The Long History of the Solicitor




Методические материалы по изучению языка

для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки

030900.62 «Юриспруденция»



«Государственное право»






доктор социологических наук, профессор Н.В.Горбунова

старший преподаватель Н.Г. Коновалова


Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский): методические материалы по изучению языка для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 030900.62 «Юриспруденция» (профиль «Государственное право») / Саратовский государственный социально-экономический университет. − Саратов, 2012. − 64 с.



Рекомендует к печати

ученый совет гуманитарного

факультета СГСЭУ

26.03.2012 г.



© Авт.-сост. Н.В.Горбунова, Н.Г. Коновалова, 2012

© Саратовский государственный


университет, 2012



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Методические материалы по изучению дисциплины «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)» разработаны в соответствии с учебным планом и рабочей программой данной дисциплины для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 030900.62 «Юриспруденция» (профиль «Государственное право»). Дисциплина «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)» входит в базовую часть (Б.1) гуманитарного, социального и экономического цикла.

Цель настоящих методических материалов – оказание помощи обучающимся в успешном освоении дисциплины «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)» в соответствии с общими целями образовательной программы: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов, понимаемой как способность и готовность осуществлять иноязычное повседневно-бытовое и профессиональноеопосредованное и непосредственноеобщение с носителями языка в заданных стандартом/программой пределах.

Выполнение предусмотренных методическими материалами заданий по данной дисциплине позволит обучающимся получить и закрепить необходимые знания, умения и навыки и на базе их сформировать соответствующие компетенции: владеть необходимыми навыками профессионального общения на иностранном языке (ОК-13).

Для выполнения предусмотренных методическими материалами заданий по данной дисциплине необходимо иметь знания, полученные в результате освоения школьных дисциплин. Обучающиеся должны знать основы грамматики русского и иностранного языка, уметь логически верно и ясно строить свою речь, владеть лексическим минимумом на иностранном языке, навыками устного и письменного перевода и иметь представление о культуре страны изучаемого иностранного языка. Обучающийся должен быть готов к самостоятельной деятельности при изучении иностранного языка, к извлечению профессионально-ориентированной информации из иноязычных источников, к изучению иностранного языка за счет практического применения полученных знаний, навыков и умений (участие в олимпиадах, конкурсах, конференциях и т.д.).

Успешное выполнение заданий, предусмотренных методическими материалами по данной дисциплине, будет способствовать успешному освоению последующих дисциплин «Криминалистика», «Правоохранительные органы», «Криминология», «Правонарушения и юридическая ответственность».

Методические материалы содержат по каждому разделу: лексический и терминологический минимум по устным темам, тексты для различных видов деятельности, послетекстовые упражнения. В каждом разделе содержатся задания для самостоятельной работы, они представлены лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, текстами для реферирования, тексты для развития навыков письменного и устного перевода.

Изучение дисциплины: предусматривается в 1 семестре. Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 108 часов (3 зачетных единицы), в том числе и на аудиторные занятия 50 часов, на самостоятельную работу 58 часов.

Формы итоговой промежуточной аттестации: зачет.




Практические занятия – 14 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 14 часов.

Key vocabulary

lawyer – юрист

barrister - адвокат

solicitor - поверенный

high regard - уважение

practitioner - практик

conveyancing – составление нотариальных актов о передаче имущества

probate – утверждение завещания

divorce - развод

matrimonial matters – супружеские вопросы

debt - долг

assistance - помощь

petty crimes – мелкие преступления

obtain – получать, добиваться

actual appearances - фактическое присутствие

extreme - дополнительный

formalities - формальности

judge - судья

I. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

Legal Profession

England is almost unique in having two different kinds of lawyers, with separate jobs in the legal system. The legal profession is divided into two branches: barristers and solicitors, who are sometimes called the junior branch. Both barristers and solicitors are professions held in high regard. This division of the legal profession is of long standing and each branch has its own characteristic functions as well as a separate governing body.

