Task 5. Answer the questions.

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык»

Заочное отделение

Text and Tasks on Topic

Our University”

Task 1. Practise the following for pronunciation.


administrative experienced notary

agency facilities police

All-Russian graduates practitioner

authoritative higher prosecutor

Bar international seminar

committee investigative scientific

course-paper jurisprudence staff

court lawyer student

education lecture theory

enforcement legal University


Task 2. Read the text.

Our University

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nick. I study in the Northern branch of the All-Russian State University of Justice. I’m a first-year student of the extra-mural department.

The students of our University get higher legal education in two directions: jurisprudence and law enforcement activities. The University trains specialists for working in courts, public prosecutor’s office, investigative agencies, police, notary’s office, etc. Some of our graduates are called to the Bar.

The Rector of the University is Professor Johnson, Doctor of Law. The teaching staff consists of the authoritative legal scientists and experienced practitioners. We study many interesting legal subjects, such as the Theory of State and Law, Roman Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law, International Law, and others.

During our studies we attend lectures and practical classes, discuss actual problems at the seminars, write course-papers, take part in the students’ scientific conferences, and do practical work at various law enforcement bodies.

The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term the students take tests and examinations.

The students are given all the necessary facilities for studies. The University has a big library, well-equipped laboratories and computer classes. And I’m doing my best to become a good lawyer after graduation from the University.


Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases.


Северный филиал Всероссийского государственного университета юстиции, высшее юридическое образование, студент первого курса, заочное отделение, юриспруденция, правоохранительная деятельность, профессорско-преподавательский состав, правовые дисциплины, теория государства и права, конституционное право, гражданское право, уголовное право, административное право, международное право, лекция, семинар, практическое занятие, курсовая работа, студенческая научная конференция, обсуждать актуальные проблемы, проходить практику, учебный год, семестр, сдавать зачёты и экзамены, хорошо оборудованные лаборатории, выпускники, стать хорошим юристом, суд, прокуратура, коллегия адвокатов, стать адвокатом, следственные органы, нотариальная контора, полиция, правоохранительные органы, авторитетные учёные-юристы, опытные юристы-практики, после окончания Университета.


Task 4. Read the following words and their derivatives.

A) graduate – to graduate – graduation.

B) t o investigate – investigation – investigative - investigator.

C) practice – to practice – practitioner.

D) s cience – scientific – scientist.

E) s pecialist – speciality – specialization – to specialize.

Task 5. Answer the questions.


1. Where does Nick study?

2. Is he a second-year student?

3. In what directions do the students of the University get higher legal education?

4. Where can the graduates from the University work?

5. Does the teaching staff consist of highly qualified specialists?

6. What legal subjects does Nick study?

7. What kind of activities does the curriculum provide?

8. What facilities are the students given?

9. Is Nick doing his best to become a good lawyer?


Task 6. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions from the box.


after at by for from in of on to up


1. Doctors and Candidates ….. Legal Sciences make ….. 90 per cent ….. the University’s teaching staff.

2. It’s interesting ….. me to study ….. the University.

3. My sister is a third-year law student ….. the extra-mural department.

4. Did the Dean ….. the Law Faculty speak ….. the meeting yesterday? – Yes, he did.

5. The course ….. lectures ….. Criminal-procedural Law will be delivered ….. Professor Smith.

6. Where are the students? – They are working ….. the library. They are preparing ….. the seminar ….. Roman law.

7. The curriculum includes practical classes ….. English, Latin, Physical Training, and other subjects.

8. How many exams will the students take ….. the end ….. the first term?

9. Jim has already passed the exam ….. Philosophy.

10. I’m writing the course-paper ….. the Theory ….. State and Law. Associate Professor Wilkes is my scientific supervisor.

11. Who is willing to make a report ….. the student’s scientific conference?

12. The student’s record books are kept ….. the Dean’s office.

13. Is your friend going to specialize ….. Civil law? – I don’t know yet.

14. Last year Peter was admitted ….. the regional Bar.

15. What are you going to do ….. graduation …... the University?



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