Pedagogical diagnostics in the course of profile training

The term "diagnosis" (from the Greek. Diagnostikos - a way to identify, recognize)has long been well known in medicine and psychology.However, the concept of “pedagogical diagnostics” (PD) was proposed by K. Ingenkamp only in 1968."Educational Diagnosis" – a relatively young science, and is applied in the world education practice for not more than five years. In KZ in the education system initial experience is gained, but teachers lack practical knowledge for the full application of all possibilities of "PD." Leading ideas and basic principles of PD can be successful. The term "PD" is connected with the name of the Hermann Rorschach. In 1921,he published his treatise entitled "Psychodiagnostik": diagnostic test for intelligence. Since then began the history of the development of psychological diagnosis. The fact that today "educational diagnostics" has become an important part of the teacher's professional activity, the German scientist Karlheinz Ingenkamp plays important role here, which in 1968 put forward the idea of using the concept of "PD" in education. The author has developed scientific criteria on which the teacher can, with the help of questionnaires, to observe, to oversee the activities of students and process the results to accumulate information about the dynamics of students, which is the basis for identifying the causes(success or gaps)and forecasting prospects for the development process of training and education. Application of the PD ideas is of great importance in the development of a designing culture of personality by means of computer technology and the effectiveness of pupils’(students’) activity.


№ 12 1.Professional teaching in USA. /.Профессиональное обучение в США. Teaching is a diverse profession that involves working with students to help them obtain certain knowledge or master specific tasks. Every state requires that public school teachers be licensed by completing education requirements and passing examinations. A bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement for licensure. Elementary teachers hold bachelor's degrees in education, while high school teachers have degrees in a subject area. Special education teachers may major in special education or in a content area with a minor in special education. In some states, teachers must go on to earn master's degrees after obtaining licensure. Usually the state department of education, or a state certification board, issues certificates which permit teachers to be employed within the state. Because of the decentralization of school control in the USA teachers are employed by local districts rather than by the national government. The teacher-training institutions have not been able to provide sufficient numbers of fully trained teachers to replace those retiring and dropping out of the profession and at the same time to meet the requirements for new classes each year. The problem of recruiting and supply of teachers remains a serious one. In general the problem of shortage of teachers has not been met by lowering certification standards.

2.The analysis of foreign experience./ Анализ зарубежного опыта Education reforms occur now in the majority of the developed countries of the world. Thus the special place in them is allocated for a problem of profile differentiation of training. In the majority of the countries of Europe (France, Holland, Scotland, England, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, etc.) all studying till 6th year of training at the main comprehensive school formally receive identical preparation. By 7th year of training the pupil has to be defined in a choice of the further way. Two options of continuation of education at the main school are offered each pupil: "academic" which opens further a way to the higher education and "professional" in which are trained by the simplified curriculum containing mainly applied and profile disciplines. Thus many scientists-teachers of the European countries consider inexpedient an early profiling (at the main school).

3.The organization of profile preparation. / Организация профильной подготовки The term "profile" is derived from the French “profil” and Italian “profile”, which means "shape" and is used in different fields - architecture, engineering, surveying, etc. Despite the ambiguity of understanding the term in recent years, it is widely used in teaching. Profile - a set of internal, homogeneous, constant on the content of the elementary structural units of human activities that define the requirements for general and professional training, and it is becoming common to a group of occupations (Ryagin, 2003) At the present stage there is a need to move to the 12-year secondary education with the introduction of profile education in Kazakhstan. In the conception of Education Development of Kazakhstan till 2015 – a concrete action plan with a series of measures aimed at the convergence of the national high school with the objectives of the Bologna process, its mechanisms, tools, instruments, is noted: "In case of lack of profiling in upper secondary education graduates remain untapped in labor market "(Kazakhstan Teacher, 2010). The organization of profile education is supposed by social - human, natural - scientific, technological and other directions focused on pre-professional training of senior school children. Within these directions, taking into consideration the needs of students and regions, capabilities and features of educational institutions, there is possibility of inner-profile specialization. For this reason, there have been experiments to test a new educational model of 12 - year school, searching ways to improve the structure and content of secondary education in the country during last years, opening evening and part-time special school for young people who wish to combine study with work is planned.


