Read and translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning and use of the modal verbs and their equivalent forms.

1. You have to present your research ideas in papers and seminars.

2. A PhD thesis must represent a substantial result in a very high standard. 3. You must be tired after your hard work. Have a rest. 4. For research topics in the experimental and theoretical sciences, the laboratory or development phase of the work may require the closest supervision and discussion with the candidate. 5. A thesis must express the candidate’s voice. Any assistance with writing must be conducted as part of the overall learning process. 6. It is important to choose a research method which is within the limits of what the researcher will be able to do. 7. He can’t have finished that job yesterday. 8. He could use different methods to collect the data. 9. All presentation preparations may have been completed last week.

10. The designers are of the opinion that this structure ought to be used in the interests of the speed of construction. 11. These materials might include internal company information, relevant trade publications, newspapers, magazines, annual reports, company literature, on-line data bases, and any other published materials. 12. At the stage of thesis preparation, the candidates will have to be able to express themselves with precision, clarity and conciseness. 13. The thesis should include general discussion of the candidate’s results and findings, and of their significance in relation to the current state of knowledge in the field. 14. They will be allowed to begin work in the lab tomorrow. 15. You should have chosen the different methods to be applied in your research. 16. Since the 1980s, they have been able to buy their own homes very cheaply if they have lived in them for over two years. 17. No matter what form the thesis takes, it has to be presented, in both form and content, as a unified whole and address a significant research question. 18. All theses, whether they contain publications or not, must have a literature review that clearly details the research question, and a general discussion that integrates the work.

17. Use the model verbs must, can, may, should, ought to to complete the sentences. There may be more than one possible answer.

1. It is too far to walk from here to the station. You... take a taxi.

2. Mary got the job because she... speak five languages. 3. The windows are dirty. I... clean them. 4. You... use a dictionary. 5. I like this hotel room. You... see the lake from the window. 6. It is a good film. You... see it. 7. He... take my book. 8. We... go to the bank today. We have no money. 9. When you are driving, you... wear a seat belt. 10. We... see the lake from our window. 11. If you have time, you... visit the museum. It is very interesting. 12.1... come and see you tomorrow. 13. She... use this computer program. 14. Your salary is very low. You... look for another job. 15. Ann is a very interesting person. You... meet her. 16. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It... rain later. 17. Sandra... drive but she hasn’t got a car. 18. Tomorrow the game is very important for us. We... win. 19. Students... bring textbooks into the examination room. 20. It is late and you are very tired. You... go to bed.

18. Refer the following sentences to the past and the future by changing the forms of the modal verbs must (have to/be to), can (could, be able to), may (be allowed to); use them in the negative and interrogative. Translate the sentences into Russian.

A) 1. You must pay attention to new technologies. 2. We must pass the examination in English. 3. You must improve your results first. 4. You must know the theme of the thesis very well. 5. You must join this project to do some real work.

B) 1. You can become a researcher in this area. 2. He can build up general knowledge, experience, and confidence. 3. Jane can continue her studies at the correspondence department. 4. She can get important results. 5. He can capture research opportunities.

C) 1. You may stop work early today. 2. The students may use this library. 3. He may take my pen. 4. John may use my office. 5. You may go home after your lectures.

19. Read and translate the following sentences with the modal verbs expressing degrees of certainty and possibility in the present and in the future: must (наверное, должно быть}., maylmight (вероятно, возможно}, can’t (не может быть}.

1. Colleagues may be appropriate readers and editors of a thesis. 2. You are an architect, aren’t you? That must be an interesting job. 3. When it comes to the point of presenting your dissertation results and discussing them, you may be a little confused how to do this and so many of us are when we first do it. 4. Helen must get very tired in her job. She does the same thing every day. 5. That can’t be John, he is in London. 6. They might have deep insights on similar problems.

20. Read and translate the following sentences with the modal verbs expressing degrees of certainty, possibility or obligation in the past.

1. That report must have focused on postgraduate courses only.

2. Such awards should have been restricted to graduates or academic staff who were well-established in their fields. 3. They can’t have built the house of their own out of the nearest available materials. 4. This technology must have been applied to a newly designed building. 5. He may not have found an advisor sometimes. 6. These experts should have become involved more actively in the design process.

21. Translate the following sentences into English using the modal verbs.

1. Сравнительный, описательный и экспериментальный ме­тоды должны позволить вам достичь цели исследования. 2. Его коллега может помочь ему получить желаемые результаты. 3. Вам придется продолжить это исследование. 4. Ей разрешили воспользоваться этим оборудованием. 5. Вы можете не приме­нять эти научно-исследовательские методы. 6. Он мог заранее подготовить ответы на вопросы. 7. Эти данные, вероятно, требу­ют дальнейшей обработки. 8. Нам приходится много работать. 9. Он сможет установить причинную связь между этими явле­ниями. 10. Она, должно быть, опубликовала две статьи. 11. Мой научный руководитель, возможно, будет возражать против того, чтобы я проводил исследование в этой области. 12. Ему следова­ло подтвердить теоретические положения экспериментальными исследованиями. 13. Ей пришлось решать эту проблему. 14. Вам следует представить данные в количественной форме и обоб­щить результаты исследования.



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