Обороты с неличными формами глагола в английском языке применяются го-1 раздо шире, чем в русском. В русском языке по существу только два оборота:
1) причастные обороты действительного или страдательного залогов в роли опре-1 деления — «человек, читающий книгу», «студент, спрошенный преподавателем»; [
2) деепричастные обороты несовершенного и совершенного видов в роли обстоя- | тельства — «читая книгу» и «прочитав книгу».
В отношении этих двух оборотов имеется полная аналогия и в английском языке, и их перевод обычно не вызывает особых затруднений. Но кроме них в англий- I ском языке имеются еще и обороты причастные с собственным подлежащим 1 в роли обстоятельства, не свойственные русскому языку; герундиальные в функ- 1 ции подлежащего, дополнения, определения и обстоятельства; инфинитивные в функции подлежащего, дополнения и определения (см. § 34—40).
Отсутствие этих последних в русском языке часто затрудняет процесс перевода, I так как переводящий нередко не может опознать их (а опознавание очень важно для последующего перевода) и, даже опознав, не может найти эквивалента для перевода.
Обороты — это эквиваленты придаточных предложений, и если и оборот невозможно перевести на русский язык оборотом же, то его нужно заменить придаточным предложением (см. § 42).
§ 42. Сравнительная таблица употребления оборотов
с неличными формами глагола в английском и русском языках
В английском языке | Эквиваленты в русском языке |
I.Обороты с причастиями | Есть — причастные обороты. |
(Рг. Part., P.P.): | |
а) в функции определения: | |
In the vicinity of the Pole there are animals | В окрестностях полюса есть животные, |
living on the ice. | живущие на льду. |
The soldier wounded in the leg was brought | Солдат, раненный в ногу, был отправлен |
to the hospital. | в госпиталь. |
б) в функции обстоятельства: | Есть — деепричастные обороты. |
Working at this problem, the scientists have | Работая над этой проблемой, ученые сделали |
made interesting discoveries. | интересные открытия. |
Having arrived at the site, they discovered | Прибыв на это место, они обнаружили много |
many fragments of the meteorite. | осколков метеорита. |
Being built in a modern style, the house | Будучи построенным в современном стиле, |
looked very beautiful. | этот дом выглядел очень красивым. |
Having been subjected to all the tests, | Будучи подвергнутым всем испытаниям, |
the machine was accepted. | станок был принят. |
(Но лучше: После того как станок подвергся | |
испытаниям...) | |
Нет — переводится обстоятельственным | |
предложением. | |
The motor being in good order, we could | Так как мотор был в полном порядке, мы смогли |
start at once. | отправиться тотчас же. |
Нет — переводится самостоятельным предложением. | |
The professor spoke of the achievements in | Профессор говорил о достижениях в нашей |
our economy, his lecture being illustrated | экономике, и его лекция иллюстрировалась |
by diagrams. | диаграммами. |
Нет — переводится обстоятельственным | |
придаточным предложением. | |
The professor having finished his lecture, | После того как профессор закончил лекцию, |
we began to discuss it. | мы начали обсуждать ее. |
Нет — переводится обстоятельственным | |
придаточным предложением. | |
It being dark, we could see nothing. | Так как было темно, мы ничего не могли увидеть. |
Нет — переводится обстоятельственным | |
придаточным предложением. | |
There being no tram, we had to walk. | Так как не было трамвая, нам пришлось идти |
пешком. | |
II. Обороты с герундием: | |
а) в функции подлежащего: | Нет — переводится придаточным предложением. |
His being tired after his hard work is quite | То, что он устал после своей тяжелой работы, |
natural. | вполне естественно. |
His having been absent at the meeting | То, что он отсутствовал на собрании, легко |
is easily explained. | объяснимо. |
б) в функции дополнения: | Нет — переводится дополнительным придаточным |
предложением. | |
She knows of my living in Moscow, but she | Она знает, что я живу в Москве, но она не знает, |
does not know of my having lived in London. | что я жил в Лондоне. |
I heard of the bridge being built. | Я слышал, что мост строится. |
I heard of the bridge having been built. | Я слышал, что мост уже построен. |
___________________ Глава 4 ___________________
Материал упражнений представляет собой предложения, извлеченные из текстов научно-технических журналов и газет и наиболее часто вызывающие затруднения при переводе.
Предложения в основном сгруппированы в соответствии с теоретическими положениями и методическими рекомендациями, изложенными в различных параграфах настоящего пособия, что позволяет широко использовать их при выполнении упражнений.
Каждое упражнение содержит конкретное задание, рассчитанное на закрепление навыков практического перевода и теоретических знаний; некоторые синтаксические обороты и слова выделены в упражнениях полужирным шрифтом, с тем чтобы при переводе выполняющие задания смогли не только запомнить их, но и приобрести навыки быстрого опознавания таких оборотов и слов I в тексте.
