complete the sentences. Make up short situations.

TEXT A. Travelling in our life.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for their pleasure.

Before planning their travelling people would like to know as much information as possible concerning the choice of the most acceptable means of travel, the way of booking tickets, the boarding & arrival formalities, the customs regulations, the reservation & checking in\out formalities at a hotel, the useful phrases when asking the way not to be lost & making a call to be understood, the most popular places to be entertained & what not.





1. spell, translate and transcribe the words below:

modern, impossible, thousands, either, business, pleasure, concerning, choice, acceptable, means, ticket, board, arrive, formality, customs, regulation, reservation, check, useful, phrase, entertain.


2. Read Text A and answer the question:

“what would people like to know before planning their traveling?”


3. translate into English:

хотелось бы знать; заказывать, брать билет (ж\д и т.д.); посадка; прибытие; таможенные правила; бронирование; амер. регистрироваться, записываться; амер. освободить номер в гостинице; позвонить; развлекаться; (по)теряться; и т.д.



Transport, conveyances or vehicles.

People can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. It means that people can use air-liners (planes), helicopters, trains, boat trains, any vessels (ships\liners, steamers, barges, hovercrafts, cargo-ships, sailing ships, ice-breakers, rowing boats & yachts or even canoes, kayaks, rafts & ferry-boats), cars & coaches, double decker buses, motorcycles, bicycles (cycles) or even lorries, mopeds, scooters, land-rovers, jeeps, sledges, carts & cableways.

Speed & comfort are the main advantages of trains & planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means/ animal means of conveyance are also possible among travelers: horses & donkeys, deer & dogs, camels & elephants & even ostriches, or kangaroos. Ricksha(w)s are among the exotic means of conveyance.




1. spell & transcribe the words below:

advantage – преимущество

means, pl. – средства

conveyance – перевозка, транспортировка; pl. перевозочные средства

vehicle - перевозочное средство

helicopter – вертолёт

vessel – судно, корабль

boat – лодка, шлюпка, судно, корабль

boat train – поезд, согласованный с пароходным расписанием

yacht – яхта

canoe – каноэ, челнок, байдарка

barge – баржа

hovercraft – транспортное средство на воздушной подушке

kayak – каяк (эскимосская лодка)

raft – плот

ferry-boat – паром

coach – автобус (междугороднего сообщения); пассажирский вагон

double-decker bus – двухэтажный автобус

motorcycle – мотоцикл

bicycle (cycle) – велосипед

moped – мопед

scooter – мотороллер; скутер

lorry (am. truck) – грузовик

land-rover – вездеход

jeep – джип

sledge (am. sled) – санки

cart – телега

cableway – канатная дорога; фуникулёр

donkey – осёл

deer – олень

camel – верблюд

elephant – слон

ostrich – страус


2. read Text B and answer the questions:

1. What are the main means of conveyance \ travel?

2. What purposes are they intended for?

3. What do you think about their advantages and disadvantages?


complete the sentences. Make up short situations.


a. I’d like to travel by …, because ….

b. If I were a traveler, I would visit ….

c. I prefer travelling by … to ….

d. If I imagine myself in …, I can use … as a means of ….

e. If I’m in …, I’ll be able to ….

f. It’s possible to …, being in ….

g. I’ve got a dream to see … in ….

h. in my opinion, only in this country you can use … as an animal means of conveyance.

i. there’s nothing like ….

j. I don’t know anything more exciting than ….

k. I see nothing exciting in ….

l. I don’t quite see what people find in …

For ideas:

Africa, India, Australia, Canada, America, North (South) Pole, Alaska, Eastern countries (Japan, China, Malasia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey etc.), Arabian countries (Syrea, Saudi Arabia, etc.), Italia, etc.

Amason, Missisipi, Volga, Yenissei, Baikal, Michigan, etc.

Caucasus, Tibet, Elbrus, Everest, Mont Blank, etc.

impenetrable thickens (dense forest) – дебри

jungle –джунгли

mountains – горы

mountainous area – горная местность

prarie – прерия, степь

desert – пустыня




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