The traditional picture of the English lawyer is that the solicitor is the general practitioner, confined mainly to the office. If a person has a legal problem and needs the assistance of the law he will go to a solicitor and seek his advice in a personal interview. Solicitors deal with all the day-to-day work of preparing legal documents for buying and selling houses, making wills, writing legal letters, they do the legal work involved in conveyancing, probate, divorce. They work on court cases for their clients outside the court: in a civil action solicitors have the right to speak in the lowest Courts when the case is one of divorce, recovering some debts, matrimonial matters, petty crimes. If a case, civil or criminal, is more serious or difficult, or has to be heard in a higher court, solicitors engage a barrister to whom they hand over the task of representing the client in the court. They prepare a case for barristers to present in the higher courts and the barrister receives it in the form of a brief from which he plans his advocacy in the particular case.

Law Society 1 is a governing body of solicitors. Solicitors usually work together in partnerships, or “firms’. To qualify as a solicitor a young man joins a practising solicitor as a “clerk” and works for him whilst studying part time for the Law Society exams. When you have passed all the necessary exams, you may apply to the Law Society to be “admitted”, then you can start business on your own. It is not necessary for you to go to university.

A would-be 2 barrister must first register as a student member of one of the four Inns of Court 3: Gray’s Inn, Lincoln’s Inn, Inner Temple or Middle Temple and keep twelve terms as a student at his Inn. A student must pass a group of examinations to obtain a Law degree and then proceed to a vocational course, highly practical in nature, the passing of which will result in his being called to the Bar 4.

Barristers are experts in the interpretation of the Law. They advise on really difficult legal matters (this is known as “taking counsel’s opinion”). So barristers spend a lot of time at paper work apart from their actual appearances in court where they wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the extreme formalities of the proceedings.

Judges are usually chosen from the most senior barristers, and once appointed they cannot continue to practise as barristers.

The highest level of barristers have the title Q.C. (Queen’s Counsel). Before a junior counsel can hope to achieve the status (“to take silk” as this process is called) he must be able to point to at least 10 years successful practice as a barrister. The Q.C. is expected to appear only in the most important cases.

A lot of work in English solicitor’s offices is undertaken by managing clerks, now called “legal executives” 5, who are a third type of lawyers. They have their own professional and examining body – “The Institute of Legal Executives”.


1. Law Society – Общество юристов (профессиональный союз солиситоров)

2. would-be – стремящийся стать

3. Inns of Court – “Судебные инны” (четыре корпорации барристеров в Лондоне; пользуются исключительным правом приема в адвокатуру; в школах при этих корпорациях готовят барристеров; существуют с XIV в.)

Gray’s Inn – “Грейз Инн” (самый новый из “судебных иннов”, назван по имени первого владельца здания).

Lincoln’s Inn – “Инн Линкольна” (готовит преимущественно барристеров Канцлерского овысокого суда правосудия; назван по имени первого владельца здания).

Inner Temple – “Внутренний темпл” (самый старый из судебных типов.)

Middle Temple – “Средний темпл”

4. to be called to the Bar – быть принятым в коллегию адвокатов

5. “legal executives” – законные исполнители (персонал, нанимаемый солиситорами, клерки)

Ex. 1. Pair the words in column A with the ones from column B.

A. 1.senior B. a)barrister
  2.vocational   b)degree   c)course
  4.extreme   d)documents
  5.accused   e)exam
  6.professional   f)advocate
  7.necessary   g)matters
  8.civil   h)advice   i)structure
  10.variety (of)   j)action
  11.personal   k)person
  12.general   l)interview   m)formalities   n)practitioner


Ex. 2. How are the following ideas expressed in one word?