При выполнении любого упражнения необходимо особое внимание обращать I на предлоги, союзы, наречия, артикли и расстановку в предложениях запятых.
Все предложения рекомендуется анализировать, учитывая формальные призна-I ки, перечисленные в соответствующих разделах пособия.
Основной целью выполнения упражнений является не перевод как таковой, а отработка навыков анализа предложения.
Упражнение 1
Разделите предложение на именные группы и найдите главные члены предложения. Определите роль остальных именных групп
Образец. We attribute / great importance I to the forthcoming conference / to discuss / the use / of photo-emulsions / for experimental purposes / and the further development / of this reliable method / of studying / the microworld.
1. In this paper we point out the connection existing between the atomic weight of elements of a given group and their properties.
! 2. In the city's different industrial enterprises unique turbines and generators are being fashioned for the future power stations.
3. Chlorophyll from the food-plant tinges the blood and shows through the skin.
4. The first of these constitutes a study of the variation of an aqueous solution of the alcohol.
5. With either of these a 10% speed reduction involves a 10% waste of power supplied to the driving shaft.
6. One of the ganglions supplies the general musculature of the segment and the other innervates the muscles of the legs.
В английском языке | Эквиваленты в русском языке | |
в) в функции определения: ■ | Нет — переводится определительным придаточным предложением. | |
We understood the importance of this problem | Мы поняли важность того, чтобы эта проблема | |
being solved practically. | была решена практически. | |
The teacher liked the idea of our speaking only | Преподавателю понравилась мысль, чтобы мы | |
English at our English lessons. | говорили только по-английски на наших | тс |
английских уроках. | ||
г) в функции обстоятельства: | Нет — переводится деепричастием или обстоятельственным придаточным предложением. | ш |
By listening attentively we at last understood | Слушая внимательно, мы наконец поняли всё. | л |
everything. | ||
On arriving at the station they found out that | Прибыв на станцию, они узнали, что поезд уже | П |
the train had started. | ушел. | и |
He left without having seen the director. | Он ушел, не повидав директора. | |
After his having repaired the motor, | После того как он починил мотор, мы отправились. | |
we started. | л с | |
III.Обороты с инфинитивом: | ||
а) в функции подлежащего: | Нет — переводится сложноподчиненным | |
предложением. | ||
The expedition is expected to come soon. | Ожидают, что экспедиция скоро прибудет. | |
The pilot was reported to have started on his | Сообщалось, что летчик отправился в полет утром, в | |
flight in the morning. | ||
б) в функции дополнения: | Нет — переводится дополнительным придаточшм | I |
предложением. | ||
I am very pleased to have given you all the | Я очень доволен, что дал вам всю информацию. | |
information. | I | |
He does not like to be interrupted. | Он не любит, когда его перебивают. | |
We found the plant to contain 5% rubber. | Мы обнаружили, что это растение содержит | |
5% каучука. | с | |
The captain ordered the ship to be unloaded. | Капитан приказал, чтобы судно разгрузили. | |
They wanted the expedition to start on the | Они хотели, чтобы экспедиция отправилась 1 июня. | |
ls( of June. | ||
в) в функции определения: | Нет — переводится определительным придаточньм | |
предложением. | ||
The iron ore to be mined in the district is | Железная руда, которая будет добываться в этом | | |
of the highest quality. | районе, очень высокого качества. | |
The students' notebooks to be corrected | Тетради студентов, которые надо проверить, | |
are here. | находятся здесь. Дом, который будет построен на этой улице, | |
The house to be built in this street is intended | ||
for the workers of this factory. | предназначается для рабочих этой фабрики. | |
The professors to lecture at our institute this | Профессора, которые будут читать лекции | |
year are all great specialists. | в нашем институте в этом году, все большие | |
специалисты. |
7. With the construction of the new generating stations the power supply to distant ^ places is now quite possible. (
8. The past few years witness a considerable extension in the technique for tbl I preparation of fossil plant remains, л
9. Hundreds of fine buildings grace the city today in the vicinity of Moscow Prospect ma
10. The summer-fruiting varieties of strawberry grown in the open in Britain generally initiate flower trusses in late summer and autumn.
11. The effective value indicates the actual available amount of energy applied to the CO] circuit.
12. In order to carry out the term by term calculation of the lattice energies the qU crystal structures are required.
13. A pound offeree means one equal to the force required to lift the mass of a pouin m against the downward pull of gravity.
14. Our fundamental postulate really amounts to a definition. s i
15. No wonder that the discovery of the incommensurable stirred the Greek! philosophers and mathematicians, and that it has retained even today its provocative, pi effect on thoughtful mind.
