Teenage Clothes and Fashion


How important is it for you to be attractive? Although everyone wants to be good-looking, do you think beautiful people are always happy? I don’t think so. For example, it must be a problem to be a very beautiful woman, because some men may be more interested in looking at this woman than talking to her. They think of her like a picture rather than a person. Some people think that very pretty women and handsome men are stupid, as a rule. These people are thought to be only interested in their appearance.

Some people believe that only unattractive people can be clever. But surely no one wants to be really ugly; and no one wants to be plain either — that is to have rather simple face that can be easily forgotten. Being attractive can help you find happiness, but it does not always make you happy. So maybe the best thing is not to worry about your appearance. It is more important to try to be an interesting personality. Because interesting people are always attractive.


1. What is friendship?

2. Why is it important to have friends?

3. What do you usually do when you meet with your friends?

4. Who is your best friend and what can you tell about him/her?

5. Have you got many friends?

6. What common interests do you have with your friends?

7. Are common interests important for friends?

8. Do you have friends among your classmates?

9. What qualities should a good friend have?

10. What qualities should a good friend have?


acquaintance associate classmate colleague companion co-worker friend/pal/buddy partner pen friend rival roommate знакомый товарищ одноклассник коллега компаньон коллега друг партнёр друг по переписке враг, противник сосед/соседка по комнате

Module – 2 – Food & Shopping

My Everyday Meals

I usually have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. Because I don’t often have an opportunity to have a dinner when I’m at school.

My meals are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper or tea. My breakfast is a full meal and I have it at 7 o’clock. It is usually bacon and eggs. Afterwards come sandwiches with butter and cheese or sausages, or sometimes jam. Then I drink tea or coffee.

I have lunch at about 12 o’clock. It starts with fruit juice. Then I have a vegetable salad and sandwiches again or pies with tea. Dinner is at three or four o’clock. For dinner I have soup or borsch for starter, and meat or fish with a lot of vegetables for main course. For dessert I often have stewed fruit or jelly. And at last supper. It is at seven or eight. My mother usually cooks fried fish and mashed potatoes, beefsteak and omelet. And salads, of course.


1. How many times a day do you have meals?

2. What do you have for breakfast?

3. Do you have lunch? When?

4. What do you usually have for dessert?

5. What is your favourite dish?


opportunity snack appealing attractive baked balanced biscuit boiled boxed canteen certain creamy course create crisp delicious diet dish effort encourage fried frozen grilled important lunchbox mashed meal nourishing nursery school origin overcooked pickled poached portion prepare raw roast rule sauce scrambled shaped sour spicy therefore typical tasty undercooked vegetarian vinegar weight возможность закуска привлекательный привлекательный печёный (в духовке) гармоничный, сбалансированный печенье варёный закрытый в коробке столовая определённый сливочный, кремовый, жирный блюдо (часть обеда) создавать   чипс вкусный диета блюдо (тарелка) попытка ободрять, воодушевлять, вселять надежду жареный замороженный зажаренный или запечённый на решётке важный коробка для завтрака размятый, перемешанный еда, пища насыщенный, питательный детский сад происхождение переваренный маринованный в мешочек (о сваренном яйце) порция приготовить, готовить сырой зажаренный, запечённый правило соус, приправа, подлива смешанный имеющий форму кислый пряный, ароматный, острый поэтому, таким образом; по этой причине типичный вкусный недоваренный вегетарианец уксус вес

Module -3 – Great minds

Albert Einstein

Any list of the greatest thinkers in history will contain the name of the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. His theories of relativity led to entirely new ways of thinking about time, space, matter, energy, and gravity. Einstein’s work led to such scientific advances the control of atomic energy and to some of the investigations of space.

In 1905, at the age of 26, he published five major research papers in an important German physics journal. He received doctorate for the first paper.

Publication of the next four papers forever changed mankind’s view of the universe. One of his papers laid the foundation for the photon, or quantum, theory of light. Television and other inventions are practical applications of Einstein’s discoveries. In his works Einstein showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, if the speed of light is constant and natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.

In 1916 Einstein published his general theory of relativity. World-wide fame came to him in 1919 when the Royal Society of London announced that his general theory of relativity had been confirmed. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics two years later. In 1940 he became an American citizen.


