Task 11. Translate the following sentences. Define the tense form of the predicates.

1. Family law shares an interest in certain social issues with other areas of law.

2. One of the issues that has received a substantially increased amount of attention is the problem of violence within the family.

3. The law is concerned with the rights and duties of husband and wife and parent and child.

4. The law will forbid a husband to be married to more than one woman at the same time.

5. The emancipation of women, which occurred in many countries during the latter part of the 19th century and first part of the 20th, had a profound effect upon family law.

6. The case of maintenance of children is being heard now.


Task 12. Rewrite the following sentences using an appropriate passive form so that they sound more formal.

Sample: You have made some kind of a mistake.

Some kind of a mistake has been made by you.

1) The law nowadays regulates family relations through legislation.

2) In Japan some couples don’t register their marriage.

3) The divorce county court dissolved our marriage.

4) Her former husband contributed a lot of money to that independent

5) The respondent deserted the petitioner many years ago.

6) Nowadays the court considers work done in the home as a serious
ground, which gives the right to property.

7) Though the father doesn’t live with them, he always supports the boy.

Task 13. Translate the following into English.

Хотя семья является особым институтом общества, не предпола­гающим грубого вмешательства, современное законодательство мно­гих стран может регулировать семейные отношения. Когда люди собираются создать семью, они редко обращаются за помощью к юристам. Что же касается бракоразводного процесса (судебного раз­бирательства), то в этом случае совет специалиста просто необходим. Согласно законодательству ряда европейских стран истец должен убедить суд в том, что брак окончательно разрушен. Причинами для расторжения брака могут являться супружеская неверность, жесто­кость одного из супругов и т.д. Одной из важнейших проблем явля­ется защита детей разведенных родителей. Необходимо решить вопросы об опеке, о финансовой поддержке со стороны отца, если дети будут жить с матерью. Раздел имущества — самый неприятный воп­рос бракоразводного процесса. Но компетентный юрист поможет разрешить и его. Конечно, сумма капиталовложений в период совме­стного проживания очень важна, но помимо законного права соб­ственности должны учитываться работа женщины по дому, её уход за детьми и даже эмоциональная поддержка мужа.


Task 14. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the functions of the verbs “to be” and “to have”:

1. In the past, family law has been closely connected wit the law of property and succession.

2. Family law has to do with matters of personal status.

3. A family group has a certain internal structure.

4. The family group is in some respects a microcosm of society.

5. The consent of a natural parent (or guardian) is required for an adoption order by a court.

6. The matter of divorce was to be heard on Monday.

7. The modern idea of marriage, which is becoming almost universal, is a voluntary exchange of promises between the man and the woman.


Task 15. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the complex subject and the complex object:

1. A person is considered to have legal capacity to marry at the age of 18.

2. The rules against marrying close relatives are sometimes said to be directed against the dangers of inbreeding.

3. Religion seems to have a strong influence on marriage law.

4. Some systems of expect dependents to receive financial support out of the estate.

5. Parents always want their children to get a good education.

6. Family law is regarded to be concerned with such subjects as adoption, divorce, separation, custody, child care, etc.

7. The child has never seen his parents quarrel.


Task 16. Complete the following sentences using the text:

1. Nowadays law regulates … through legislation.

2. In Britain there are special family courts with … to control and transfer … in the interests of children.

3. The laws place more … upon marriages legally … than social arrangements whereby people live together.

4. In Britain, children born outside … marriages have … to financial support from estranged fathers than legitimate children.

5. In English law, some marriages may be ….

6. Divorce is the … of marriage, otherwise than by ….

7. Divorce proceedings in England take place in ….

8. It is necessary to convince the court that the marriage … without any chance of ….



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