16. Each ordinary plane intersects the plane at infinity in its line at infinity. ti
17. A mass of moving matter carries kinetic energy with it, but it exerts no force,! until it encounters resistance. v
18. Charged particles of matter moving through the rarefied atmosphere constitute! an electric current. £
19. These two actresses now co-star in a new film.
20. The instability factors for D-arabinose favour the 1 С form.
21. Treatment with the phage causes rapid dissociation of pure S type ВтсеЩ affording R type and a wide range of intermediate types. '
22. The alpha ray track apparatus offers a beautiful and convincing proof of thB nuclear theory of the atom.
23. Assume a tie line joining a solid phase D with the solution A in equilibrium witM the solid.
24. Read the problem several times until you understand exactly what is given an™ what is to be found.
25. Choose one of the numbers whose values are to be found and write the statement! that x equals that number.
26. If there are other unknown numbers in problem, write out the value of each ofl these other unknowns in terms of x.
27. Check your results by testing whether they satisfy the conditions of the problem. J
28. A stable material and industrial bases in combination with planned economy) create the favourable conditions for the further development of the civil air fleet.
29. These results mainly offer confirmation of earlier work by other authors.
30. These differences probably condition the tropism of the virus towards the first or [ the second part of the antigen complex.
Упражнение 2
Определите сказуемые и определения,
выраженные 3-й формой глагола, и переведите предложения
1. The high temperature and other processes used in preparing tobacco for manufacture usually eliminate all insect life in the leaf tobacco
2. The radiation losses so provided for generally range from 1 to 3%.
3. The bacteria extracted with the alcohol-ether mixture and with chloroform contained 61% of protein.
4. The fractions obtained from these bacteria cells were investigated also by quantitative precipitation.
5. Another machine in the same line also constructed by the company is the three-way multiple drill shown in Fig. 12.
6. Carrier currents superimposed on the protected line at frequencies of 80 to 500 kc/
I s formed the channel of communication.
I 7. The studies extend the scope of existing work, and the electron micrographs | presented are the first ones in world literature relating to anti-Brucella phage.
8. Highly efficient new machines installed last year help to mechanize the screwing of I tubings.
9. Data collected included height of each variety at maturity and grain yield of each I variety.
10. The summer-fruiting varieties of strawberry grown in the open in Britain
I generally initiate flower trusses in late summer and autumn.
11. The difference in plant height between means of lines derived by the pedigree and bulk method was small and nonsignificant.
12. Four plants randomly selected were measured in each plot and averaged for that plot's height at maturity.
13. The reaction can be pushed to completion if the organic ester formed is more volatile and can be fractioned out of the system.
14. During the years 1957—1959 the first generations from barley seeds treated with various doses of X-ray and thermal neutrons were studied in field conditions at the Experimental Base of Rumanian Institute of Agricultural Research.
15. In the appalling situation revealed by the Press Commission the progressive movement desperately needs voices independent of the Press lords.
16. A snipe caught in the Russian Far East was found to have a ring on its leg, which had been put on in Denmark.
17. Microscopic examination of pollen samples by the method outlined by
Pittenberg and Frolic indicated ample supply of full-bodied, viable pollen grains to
assure successful pollination.
Упражнение 3
Найдите сказуемые в пассивном залоге и переведите предложения Образец. 1. The preparation obtained was referred to as a protein polysaccharide simplex (E9).
В русском языке предложное управление группой слов менее распространено, чем в английском. Однако приведенный пример позволяет показать, по каким признакам надо делить предложение на именные группы в английском языке, в котором преобладает предложное управление, а помимо предлогов имеются артикли и заменяющие артикль части речи. Все эти слова служат формальными признаками начала именной группы.
Таким образом, в родном языке деление на речевые такты и понимание синтаксических связей между словами осуществляется бессознательно, читающий воспринимает содержание, не обращая внимания на форму. В иностранном же языке трудно сразу ухватить содержание читаемого, к пониманию его надо подходить через форму. Поэтому деление английского предложения на смысловые именные группы позволяет установить синтаксические связи между словами и принадлежность слов к определенной части речи, что облегчает возможность установить значение слова по словарю. Помимо этого оно помогает выработке навыка правильного чтения с делением на речевые такты по тем же формальным признакам, ибо техника чтения тесно связана с техникой перевода. Перевод английского предложения следует начинать с выделения именных смысловых групп, которые начинаются чаще всего со служебного слова — предлога, артикля или заменяющих артикль частей речи: а) притяжательных местоимений my, his, her, its, our, your, their; б) указательных местоимений this, these, that, those; в) неопределенных местоимений any, some, each, every; г) отрицательного местоимения по; д) количественных числительных one, two, three, four и т. д.