1. Who was Albert Einstein?

2. What kind of child was he?

3. When did he receive doctorate?

4. Why were his research papers valuable for mankind?

5. What did he show in his works?

6. Was he awarded the Nobel Prize?


theories of relativity Germany Jewish Munich Switzerland energy research investigation curious area engineering experiment field flight float hang health science height history hot-air balloon human geography inventor lift linguistics machine manned passenger perform permission phenomenon physics politics power psychology reach realise refer research science scientific straw sociology word теория относительности Германия еврейский Мюнхен Швейцария энергия исследовательский исследования интересный, курьёзный отрасль проектирование, инженерное дело эксперимент, опыт область (изучения) полёт плыть на поверхности, в воздухе вешать валеология высота история воздушный шар география населения изобретатель поднимать лингвистика станок, механизм, машина управляемый людьми пассажир выполнять, исполнять, делать разрешение феномен физика политика сила психология достигать, добираться осознавать, понимать упоминать, ссылаться изучать, исследовать наука научный соломинка, солома социология выражать словами, формулировать


Module -4- Be yourself

Teenage Clothes and Fashion

Why is it that when you look around the streets, all the young people seem to be wearing the same clothes? Why does every single one of them appear to have had their hair cut — or not cut — at the same hairdresser's? Just watch a few music videos and you will begin to understand how it all works. Popular music seems to have become the most important means of self-definition for young people. To most young people dressing to look like their friends seems to be the surest way to be accepted. Unfortunately, the first victim of "fashion victimization" is individuality. While style should ideally be a way of showing people who you really are, following the trends means that you end up being — or seeming to be — exactly like everyone else.
Teenagers would rather not go out at all than go out wearing the "wrong" clothes or footwear. Even in cold weather they prefer to go out without wearing a jacket if it means avoiding wearing something which does not make them look cool. The problem is the clothes that teenagers think are cool; tend to be more expensive than those which are not. Also, the "uncool" clothes are often much warmer than the trendy ones, but unfortunately kids can't stand wearing them. Certain brand names are not as popular, for some reasons, as others.
Take boots, for example. Many teenagers like wearing Nike's shoes. Nike is an American manufacturer of sports clothes and shoes. He has become very fashionable with young people. Nike is pronounced "nickey" and is the goddess in Greek mythology. Nike, who sat at the side of Zeus, was usually represented as a winged figure. And nowadays the Nike "swoosh" logo appears on every pair of Nike shoes.


1 What attitudes do people have to fashion?

2 What does fashion include?

3 What changes in fashion very quickly?

4 How does the season influence clothes?

5 What kind of clothes do people wear on various occasions?

6 Do you follow the fashion?

7 What are your favourite types of clothes?

8 Where do you usually buy clothes?

9 Do you prefer buying clothes yourself or with your parents?

10. Do your parents give you pocket money for new clothes?


Clothes suit/costume tweed/leather/suede denim jacket tuxedo waistcoat trousers/pants jeans evening dress top blouse jumper cardigan/sweater/pullover anorak raincoat fur coat parka pyjamas night dress/gown track suit shorts Bermuda shorts/Bermudas shirt sweatshirt T-shirt skirt swim suit trunks blazer Footwear leather/suede/hand-made shoes heel sole laces sports shoes low/high-heeled shoes slippers sandals flip-flops trainers boots Wellingtons/wellies/rubber boots Accessories socks stockings tie bow tie scarf handkerchief gloves/mittens hat (baseball) cap hood belt buckle umbrella braces handbag glasses jewellery necklace bracelet brooch earrings ring Одежда мужской костюм/женский костюм твидовый/кожаный/замшевый/ джинсовый пиджак фрак жилет брюки джинсы вечернее платье топик блузка джемпер вязаная кофта/свитер /пуловер анорак (тёплая куртка с капю­шоном) плащ шуба парка (удлинённая тёплая курт­ка с капюшоном) пижама ночная рубашка тренировочный костюм шорты бермуды рубашка толстовка футболка юбка купальный костюм плавки спортивная куртка Обувь кожаные/замшевые/изготовлен­ные вручную туфли каблук подошва шнурки спортивная обувь туфли на низком/высоком каблуке тапочки сандалии сланцы кеды/кроссовки ботинки   резиновые сапоги Аксессуары носки чулки галстук бабочка шарф носовой платок перчатки/варежки шляпа/шапка бейсболка, кепка капюшон ремень пряжка зонт подтяжки дамская сумочка очки украшения ожерелье браслет брошь серьги кольцо



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