№13-25 1. The Concept of development of an education system Education is fundamental to development and growth.Because growth,development, and poverty reduction depend on the knowledge and skills that people acquire, not the number of years that they sit in a classroom, we must transform our call to action from Education for All to Learning for all. Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Growth, development, and poverty reduction depend on the knowledge and skills that people acquire, not the number of years that they sit in a classroom, we must transform our call to action from Education for all to Learning for all.First, foundational skills acquired early in childhood make possible a lifetime of learning. The science of brain development shows that learning needs to be encouraged early and often, both inside and outside of the formal schooling system. Adolescence is also a period of high potential for learning, but many teenagers leave school at this point, lured by the prospect of a job, the need to help their families, or turned away by the cost of schooling. For those who drop out too early, second-chance and nonformal learning opportunities are essential to ensure that all youth can acquire skills for the labor market.

2. Reforming of system of the general secondary education of RK The education system in Kazakhstan is overseen by the Ministry of Education and administered at the local level. The period known as lower secondary or basic school in Kazakhstan is similar to middle or junior high school education in other countries like the United States. Primary education lasts for four years, preceded by one year of preschool education. Secondary education consists of three main educational phases: primary education (forms or grades 1-4), basic general education (forms 5-9) and senior level education (forms 10-11 or 12 in some schools) divided into continued general education and professional education. Transition to 12-year school system is emphasized in the State program of development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 years as one of priority directions of development of all system of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is one of key elements of changes of all educational sphere of our country which allows to rise Kazakhstani education into qualitative new level with other real changes. Adv: -teaching respect for national culture, tolerance, an openness in relation to other cultural sources; - making profile of teaching at level of the general secondary education; -early studying of informational technologies and foreign language;

3. The use of the individual curriculum at profile training. An Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP) is used to record curriculum decisions for students who are taught and assessed in a higher or lower year level. An ICP is required for students on a highly individualised curriculum. It may also include students: – with learning difficulties – identified with a disability in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act – who are gifted and talented. An ICP can apply to a single learning area, or to the whole curriculum. An ICP is not required when evidence indicates that a student needs to revisit a particular strand, or particular concepts and skills from a different year level. Revisiting an earlier year level to develop particular aspects of the learning area is done with focused or intensive teaching in collaboration with available support personnel. Difficulties with reading are not the primary reason for providing curriculum at an earlier year level. Difficulty with reading tasks will be evident in all learning areas. The documentation of plans relates to the particular curriculum and teaching provided to the student. To cater for the learning needs of all students, schools use a continuum of support which provides differentiated teaching for all students, focused teaching for identified students, and intensive teaching for a small number of students.


№14.1 Stages of an experimental study. The following five phases outline a simple and effective strategy for conducting effective research:Stages of an experimental study are divided into 5 phases: I. The conceptual phase. The activities include thinking, rethinking, theorising, making decision, and reviewing ideas with colleagues, research partners or mentors/supervisors. In this phase are created content and structure of the planned research. II. Phase of construction of research design. The aim of this phase of research is to prepare general plan of real research. This phase includes: 1) Identification of variables; 2) Construction of operational definitions for variables; 3) Selection of design for data analysis; b)Selection of research methods. III. Empiric phase. In many studies empirical phase is the most time-consuming part of the investigation. It is composed of the following activities: To do all activities related to gaining scientific results, to sort them, and to evaluate them IV.Analytic phase: It is time to systematically organize the data so that it can be interpreted and analyzed by researcher. V. Disseminative phase. It means process when results of the research are presented or published as:– final research report from research project; – lectures and/or posters at the congresses and conferences; – papers in journals;– using the result in clinical practice.

2 Process of an experimental study. The experimental design process: Step 1: Identify the research problem. The problem selected should be important to the field and be of significance to others in the discipline. Step 2: Conduct a literature search. It is helpful to know what studies have been performed, the designs, the instruments used, the procedures and the findings. Step 3: Construct a hypothesis. In this step, the researcher states the research question as a hypothesis. For exam: Does technology improve student learning? Step 4: Determine the design of the research. The researcher should review the hypothesis and verify that an experimental design is the appropriate research design needed to answer the question. Step 5: Determine the research methods. This includes identifying the test subjects, materials, data collection instruments and methods, and the procedures for the conducting the experiment. Step 6: Conduct the research and test the hypothesis. The experimental procedures will be carried out in this phase. Step 7: Analyze the data. Experimental research data lends itself to a variety of potential statistical analyses Step 8: Formulate conclusions.