При этом надо помнить, что указательные местоимения могут употребляться в предложении и самостоятельно, без последующего существительного в роли подлежащего или дополнения: если указательное местоимение является подлежащим, то непосредственно за ним следует сказуемое; если же оно является дополнением, то стоит непосредственно после сказуемого.
Конец такой группы обычно находится:
1) перед служебными словами, начинающими новую именную группу;
2) перед сказуемым, которое может быть выражено только личной формой глагола, т. е. всеми временами действительного и страдательного залогов (см. приложение 4), а также модальными глаголами must, can, may, should, would;
3) перед личными местоимениями в именительном падеже I, he, she, it, we, you,they;
4) перед причастием с окончанием на -ing (настоящего времени) и причастием прошедшего времени (3-я форма глагола), если эти причастия не стоят в рамке между служебным словом и существительным;
5) перед союзами (сочинительными и подчинительными);
6) перед инфинитивом с частицей to.
Именная группа может часто оканчиваться существительным во множественном числе; в этом случае формальным признаком для установления конца ее является окончание множественного числа существительных -s или -es.
Последнее слово в группе, начинающейся с предлога, артикля или его заместителя, — всегда главное и обычно является существительным (редко местоимением),
2. Rate of growth and final plant height were affected by temperature and photoperiodic effects.
3. Now that methods have been devised for purifying viruses, much has been learna of their chemical nature.
4. A number of environmental factors have been cited by various workers as сопя ributing to shedding of reproductive organs in different crops.
5. If shedding of reproductive parts could be prevented or decreased, yield of там crop plants might be increased.
6. The electrons were thought of as adhering very well to these locations although capable of a certain amount of movement or vibration.
7. The results are examined in the light of existing lower frequency data.
8. To distinguish between the two, the former will be referred to as scanning mixture! and latter as reference mixture.
9. A large portion of the applied voltage is used in attempting to force current through a reactor, and this is spoken of in terms of the voltage drop across such device*
10. Geordie Black, the colliers' leader, is offered 100 000 guineas if he will give! a guarantee that he will get the miners to return to work on the employers' terms. Bub Geordie will not be bought.
11. This positive particle was given the name of the proton.
12. It is obvious at once that isotopes could be accounted for by an increase ol decrease in the number of both protons and electrons so that the excess of protons, and hence the charge on the nucleus, remained the same.
13. A mouse, which has been fed radioactive sugar, might be used in such an experiment!
14. Day after day, experiments with tagged atoms from nuclear reactors are being made at research laboratories and hospitals.
15. A report on methods for the determination of DDT in insecticide residues and inl animal products has been published recently; several methods are now being subjected! to collaborative testing by federal and state chemists.
16. Though the specificity of the test in determining the in situ localization has been! criticized by some schools, the weaknesses of such criticisms have at the same time been) pointed out.
17. Recently, theories have been developed where the method has been extended tol the use of a central spherical force field with superimposition of a weak angular-1 dependent force field.
18. The factory starts producing industrial kinds of porcelain, such as fireproof materials, and an experimental department was set up for the production of optic glass.
19. The fraction thus obtained was termed the polysaccharide from simplex (E]0).
Упражнение 4
Найдите препозитивные определения к существительному
и переведите предложения
1. Air medical service stations function in every regional centre of the Russian! Federation.
A large-scale capital construction programme is annually carried out in field of agriculture in our country.
3. Crystal frequency stability is a final factor determined by ambient temperature variation.
4. Twenty-four twelve-week old Laghorn cockerils were divided into four equal groups for the trial.
5. The effect of manganese sulfate solution temperature on absorption of manganese was very marked.
6. Minor element deficiency symptoms have been noted most frequently in the coastal areas of the U.S.
7. Harvest of wheat in the humid soft red winter wheat area in the Eastern U.S. is frequently delayed by rains.
8. Resistance in an alternating current power circuit of low frequency is always considered.
9. He was of the-look-before-you-leap, the think-before-you-speak sort.
10. They said they believed there could be some connection between behind-the-scene moves and the decision of the executive council.
11. The results are examined in the light of existing lower frequency data
12. To determine by analytical method how the degree-grouped conductors affect the conductor surface voltage gradients is the aim of this article.
Упражнение 5
Найдите однородные члены предложения, ориентируясь на запятые, сочинительные союзы и одинаковые окончания. Переведите предложения
Образец. 1. This unseen electrical force can be generated at one point, conducted to another and converted into power, heat, or light, by means of suitable equipment.
2. In the base a conductivity cell monitors the output and indicates when quality falls below 2.5 conductivity units.
3. James Clerk-Maxwell's contributions to the Kinetic theory of gases, the theory of heat, dynamics and the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism are imperishable monuments to his great genius and wonderful insight into the mysteries of nature.
