A g ency, poi sed, g uar d, e x t er nal, s afe ty, ind u stry, reven ue, s u pport, implica ti ons, pr i or i ties, con cer ning, l a b or, imp a ct, kn owledg ea ble, tr ea ties, conven ti ons, c ou nt er parts, n eigh boring, impr o ve, enf or cement, m a n ua l, c ar g o, patr o lling, stre tches, r ank ing, offi ci als, underm i ned, te ch nology, st a ti c, imper a t i ves, gl o bal i zed, ch allen g es, exc eption, M i nistry, F i n a nce, a ccou ntable, c ir c u mstances, au tonomy, d ue, non co mpl i ant, sm ugg l er s, de c entral i zed, h ea dquarters, r eg ional, pro c e dure s, o v er see, ju risdiction, pro ce ssing, rel eas ing, thu s, f or m u la, s ui ted.
2. Form adverbs by adding the suffix –ly to the adjectives below. Mind the pronunciation of the suffixes in the adverbs (drop the bold-typed letter “ a” in the cluster -ally). Follow the model.
Model: traditional – tradition(a)lly
Historic a l – …, nation a l – …, internation a l – …, potenti a l – …, profession a l – …, ration a l – …, gener a l – …, region a l – …, loc a l – …, organization a l – ….
Translate the following expressions into Russian.
The nation’s guard; border implications of national priorities; counterparts in other countries; to improve operations or enforcement; inspecting cargo, vessels, and passengers; patrolling long stretches of border; higher ranking government officials; poorly educated, trained, and compensated; professionalism and integrity in customs; public and private sector organizations; to address new challenges; to match the constantly changing customs environment; the Ministry of Finance; the mission assigned to customs by the government; to deal with noncompliant traders and smugglers; operational policy and procedures; the level of verification; to find the organizational formula best suited for their particular circumstances.
Find English equivalents in the text.
Уникальная (особая) организация; правительственные учреждения; отечественная промышленность; национальные обязательства; внешние угрозы; государственные доходы; потенциальное влияние; договоры и соглашения (конвенции); соседние страны; обмениваться информацией; ручной труд; пункты въезда; профессиональная рабочая сила; выполнить свою миссию; ответственный за кадровую политику; юрисдикция; проверка деклараций и таможенная очистка товаров.
Match pairs of antonyms.
External, domestic, unclear, neighboring, emerging, general, obeying, poorly, static, private, international, manual, noncompliant, far-away, exception, obvious, internal, particular, mechanized, well, dynamic, public, disappearing, rule.
Paraphrase the underlined parts in the following sentences.
1. … customs organizations relate more closely with their counterparts in other countries …
2. They frequently look to customs administrations internationally …
3. … its staff was often poorly educated, trained, and compensated.
4. This arrangement undermined professionalism and integrity in customs.
5. The imperatives of a globalized economy on customs have become clear.
6. … customs organizations are fully accountable to the Ministry for their operations and results.
7. … a decision could be reached rationally given the unique administrative structure and economic circumstances of the country …
7. Translate the following contexts into Russian paying attention to different meanings of the word given.
· a givenname; · within a given period; · under the given conditions; · not often givento anger; · humangivens; · level of knowledge on any given subject. | · They gathered at a given time. · I am sensible with money, given that I don’t earn that much. · Giventhe complexity of the task, they were able to do a good job. |
Fill in appropriate prepositions.
1. It poses a major threat … the country’s security.
2. They are aware … the difficulties.
3. The countries were poising … the brink … war.
4. I have an ethical and a moral obligation … my client.
5. Customs administrations cooperate … their foreign partners … many ways.
6. The measures have had a significant impact … the regional offices.
7. They regularly exchange information … crime, including noncompliant traders and smugglers.
8. It is well suited … the purpose.
9. Public officials must be accountable … their actions.
10. The government agencies are fully responsible … the revenue.
11. Managers assign large sums … money... travel budgets.
12. Are you sure this deal is … the level?
Choose a correct form of negation. Explain the grammar rule. Translate the sentences into English. Think of some situations to illustrate their meanings.
1. No/not compromise!
2. That’s no/not a bad idea.
3. No/not a chance!
4. No/not a hope!
5. No/not comment!
6. No/not a bit of it!
7. It's no/not big deal.