1. a lawyer who has the right of speaking and arguing in the higher courts of law;

2. a kind of lawyer who gives advice, appears in lower courts;

3. to be allowed or made by law;

4. a room or building in which law cases can be heard and judged;

5. questions to be decided in a court of law;

6. a rule that is supported by the power of government and that governs the behaviour of members of a society;

7. a person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court;

8. a person who speaks in defence of or in favour of another person;

9. a lawyer who prepares an official paper by which the right to ownership of one’s property is given by one person to another;

10. a person who pays a professional person for help and advice;

11. a public official who has the power to decide questions brought before a court of law.


Ex. 3. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. matrimonial matters a) защищать обвиняемого
2. petty crimes b) незначительные преступления
3. recovery of debts c) составлять завещание
4. to make a will d) искать юридического совета
5. to deal with conveyancing e) толкование закона
6. to seek legal advice f) иметь дело с составлением нотариальных актов о передаче имущества
7. to apply to the court g) возврат долгов
8. a civil action h) брачные (супружеские) вопросы
9. a general practitioner i) вести уголовное дело
10. the interpretation of the law j) обращаться в суд
11. to defend the accused person k) получить диплом юриста
12. to obtain a law degree l) гражданское дело
13. to prosecute in a criminal case m) юрист широкого профиля
14. to eliminate the division n) профессиональный адвокат
15. to maintain the proposal o) устранить деление
16. to achieve the status p) достичь статуса


Ex. 4. Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences.

1.England is almost unique / ordinary in having two / three different kinds of lawyers, with separate/the same jobs in the legal system.

2. Solicitors / managing clerks prepare a case for a barrister / a judge.

3.In a civil / criminal action solicitors have the right to speak in the lowest / highest courts.

4. Law Society / the Bar is a governing body of solicitors.

5.It is a mistake to regard / to point a barrister entirely as an advocate / prosecutor.

6.Barristers are experts in the interpretation / examining of the Law.

7.Judges are usually chosen / appointed from the most senior / junior barristers.

8. A lot of work in solicitors’ / barristers’ offices is undertaken by legal executives / students.


II. Complete the following text with the words and phrases from the box.

The Long History of the Solicitor

lay client, trial, professional association, legal advisor, paperwork, a written document, Law Society, marriage contract, litigants, instruct


The solicitors’ profession has a long history, going back to the 12lh century, when the language of the court was Norman French. All_______ therefore needed a representative to act on their behalf and that person was known as an ‘ attorney’ from the medieval French word ‘atourner’ (meaning ‘to direct to’). In the courts of equity a________ needed a 'solicitor' to act on his behalf. This word derived from the Latin ‘ sollicitare’ (to harass).

Today solicitors generally ______ barristers as specialist pleaders of cases in Court, prepare the cases, attend to all the __________ and collect the evidence. The solicitor provides the instructions to the barrister in _______ called “a brief” – hence the expression “briefcase”.

The attorney or solicitor was the general______. He would deal with legal matters on behalf of his client such as the drawing up of wills, trust instruments, _____ _____, and conveyances of land. The solicitor is needed to enter an appearance in the Court and deal with the preliminary stages and the barrister to plead the case and appear at the eventual _____of it.

The term attorney was dropped in favour of the title “solicitor”. The duties of the ____ ____ have been extended by various Acts of Parliament since then. The Law Society acts both as the professional body regulating solicitors and also as their____ ____.

Ex. 1. Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1. England has two different kinds of lawyers:.....

a) solicitors and barristers

b) barristers and legal executives

c) solicitors and judges

2. Solicitors work on court cases of clients.....

a) in the court

b) outside the court

c) at home

3...... is a governing body of solicitors.

a) the Bar

b) the Highest Court

c) Law Society

4. The highest level of barristers have the title of.....

a) Queen’s Counsel

b) Queen’s Advocate

c) Senior Barrister

5. A would be barrister must first be registered.....

a) as a member of Law Society

b) as a student member of one of the four Inns of Court

c) as a member of the Bar

6. Many people believe the distinction between barristers and solicitors.....

a) should be adopted

b) should be eliminated

c) should be kept

7. Judges are chosen from ….

a) a junior counsel

b) the most senior barristers

c) managing clerks

8. Barristers are experts …

a) in representing clients in court

b) in interpretation of the law

c) in writing legal letters

Ex. 2. Mark the statements which are true.