4. It is known that Benjamin Franklin explained the charged Leyden jar, established the identity of lightning and the electric spark, invented an electric machine, introduced the lightning rod as a protection against lightning. He was also distinguished as a statesman, diplomatist and scientist.
[ 5. Samples of pods containing peas were stripped of their residue in a similar manner, and the peas, shelled by hand from duplicate samples, were dried, ground, and then extracted to remove the residue for analysis.
6. Beans, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, peas, potatoes, tomatoes and turnips grown in field plots were treated with dusts or sprays containing 3 to 10% of DDT in amounts ranging from sufficient to an excess over that required to give practical control of the insects affecting this crops in Maryland.
Seed yield, maturity, plant height and lodging resistance were the princiB characters considered in phenotypic selection.
8. Proper timing of the spray application with respect to air temperature temperature, and relative humidity of the atmosphere is required.
9. Important factors affecting utilization by the crop are available soil moistun level of available soil nitrogen, and the adequacy of other nutrients.
10. No significant differences in plant height, lodging index, bacterial blight react ionl per cent of oil and of protein in the seed, and iodine number of the oil were foudi between the means of the lines developed by the bulk and pedigree methods.
11. Mechanisms of cation absorption by plants, tissue culture techniques Я studying ionic relationships in growth medium and plants, and up-to-date discussion of the functional role of potassium in plants and various aspects of potassium deficiency are discussed in the opening chapters of this book.
12. The enterprises under construction include a brick factory, concrete mixing and the management building.
13. Mr. Marples and his friends denationalized long-distance road haulage, encoural ged the transfer of profitable goods traffic away from the railways, prevented the development of a unified and efficient transport system and thus added to the losses.
Упражнение 6
Определите функции глаголов should, would, to be, to have
и переведите предложения
1. The latter still requires that the weight per cent of two of the components in the solution phase should be determined, however, and thus may be of limited use where analyses presents difficulty.
2. The dispute should be solved by negotiations.
3. Mendeleyev boldly left blanks in his table predicted that eventually the missin» element would de found and prophesied from his table what the characteristics of thei elements would be.
4. Prof. Roentgen found that the rays would pass right through solid substances.
5. Once more it should be emphasized that in some ways our concept of geometrical! construction seems artificial.
6. If this were true, then any segment would be commensurable with the unit.
7. The limits on the number and magnitude of the positive and negative roots give™ by Descartes' Rule should be used, whenever possible, to limit the trial number.
8. An error of less than 1% Pin the planned speed would have nullified all the calculations: the rocket would not have followed its intended trajectory as so often! happened with American rockets.
9. The astronomers also said that they would now study the chemical composition ofl the gases emitted and they would determine the physical condition under which the eruption had taken place.
10. International radio laws prescribe that the International Morse Code is to bel
used for radiotelegraph work.
11. The magnitude of the task, which has to be tackled, should not be underestimated.
12. The electrons composing the cathode stream exhibited negative electric charges land therefore were rightly to be taken as units of negative electricity.
13. Read the problem several times until you understand exactly what is given and what is to be found.
14. Human life in space was governed by unknown laws, which had to be studied.
15. The jack-screw is really a modified form of inclined plane, for if we were to cut a
of paper into a wedge shape and wind it around a cylinder, its edge would follow
the same helix as that of a screw thread.
16. The Vostok ship was ready for launching with a man aboard and it had to be decided who would be the first to go up into space.
17. What had been accomplished by Yuri Gagarin had to be developed and advanced.
18. For the accomplishment of those scientific tasks it was necessary that the rocket should pass near the moon's surface.
19. Mr. Goidber, a Britain's representative, has to pretend that the Tories want an agreement to ban tests at the very moment when they are about to carry out a nuclear lest in Nevada
Упражнение 7
Определите функции и значения слов,
выделенных полужирным шрифтом, и переведите предложения
1. An identical equation, or identity, is one that is true for all values of the letter Involved in it for which both sides of the equation have a meaning.
2. Here the force that is required is not altered but its direction is changed for one I more convenient.
3. These two examples illustrate the two purposes, which a so-called machine may serve.
4. But there is another side of it: the more one knows, the fuller and more interesting life becomes.
5. One can hardly believe that only a short while ago the monsoons, the terrible tropical rains, were ranging there for more than 3 months.
6. A heavy piston works in the larger cylinder, while in the smaller one the piston is moved up and down as a force pump.
7. It is evident that the more complete the field data, the more accurate will be the representation of the structure.
I 8. In applying the method it should be borne in mind that the value of three constants must be determined: that of the ion in question and that of the reference ion both at the Bme of standardization and at the time of analysis.
9. If molecules and atoms are so small, one might ask why the scientist feels so certain
of their existence.
10. One must clearly understand that the question is not whether any algebraic
■quation of degree n possessed solution.
