try to encourage social support for (правопорядку). They use police forces (расследовать преступления) and catch criminals. They authorize courts to complete the investigation of criminal and (гражданских правонарушений) and to pass sentences to (наказать виновного) and deter others. And they make efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.

All three branches of government usually expect citizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives. However, there are many laws, such as those prohibiting theft, assault and dangerous driving which simply reflect social and moral attitudes to everyday behaviour. In such cases a person knows he (нарушает закон), even if he doesn’t know exactly which law it is.

The laws of all countries are to be found in written records – (правовые кодексы) of countries with continental systems, the statutes and case-judgments of common law countries. Many people do not know where to find these records and do not find it easy to read them. But (незнание законов не освобождает от ответственности).


Задание 24. Прочитайте текст 3. Письменно переведите текст на русский язык, предварительно заменив русские слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами.

Задание 25. Исправьте ошибки в следующих высказываниях. Постройте предложения по модели, используя подсказки в скобках.

Model: Offenders obey laws. (break) → Offenders don’t obey laws. They break them.


1. Law-abiding citizens break laws. (obey)

2. The laws guarantee our happiness. (security)

3. We need police forces which govern rules of community living. (legal means)

4. We need the system of courts only to ensure a safe society in which individuals’ rights are respected. (law)

5. People get accustomed to using unlawfu l means to regulate their relations. (legal)

Задание 26. Предложения, помещенные ниже, поставьте в отрицательную форму и вопросительную (общий и специальный вопросы) форму.


Model: The life has constantly been changing.
Отрицательная форма: The life has not beenconstantlychanging.
Общий вопрос: Has the life beenconstantlychanging?
Специальный вопрос: How hasthe lifebeen changing?


1. Since its appearance the law has been providing a way to resolve disputes peacefully.

2. Since times immemorial states have been using the system of courts backed by the power of law-enforcement bodies.

3. States have been making the members of society aware of what the law is.

4. States have always been expecting citizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives.

5. The states have always been making efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.

Задание 27. Соедините по смыслу части высказываний.


1. The state has an important part to play in … a) also have much in common.
2. Each state has its own … b) how the state is to be governed.
3. The laws of states differ a bit but … c) making and enforcing law.
4. Three branches of government try to see that … d) enforced equally against all members of the state.
5. The general nature of the law is … f) system of law.
    e) the laws do not conflict with one another.

Задание 28. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский.

1. Людям нужны законы, потому что они живут в обществе. В справедливом обществе все люди имеют равные права и обязанности.

2. Некоторые правила общественной жизни превратились в законы, которым должны подчиняться все люди.

3. Одной из целей закона является необходимость гарантировать защиту основных прав и свобод.

4. Использование правовых средств регулирования общественных отношений охраняет нашу собственность и жизнь.

5. Многие люди не знают законов, но незнание законов не освобождает от ответственности.

6. Законы составляют основу правовой системы государства.

7. Обеспечение выполнения законов является основной задачей государства.

Задание 29. Ответьте на вопросы

1. In what different senses is the term “law” used?

2. What do governments do to make sure that citizens obey law?

3. Where can citizens find the laws of their country?

4. What do governments usually expect citizens from their citizens?


Задание 30. Выберите подходящий заголовок для текста 3.

1. The difference between laws, rules and customs.

2. The aim of law is to guarantee personal freedom.

3. The aim of law.

4. Law and society.

5. Law and state.

6. Society should believe in the Rule of Law.

7. Laws are not carved in stone.

8. Why do we need law?


Задание 31. Подготовьте краткий пересказ текста в соответствии со схемой:

1. The article puts forward… (Вопросы, обсуждаемые в тексте)

2. The article discusses some problems relating to... (Начало текста)

3. At the beginning the author points out.... Then the author goes on to the problem.... (Переход к следующим частям текста)

4. The final paragraph states that... (Конец изложения текста)

5. In my opinion... (Оценка материала или проблемы изложенной в тексте)


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