1. The division of the legal profession is of long standing and each branch has its own characteristic functions.

2. The training and career structures for the two types of lawyers are quite the same.

3. Solicitors specialize in representing clients in courts.

4. A barrister can only be consulted indirectly through a solicitor.

5. Barristers are paid directly by the clients.

6. A barrister is regarded to be an advocate.

7. In court, barristers wear wigs and gowns in keeping with the extreme formalities of the proceedings.

8. Judges are chosen from the most senior barristers and they can continue to practice as barristers.


Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences by adding the phrases given inpart B.

Part A

1. Each branch of legal profession has.....

2. The solicitors deal with preparing.....

3. The solicitor has the right to speak in the Lowest Courts when....

4. The barrister plans his advocacy.....

5. A young man joins a practicing solicitor as a clerk.....

6. Barristers specialize.....

7. A barrister must be capable.....

8. Judges are chosen.....

9. When the student obtains a law degree and passes highly practical in nature vocational course.....

10. Clerks who undertake a lot of work in English solicitor’s offices.....

11. Solicitors make up …..

12. The government is considering various arguments for ….

Part B

1. the rapidly increasing branch of the legal profession in England and Wales.

2. its own characteristic functions and a separate governing body.

3. maintaining as well as removing the division between barristers and solicitors.

4. the case is one of divorce, recovery some debts, petty crimes.

5. to qualify as a solicitor.

6. in the form of a brief prepared by a solicitor.

7. legal documents for the clients.

8. in representing clients in court.

9. from the most senior barristers.

10. he may be called to the Bar.

11. of prosecuting in a criminal case one day and defending an accused person the next.

12. are a third type of lawyers called “legal executives”.

Ex. 4. Choose someone to act as a guide and answer the visitors’ questions.

What is (are)   What do you mean by     Explain to me   Can you tell me about (who, what)   having two different kinds of lawyers variety of matters on solicitors’ desks work on court cases of clients outside the court the right to speak in the Lowest Courts Law Society when one can start legal business who interprets the law the status of Queen’s Counsel the distinction between barristers and solicitors training and career structures for the two types of lawyers


Ex. 5. Speak on the legal profession in Great Britain.

1. General characteristics: two kinds of lawyers; separate jobs; governing body; training structure; number of practicing lawyers; to compare with the USA; to increase rapidly; to make up.

2. Solicitor: to seek legal advice; variety of matters; to deal with legal documents; to buy and sell houses; to make a will; to write legal letters; conveyancing; probate; divorce; to work on court cases; to prepare a case for a barrister; to speak in the lowest courts; to recover some debts; matrimonial matters; petty crimes.

3. Barrister: an expert in the interpretation of the law; to specialize in representing clients in court; to be consulted indirectly through a solicitor; to be employed by a solicitor; to be a professional advocate; to advise on really difficult legal matters; to spend a lot of time at paper work; to wear wigs and gowns; to have the title of Queen’s Counsel.

4. “Legal executives”: solicitor’s offices; to undertake; managing clerks; to be a third type of lawyers; to have a professional and examining body.


III. Translate the following text into English.

Судебные Инны

Барристер допускается к практике только в том случае, если он «был призван» (to be admitted) в профессию «Судебным Инном». Судебные Инны – это школы-гильдии (guilds). Их четыре: Греевская школа-гильдия, Линкольская школа-гильдия, Внутренний Темпл и Средний Темпл. С недавних пор в школы-гильдии принимаются для обучения и практики только обладатели университетских дипломов (the University degree owner).