11. There is no difference between the two and the relations are direct and follow the
proportion as stated in Ohm's law.
12. Sir W. Crookes, president of the Royal Society of Great Britain, invented! a vacuum pump that was superior to that used by Geissler.
13. Soon all the scientists in the world began to test for X-rays and found that thefl tubes, like the one used by Roentgen, had been giving off X-rays all the time.
14. At the same temperature t for the mixture is lower than that of the pure li indicating an influence of dioxan, differing from that on water and alcohol.
15. For example, configurations in which similarly charged ions approach each other! closely are bound not to carry as much weight in the integral of Eq. (2.1) as those ml which oppositely charged ions are close.
16. It should be noted that in the solubility data determined with equation (I) there is| an added uncertainty to that in the direct determination for Л for the scanning mixtures.!
17. It is of interest to compare the results of the present method with those obtainable! for system (I) using chemical analyses, the determination of chloride as AgCl.
18. Number of stomata seen in the ranges of the microscope image equaled, on! average, 8 on the lower surface of a normal leaf and 12 on that of a leaf having originate from an ovary.
19. The history of civilization discloses few greater contrasts than that furnished byl the difference in view point of the 19-th century physicists and their successors in the 20-th century.
20. Maintaining one of the electrodes at a different electronic pressure than the! other will mean that the charges on the two electrodes will always be different. The one! having the lower pressure will have the plus charge and a positive potential.
Упражнение 8
Разделите сложные предложения на простые, определяя главные! члены в каждом предложении, найдите главное предложение. Установите функции и значения слов, выделенных полужирным шрифтом. Переведите предложения
Образец. 1. For nitrates and other salts of polyatomic anions // that have love melting points // it is claimed // that spectral evidence supports the general theory! // that the melting mechanisms of these crystals include the formation of association! complexes as well as the more usual increase of positional disorder and randomization off non-spherical ions.
2. Since the numerous attempts of generative hybridization of diverse species of! lupine has resulted in failure, it occurred to the author to check whether it would not be I possible to take the indirect pathway of vegetative grafting.
3. It may be doubted whether sudden and considerable deviations of structure such! as we occasionally see in our domestic productions, more especially with plants, are! permanently propagated in a state of nature.
4. The reaction that occurs in a circuit when variation of current takes place may bet interpreted by simple expressions.
5. In considering the ignition-points calculated by the use of arbitrary values of у it is | found that the addition of argon or hydrogen to electrolytic gas raises the temperature
6. %t only a few days after we have been on the brink of nuclear war the Englislj Government takes a step which can only hinder any moves to relax tension.
7. What is needed is the abolition of the whole grisly nuclear set-up, as the sooner! we get rid of all the U.S. bases in Britain and renounce nuclear weapons altogether Л better for this country's security.
Упражнение 9
Найдите бессоюзные придаточные предложения, определите
их функции, найдите главное предложение и переведите
Образец. 1. То determine by analytical method // the degree grouped conductors! affect the conductor surface voltage gradients // is the aim of this article.
2. One day Prof. Roentgen happened to cover one of the tubes with some black stuffl in preparation for an experiment he had planned.
3. The number of electrons each shell is capable of holding was arrived at fioral a number of considerations, chiefly the arrangement of the elements in the period» table of Mendeleyev.
4. The best example we have of uniformly accelerated motion is that of a falling body,! such as a stone or an apple.
5. Such engines are rated according to the amount of energy they can deliver in a given length of time.
6. The direction the force of gravity acts in at any point is very nearly toward the! earth's center.
7. The rapidity gases diffuse with may be illustrated by allowing illuminating gas tern escape into a room, or exposing ammonia in an open dish.
8. Not all the atoms you hold in your hand weigh the same amount.
9. If they were, their protection would be less; and should the mimic exceed its model in numbers, the former would be more subject to attack than the latter.
10. This trick should be treated with the content it deserves.
11. They declare that the system they are protesting about was imported from thel United States.
Упражнение 10
Ориентируясь на запятые, установите, что является главным в сложном предложении, и что — второстепенным. Переведите предложения
Образец. 1. The results obtained seem to indicate that, contrary to the reaction! between, e.g., the phages of the Г series and the E coli В cells, in the model examined by I us, quite different absorption principles seem to prevail at first sight.
2. Such a situation occurs when PnEl, after destroying the antigen Vi, attains deeper cell layers and the infection process continues normally.
3. Ehreniberg shows that, in Sweden, giant and dwarf strains of barley were obtain as well as six-rowed strains, as mutants of the two-rowed barley.
4. Likewise, early erect barley strains were obtained, having a high power of assimilation and using, to great advantage, fertilizers, thus considerably exceeding the yield of ■the initial varieties.
