Learn the types of music

I. CLASSICAL MUSIC. There is a tendency to use classical music with particular reference to the music of the past, up to and including the 19* century. However, the term also includes music being written now, and we may speak of modern classical music. Classical here refers to genre, not period.

II. LIGHT CLASSICAL is used of short classical works which are easy to listen to, either because the composer's aim was simply to entertain.

Ш. SERIOUS MUSIC. It is sometimes used as a synonym of classical music. Serious music is a wider concept than classical music. It includes classical music, folk music and jazz.

IV. LIGHT MUSIC. It includes light classical music, popular tunes and songs
from different sources, both traditional and new, dance music, film music and so on.

V. JAZZ. Popular music first played by Negro groups in the Southern USA in the
early 20'h,century characterized by improvisation and strong rhythms, called traditional
jazz; similar music played by large bands for dancing, a later variation much influenced
by the blues to produce an unhurried emotive style called modern jazz.

VI. POP MUSIC is modern music of an uncomplicated character, played mainly
on electric guitars and drums often with a singer.

VII. DANCE M USIC is music used for dancing including jazz and pop music.

VIII. BACKGROUND MUSIC is any music played softly as a background for
conversation, etc. Some people put on records as background music when friends come to
see them and such music is increasingly heard in public places in Britain: hotel foyers,
airports, supermarkets, etc.

IX. CHAMBER MUSIC is orchestral, written for a chamber orchestra, but the
category also includes works for smaller groups of instrumentalists or vocalists or soloist.



1, The topical vocabulary.

CONCERT. Concert-goer, symphony, promenade concert, pop concert, jazz conceit,


CONCERT PROGRAMMES AND REPERTOIRES. Work, item, number, piece. TYPES OF MUSIC. Classical music, modern classical music, light classical music serious music, light music, folk music, jazz (traditional jazz), pop music, dance music, film music, background music, instrumental music, vocal music, orchestral music, chamber music.

CLASSICAL WORKS. Symphony (in 4.movements), ouverture, suite, sonata.

VOCAL WORKS. Song, madrigal, aria'.'

CHORAL WORKS. Cantata, oratorio, requiem.

PERFORMERS AND INSTRUMENTS. Orchestra, symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, light orchestra, jazz orchestra, string orchestra, variety orchestra, band, group (a folk\ pop group)

A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The strings, a violin, a viola, a cello, a violonist, a viola-player, a cellist, a double-bass (player).

THE WOODWINDS A flute, a clarinet, an oboe, a bassoon, a flautist, a clarinettist, an oboist, a bassoon player.

THE BRASS A trumpet, a trombone, a French-horn, a trumpeter, a trombonist, a French-horn player.

THE PERCUSSION. Drums, cymbals.'

CONDUCTOR, resident conductor, visiting conductor, leader (first violin)

SINGERS AND CHOIRS. Choir, chorus, sopranos, contraltos, tenors, basses, to sing in parts, to sing out of tune, to sing in unison.

COMMON MUSICAL TERMS. Note, sheet music, to read music. To have an ear for music, tune, melody.

VOICE. Chest, hoarse, low, round, sweet.

DANCE, polka, tango, twist, waltz.


A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The strings, a violin, a viola, a cello, a violonist, a viola-player, a cellist, a double-bass (player).

THE WOODWINDS A flute, a clarinet, an oboe, a bassoon, a flautist, a clarinettist, an oboist, a bassoon player.

THE BRASS A trumpet, a trombone, a French-horn, a trumpeter, a trombonist, a French-horn player.

THE PERCUSSION. Drums, cymbals.'

CONDUCTOR, resident conductor, visiting conductor, leader (first violin)

SINGERS AND CHOIRS. Choir, chorus, sopranos, contraltos, tenors, basses, to sing in parts, to sing out of tune, to sing in unison.

COMMON MUSICAL TERMS. Note, sheet music, to read music. To have an ear for music, tune, melody.

VOICE. Chest, hoarse, low, round, sweet.

DANCE, polka, tango, twist, waltz.





2. Names of notes


Russian do ре ми фи соль ля си
English С D ■ E F С А В


3. Leai'li the possible arrangement of instruments in symphony orchestra.



Basses Tenors Tenors Basses
Sopranos Altos
Percussion Brass
.Woodwind Brass
■ 1 Violins 2"" Violins Violas Double basses; Cellos






promenade - концерт во время которого публика может свободно гулять по залу suite-сюита '
concert - концерт sonata - соната
pop-concert - концерт поп музыки VOCAL WORKS
jazz-concert - концерт джазовом музыки song - песня
recital - СОЛЬНЫЙ концерт madrigal - мадригал
work - произведение CHORAL WORKS "
item - номер ' cantata — кантата
number - номер oratorio - оратория
piece -музыкальное произведение requiem - реквием
classical music - классическая музыка PERFORMENTS AND INSTRUMENTS
modern classical music - современная классическая музыка orchestra - оркестр
light classical music -легкая классическая symphony orchestra -
музыка сим фон и ч ески й ор кестр
serious music - серьезная музыка chamber orchestra - камерный оркестр
light music-легкая музыка jazz orchestra - джазовый оркестр
folk music - народная музыка string orchestra - струнный оркестр
jazz-джаз variety orchestra - эстрадный оркестр
pop music - поп музыка band - оркестр
dance music-танцевальная музыка group - группа
film music - музыка для кино ■ SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA
background music - музыкальное сопровождение strings - струнные
instrumental music - инструментальная музыка violin - скрипка
vocal music - вокальная музыка viola - альт
orchestra music - оркестровая музыка cello - виолончель
chamber music - камерная музыка violonist-скрипач •
i viola-player — альтист
  cellist — виолончелист
  double-bass — контрабас


A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The strings, a violin, a viola, a cello, a violonist, a viola-player, a cellist, a double-bass (player).

THE WOODWINDS A flute, a clarinet, an oboe, a bassoon, a flautist, a clarinettist, an oboist, a bassoon player.

THE BRASS A trumpet, a trombone, a French-horn, a trumpeter, a trombonist, a French-horn player.

THE PERCUSSION. Drums, cymbals.'

CONDUCTOR, resident conductor, visiting conductor, leader (first violin)

SINGERS AND CHOIRS. Choir, chorus, sopranos, contraltos, tenors, basses, to sing in parts, to sing out of tune, to sing in unison.

COMMON MUSICAL TERMS. Note, sheet music, to read music. To have an ear for music, tune, melody.

VOICE. Chest, hoarse, low, round, sweet.

DANCE, polka, tango, twist, waltz.



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