Чтобы стать барристером, необходимо провести определенное время в школе-гильдии, это время измеряется необычной единицей – «обеденными сессиями» (dinners). Как правило, ежегодно проводится четыре сессии. В течение одной сессии необходимо отобедать (to dine) в столовой своей школы-гильдии по крайней мере три раза. Но чтобы быть принятым в барристеры, требуется посетить (to attend) не менее семи сессий. В давние времена совместные застолья были призваны облегчить установление контактов (to facilitate) между барристерами и теми, кто хочет быть посвященным в это «сословие».

IV. Read the dialogue and reproduce it a) abridged, b) in the form of a monologue.


Dialogue 1. Lawyers who want to start their own practice

This is the conversation between an experienced lawyer Dr. Howard and a graduate of law school Richard Warner.

Richard Warner: Dr. Howard, I’ve just graduated from law school and I’m at a loss, I don’t know whether to start my own practice or to work for a firm. What do you think the pros and cons of private practice are?

Dr. Howard: First of all freedom is very important. The opportunity to turn down cases and clients when you disagree morally with the legal principles exposed by the clients.

R. W.: Is legal practice secure enough?

D. H.: No, there is no such thing as job security in legal practice. But still you feel much more secure when you are your own boss and don’t depend on the success or failure of the firm you work for.

R.W.: Dr. Howard, did you face any difficulties when you started your private practice?

D. H.: Sure! One of them was getting an office. You know, some lawyers work at home. But I don’t think it’s a good idea. You should have business relations with your clients. And home atmosphere might spoil them. Anyway, if you can’t get an office you can use the attorney conference room in the local courtroom or meet the client at his or her place of business.

R. W.: It must be not easy for a starting lawyer to get clients. Dr. Howard, did you have to advertise your services?

D. H.: What is important for any business is the location of the office. It should be in the area where there is a need for it. My first clients were my friends and relatives. Later they advertised my services to their friends and so it worked for some time though it was not enough. And I had to advertise my work in local newspapers.

R. W.: Dr. Howard, thank you very much for your recommendations and advice. I think I’ll be self-employed. And the difficulties I’m going to face will be justified by the rewards.

D. H.: I think you’ll manage. Good luck!


pros and cons – за и против

Ex. 1. How is the following expressed in the dialogue?

1. protected against danger or risk;

2. a state of being a partner, esp. in business;

3. a person who pays a professional person, esp. a lawyer, for help and advice;

4. personal, not shared with others;

5. earning money from one’s own business and not as pay from an employer;

6. to meet an unpleasant state of affairs;

7. to make services known to the public;

8. a sum of money fixed to be paid for a room or a building;


Ex. 2. Translate and activate the following sentences in your speech.

1. Каковы «за» и «против» частной практики?

2. Я предпочитаю работать на себя.

3. Возможность отказаться от каких-либо дел и клиентов привлекает меня.

4. Ты чувствуешь себя более защищенным, если сам являешься своим боссом.

5. Риск существует в любой деятельности особенно, если нет опыта.

6. Снять хороший и недорогой офис – большая проблема.

7. Преимущества и недостатки есть как в партнерской деятельности, так и в работе самостоятельно практикующего юриста.

8. Вам следует снять помещение совместно с другой юридической фирмой.