5. In plants, as in animals, there is, as we have already seen, a characteristic method of ■^production: the fusing cells, like the organs which produce them, are so widely efferent from each other that we may then speak of sexual differentiation and of the utilization of a female by a male cell, in harmony with the conditions existing in the ■rger animals.
I 6. These results indicate that a solution containing between 2 and 7 ml of N Hydrochloric acid and 10 ml of the bromate-bromide-thiosulphate solution in 110 ml Hll, after boiling for one minute, react alkaline to methyl red and acid to phenyl red and, ■according to the table given by Kolthoff, have a PH between 6.0 and 7.0.
I 7. Likewise, many high-yielding forms were obtained, as well as early ones, resistant •diseases and to lodging.
I Упражнение 11 Определите функции причастий и причастных оборотов и переведите предложения
11. When the alternating voltage is impressed upon a closed circuit, current begins to
■ flow, starting at a zero value and gradually increasing in strength until a maximum
Hue is reached, after which moment there is a gradual decrease of the current strength
Back to zero
I 2. The core itself becomes a magnet, setting up its own lines of force.
13. Perrin, the French physicist, proved that these particles followed the same law Waving been worked out for the behaviour of mixtures of gases, thus establishing ■tcellent evidence for believing that gases were composed of molecules.
14. In expressing a velocity the unit of time must be given as well as the number I denoting the velocity.
I 5. The collar thus serves as a valve, allowing the air to flow one way, but not the other.
■ The compressed air is forced through the tube forming the piston rod, and the check
Halve in the tire inlet prevents its return.
6. Likewise, early erect barley strains were obtained, having a high power of assimila-
I lion and using fertilizers, thus considerably exceeding the yield of the initial varieties.
7. When we compare the chemical properties of silicon and carbon we notice that
I these two elements are very similar to each other having feebly developed non-metallic
I 8. Now having familiarized with quite a number of elements and their compounds, we be able to understand how the separate groups of elements may be arranged into a system.
9. Important factors affecting utilization by the crop are available soil moisture, the
■fevel of available soil nitrogen and the adequacy of other nutrients.
10. All the vegetables grown in field plots were treated with dusts or sprays
^Baining 3 to 10% of DDT in amounts ranging from sufficient to an excess over that
«quired to give practical control of the insects affecting these crops.
11. The safety valve for steam boiler should have a relieving capacity at least as grea» as the evaporative capacity of the boiler when operating at maximum capacity.
12. Considering the mean for the three groups of lambs, the alfalfa pasture produced! the highest average daily gain.
13. The patterns given by I and II, while exhibiting a great deal of line superposition, are distinctly different, with II giving rise to several non-superimposed inner lines Щ well, as other fainter reflections.
14. All these substances originate in nature as a result of the chemical processesl going on in the earth's crust.
15. It is reasonable to expect that clones possessing the variability here noted will! be altered in relative performance, being grown under the environmental conditions ofl different geographical locations.
16. Number of stomata seen in the ranges of the microscope image equaled 8 on thel lower surface of a normal leaf and 12 on that of a leaf having originated from an ovar»
17. At the same temperature t for the mixture is lower than that of the pure liquid! indicating an influence of dioxan, differing from that on water and alcohol.
Упражнение 12
Найдите причастные обороты с их подлежащими
и переведите предложения
Образец. 1. The furnace was placed in position, the rest of train then being! assembled in the ordinary way.
2. The prepared sodium fluoride was then packed into the tube to a length of 120 mm, I the remaining space in the tube up to the joint being packed with silver wool.
3. The petiole being simulated by the tails of the wings, the form, size and color of thel leaf are accurately reproduced.
4. An auxiliary furnace was constructed from a piece of 2-inch diameter aluminum I rod, a centre hole being bored for the sodium fluoride tube.
5. Aluminum melts readily and in the molten state it is very little subject to oxidation, the film of oxide protecting it from being oxidized.
6. Air is a standard basic unit (I), and other materials are compared to it, the average! for iron reaching about 2000.
7. These cathode rays exerted force as could be proved by placing a little paddle wheel in their path inside the tube, the rays causing the little wheel to revolve.
8. We push the magnet up to the loop, this motion being opposed by the magnetic field of the induced current in the loop.
9. The ability of a bacteria cell to undergo transformation is called competence of this cell. Hotchkiss proved that in a synchronized bacterial population this competence has a cyclic character, its maxima being noted after half of the interval between two consecutive divisions of the cells has elapsed.
10. Yuri Gagarin's flight revealed many mysteries, the main thing among them being
that man can live and work in space.
Упражнение 13
Определите функции герундия и герундиальных оборотов
и переведите предложения
1. Before preparing the mixtures a crude preliminary study of the solubility curves was made by adding water to known mixtures of the two salts, with stirring, until the solid phase had been reduced to a few small crystals.