3 Conclusion of an experimental study. A conclusion of experimental study contains a description of the purpose of the experiment, a discussion of your major findings, an explanation of your findings, and recommendations for further study. The main issues that need to be revisited in your paper are; research question, hypothesis, main goals and objectives; methods usedresults/findings. The conclusion in order to be meaningful, the results obtained from data analysis require interpretation. Interpretation reports to the researcher's act of drawing conclusions and making sense of the results. As part of the process he/she asks him-/herself these questions:• what does the result imply?• what did we actually learn from the data?• what do the findings mean for others? What is the value of the study for them?• what recommendation can we make for further research? (Brink et al., 2006). Briefly summarize the overall conclusion of the data analysis based on the purpose of the study. Also explain the importance of the major finding to educational practice.An example conclusion is given below: T his study provided evidence that primary school teachers need additional professional development to improve their beliefs about literacy development so they can be more effective literacy instructors. Only competent, well trained teachers will help Nigerian children develop a high level of literacy that is necessary for being effective in today's world.

№15.1 Teaching materials: experimental teaching materials. It is necessary to think about the effectiveness of use of teaching materials related to experimental work in the classroom. For achieving the learning objectives in its planning it is important the use of experimental teaching materials. By teaching materials we mean the materials which the teacher can use to help pupils learn a foreign language through visual or audio perception. They must be capable of contributing to the achievement of the practical, cultural, and educational aims of learning a foreign language. The following teaching materials are in use nowadays: teacher's books, pupil's books, visual materials, audio materials, and audio-visual materials. A teacher's book must be must be comprehensive enough to be a help to the teacher. Student's book must include textbooks, manuals, supplementary readers,dictionaries, programmed materials. Use of teaching materials makes the material presented in the cognitive structure of students and fit to achieve meaningful learning. Through the use of vision aids learning can be faster, more efficient, more consistent.

.2 Sample designs of experimental teaching materials. The research problem having been formulated in clear cutters, the researcher will be required to prepare a research design, i.e., he will have to state the conceptual structure within which research would be conducted. The preparation of such a design facilitates research to be as efficient as possible yielding maximal information. In other words, the function of research design is to provide for the collection of relevant evidence with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. But how all these can be achieved depends mainly on the research purpose. Research purposes may be grouped into four categories, viz., (i) Exploration, (ii) Description, (iii) Diagnosis, and (iv) Experimentation. A flexible research design which provides opportunity for considering many different aspects of a problem is considered appropriate if the purpose of the research study is that of exploration. But when the purpose happens to be an accurate description of a situation or of an association between variables, the suitable design will be one that minimises bias and maximises the reliability of the data collected and analysed.

3 Experimental procedure. Experimental procedure describe the steps that you followed in your experiment. It should have step-by-step directions for conducting the experiment. Step 1: Identify the research problem. The problem selected should be important to the field and be of significance to others in the discipline. Step 2: Conduct a literature search. It is helpful to know what studies have been performed, the designs, the instruments used, the procedures and the findings. Step 3: Construct a hypothesis. In this step, the researcher states the research question as a hypothesis. For exam: Does technology improve student learning? Step 4: Determine the design of the research. The researcher should review the hypothesis and verify that an experimental design is the appropriate research design needed to answer the question. Step 5: Determine the research methods. This includes identifying the test subjects, materials, data collection instruments and methods, and the procedures for the conducting the experiment. Step 6: Conduct the research and test the hypothesis. The experimental procedures will be carried out in this phase. Step 7: Analyze the data. Experimental research data lends itself to a variety of potential statistical analyses. The appropriate analysis is determined by the research question and the type of data. Step 8: Formulate conclusions.

№ 16 1.Professional teaching in a foreign language The purpose of teaching language for specific purposes shall be to achieve the level sufficient for its practical use in the future professional activity. Professionally-oriented training provides professional focus not only on educational content, but also the activities of developing professional skills. Modern graduate is expected not just to be able to read and translate professional texts, but also use foreign language in various fields of communication. Thus, the objectives of the study were to: -summarize first-hand and faculty members’ professional experience in teaching foreign language; - carry out explicit content analysis of the scientific papers on teaching methods of foreign language for specific purposes; - cover the main tendencies in exposing pressing issues of teaching and to emphasize the breakthroughs in the given field of expertise.