2. While such a state of the system is consistent with its being binary, it is obviously metastable relative to the equilibrium system.
3. An ion might be a single atom or a group of atoms, but it is always differed from an I atom in the ordinary state in that it showed evidence of being electrified.
4. The theory of Arrhenius has now become one of the foundations of modern physics I and chemistry after having been combined with Mendeleyev's chemical theory of
5. The ancients had dreamed of taking one chemical element and turning it into I another.
6. Gas bubbles, which may form in the solution and result in high readings, can be I eliminated by avoiding any delay in reading and by pouring the solution back and forth.
7. The author mentioned his having tested this particular material for strength with I entirely satisfactory results.
8. A village correspondent criticized the Ministry of Culture and the editorial offices I of the republican newspapers for their not paying sufficient attention to remote I districts.
9. By aiming at the centre of the tumor and adjusting the amount of radiation, rays I can be made to pass through healthy tissue without doing serious injury and still reach I a deep-seated cancer.
Упражнение 14
Определите, какие обороты герундиальные и какие причастные,
установите их функции и переведите
1. When dealing with a geometrical construction one must never forget that the I problem is not of drawing figures in practice with a certain degree of accuracy, but I whether the solution can be found theoretically, supposing our instruments to have I perfect precision.
2. These functions were proved to be useful in many problems, the purpose of the ■ present paper being to give more direct ways of calculating them.
3. The electrons, instead of being grouped in geometrical configuration, are all in 1 motion, revolving about the nucleus.
4. Freeing the ships that have been frozen into the ice is a very difficult job, involving I a great deal of physical effort.
1 5. When using a selentine or mica film of constant retardation generally serving this purpose, great difficulties might occur in distinguishing the increase and decrease of the I interference colours.
а слова, которые стоят в рамке между служебным словом и последним (существительным), — определением к нему.
Выделив именные группы, необходимо найти сказуемое, которое может быть выражено личными формами глагола, т. е. всеми временами действительного и страдательного залогов, а также модальными глаголами с последующим инфинитивом.
Рассмотрим ряд примеров деления простого предложения на смысловые группы по указанным формальным признакам (вертикальная черта обозначает границу между концом одной группы и началом следующей).
1. A second important advantage / of frequency division systems / is / the greater j
number / of possible channels.
В этом предложении первая именная группа начинается с артикля а, конец ее — перед предлогом of, с которого начинается вторая именная группа, конец которой перед глаголом; после глагола начинается третья именная группа с артикля the, а конец ее — перед предлогом of, с которого начинается четвертая именная группа. Во всех этих именных группах последнее слово — существительное, а все, что стоит в рамке между артиклем или предлогом и последним словом (существительным), является определением к нему.
2. The liner / has / four / turbo-prop engines / with an aggregate capacity / of 16,000 h. p. (horse power). Началом второй именной группы в данном предложении является числительное.
3. In the second half/ of this year / the airliner / will be put / into service / on the inner Russian routes.
Сказуемое — сложная личная глагольная форма.
4. The application / of new analytical methods / and the development / of new ty
pes / of optical and electronic instruments / is receiving / our attention / as well.
В этом предложении начало шестой именной группы — перед притяжательным местоимением, а третьей — перед союзом.
5. Starting / with barrels / of crude / moving / on flatboats / steered / by long poles /
the industry / has developed / a highly specialized type / of steel tank barge / equipped /
with its own pumps / and with an average capacity / of about 1,500 tons.
В этом предложении конец второй именной группы — перед инговой формой, третьей — перед 3-й формой (Past Participle) глагола; 3-я форма глагола, входящая в шестую группу, стоит в рамке между артиклем и существительным, поэтому не образует отдельной группы, являясь определением к существительному.
6. Even / with such capacities / barge equipment / in the mid-continent area / is
unable / to meet / the steadily increasing demand / for long hauls / from the Gulf ports /
up the Mississippi.
В данном предложении встречаются следующие особенности деления на группы: конец первой именной группы — существительное во множественном числе; в четвертой группе инговая форма стоит в рамке между артиклем и существительным, поэтому она не выделятся, являясь определением к существительному.
7. In granite / we / may distinguish / the transparent grains / of quartz / of irregular
6. Not only the technique has been successfull employed for an investigation ofl enzyme distribution, but at the same time the preparations yielded such a brillianfl precipitation as to be comparable with the crispness of a stained tissue, thus serving th«purpose of staining.
7. It is only natural that having set themselves such difficult tasks as that ofl developing their national economics in all the spheres, these countries need assistance I from industrially developed states.
8. Two different approaches to this pressing problem have become evident in the lass few years. Pretending to be anxious to help the under-developed countries, the Western powers are in fact concerning only about getting profits for themselves.