2. Interests of students on profile-oriented learning Interest is both increased attention, effort, and affect toward a particular object or topic and an enduring predisposition to reengage over time. Interest is often thought of as a process that contributes to learning and achievement. That is, being interested in a topic is a mental resource that enhances learning, which then leads to better performance and achievement. Well-designed student interest surveys provide valuable information from students that teachers use to:-establish and maintain positive relationships,-inform instruction in response to their students' individual needs and preferences.

3.Profile-oriented learning in modern society POL a foreign language now recognized as a priority in the renewal of education. By POL refers learning based on the needs of students in learning a foreign language, dictated by the characteristics of their future profession or specialty.It involves a combination of mastering professional-oriented foreign language with the development of personal qualities of students, knowledge of the culture of the country of the studied language and the acquisition of specific skills, based on the professional and linguistic knowledge.POL a foreign language in not language high schools includes components such as learning a foreign language as a means of mastering the profession and as a means of professional communication. Speaking about the need to learn foreign languages ​​in secondary vocational education, it is important to convey to students the idea that ignorance of foreign languages, as well as the inability to use them - important reason for the lag in science and technology. In addition, foreign language becomes an instrument of self-education of the future specialist, which greatly increases his professional chances. Foreign languagebecomes a kind of key to professional success of modern specialist.

№ 17 1.The main form of profile oriented learning as means of differentiation According to the Concept of profile education, "POL - the means of differentiation and an individualization of learning allowing to consider more fully due to changes in structure, the contents and the organization of educational process interests, tendencies and abilities of pupils, to create conditions for learning of seniors according to their professional interests and intentions concerning education continuation".

2.The main form of profile oriented learning as means an individualization POL as means of differentiation and an individualization of training allowing due to changes in structure, the contents and the organization of educational process interests, tendencies and abilities of pupils are more fully considered, to create conditions for learning of seniors according to their professional interests and intentions concerning to continue education. The profile university is an institutional form of realization of this purpose. It is the main form, however other forms of the organization of PL, including, removing implementation of the corresponding educational standards and programs for walls of separate educational institution in some cases can become perspective. POL is directed on realization of the personal focused educational process. Thus possibilities of forming by the pupil of an individual educational trajectory significantly extend.

3.Profile oriented learning the system of the general education Foreign language - not only mandatory element of training specialist, it is a factor in the overall cultural development of the individual. In front of teachers of foreign languages there is a task: to prepare in the short term a specialist fluent in a foreign language. In this case, the teaching must meet the requirements of the curriculum in a minimum number of hours in the current curriculum.The content of learning a foreign language should be professional and communicative orientation. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose of teaching a foreign language student - non-linguists. Students' interest in the subject will increase, when they clearly understand the prospects of using the knowledge gained, when these knowledge and skills in the future will be able to increase their chances of success in any activity. The essence of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching lies in its integration with subspecialties in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally significant qualities of the person.



№ 18 1.Professional teaching is the effective remedy of differentiation and an individualization POL as means of differentiation and an individualization of training allowing due to changes in structure, the contents and the organization of educational process interests, tendencies and abilities of pupils are more fully considered, to create conditions for learning of seniors according to their professional interests and intentions concerning to continue education. The profile university is an institutional form of realization of this purpose. It is the main form, however other forms of the organization of PL, including, removing implementation of the corresponding educational standards and programs for walls of separate educational institution in some cases can become perspective. POL is directed on realization of the personal focused educational process. Thus possibilities of forming by the pupil of an individual educational trajectory significantly extend.

2.Profile oriented learning the system of the general education Foreign language - not only mandatory element of training specialist, it is a factor in the overall cultural development of the individual. In front of teachers of foreign languages there is a task: to prepare in the short term a specialist fluent in a foreign language. In this case, the teaching must meet the requirements of the curriculum in a minimum number of hours in the current curriculum.The content of learning a foreign language should be professional and communicative orientation. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose of teaching a foreign language student - non-linguists. Students' interest in the subject will increase, when they clearly understand the prospects of using the knowledge gained, when these knowledge and skills in the future will be able to increase their chances of success in any activity. The essence of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching lies in its integration with subspecialties in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally significant qualities of the person.


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