V. Study the dialogue between Law students from the USA and from the Saratov State University, Law Faculty.

Dialogue 2. Legal Education

Pavel: What does it mean to study law in the USA? Павел: Что значит изучать право в США?
George: Well, it means that law students study in one of over 170 law schools that have been approved by the American Bar Association (ABA). And most of law schools are part of a university. The university may be private, without state support, or it may be supported by one of the fifty states. And where can one get legal education in Russia? Джордж: Ну, это значит, что студенты-юристы учатся в одной из 170 юридических школ, которые были утверждены Американской Ассоциацией Адвокатов. Большая часть школ входит в состав университета. Университет может быть частным, без поддержки штата, или же может финансироваться одним из пятидесяти штатов. А где можно получить юридическое образование в России?
Pavel: You see, it’s available at state universities as well as at a number of non-state universities. Павел: Видишь ли, оно доступно как в государственных, так и в ряде негосударственных университетов.
George: And what’s the difference between them? I suppose it’s the way they are financed. Джордж: И в чем же различие между ними? Я полагаю, в способе финансирования.
Pavel: You are right. State universities are financed by the state. They provide both free and paid education. While at non-state universities all students have to pay for their studies. How long does one have to study to get legal education in the USA? Павел: Ты прав. Государственные университеты поддерживаются государством. Они предоставляют как бесплатное, так и платное обучение. В то время как в негосударственных университетах все студенты должны платить за обучение. Сколько нужно учиться, чтобы получить юридическое образование в США?
George: Education in every law school lasts three years. For example, at Harvard the academic year consists of three trimesters: fall – 3,5 months, winter – 3,4 weeks (brief but very intensive) and spring – 4 months. What about Russia? Джордж: Обучение во всех юридических школах длится три года. Например, в Гарвардском университете академический (учебный) год состоит из трех триместров: осень – 3,5 месяца, зима – 3,4 недели (краткий, но очень интенсивный) и весна – 4 месяца. А как в России?
Pavel: Law students at the Saratov State University study five years to get a University degree. There is a one-year post-graduate course for those who do a higher degree (Master’s degree). After that they can apply to do a second degree working towards a PhD. This course lasts three years. Павел: Студенты-юристы в Саратовском государственном университете учатся в течение пяти лет, чтобы получить диплом о высшем образовании. Существует годичный магистерский курс для тех, кто хочет получить степень магистра и далее они могут поступать в аспирантуру для получения ученой степени кандидата наук. Этот курс длится три года.


Ex. 1. Speak about legal education in the USA using the following words and word-combinations.

To be approved, to be available, private, state support, to last, academic year, trimester, curriculum, entirely, to be prescribed, Common Law course, civil procedure, Criminal Law, general constitutional course, practical work.


Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate derivatives.

special – specialize – specialized; quality – qualified – qualification; investigate – investigation – investigator; notary – notarized – notarial


1. Did you have to do any ________ action of your own during your practice? 2. _______ industrial courts deal with disputes over contracts on employment matters. 3. The advocate ________ the judge’s opinion as erroneous. 4. Your will is not valid unless it is _______. 5. He was disclaimed his ______ because he violated some moral rules. 6. What branch of law do you _______ in? 7. Your case will be tried by a ______ judge. 8. The Law Society ______ complaints against lawyers by their clients. 9. Only __________ lawyers can work in the Procurator’s office. 10. A _______ has the authority to witness signing of legal documents. 11. The _________ carefully examined the scene. 12. In the US there are a limited number of ______ offices established by law.


V. Translate the text into English.

В английском обществе обоснованность значительных различий между барристерами и солиситорами в последнее время все больше подвергается серьезной критике и сомнениям. Широко обсуждаются аргументы “за” и “против” объединения сообществ барристеров и солиситоров в единую адвокатуру. “Против”объединения барристеров и солиситоров приводится два основных аргумента. 1. Объединение не в интересах общества.Высказывается мнение, что если объединить барристеров и солиситоров, то самые опытные и способные барристеры перейдут работать в крупные юридические фирмы, а клиенты мелких фирм будут поставлены в неравное положение, так как крупные специалисты окажутся для них недоступными. Это приведет к тому, что мелкие юридические фирмы перестанут существовать и сократится количество юридических услуг, предлагаемых населению. 2. Объединение не в интересах суда. В условиях состязательного правосудия судебная система во многом зависит от устного судопроизводства. Судьи нуждаются в ясных и четких аргументах, с помощью которых они могут принять верное и обоснованное решение. Такие услуги могут быть оказаны только наиболее профессиональными и талантливыми адвокатами-барристерами. “За” объединение барристеров и солиситоров называются следующие аргументы: 1. Дублирование функций барристеров и солиситоров.В настоящее время многие солиситоры в судах фактически исполняют функции барристеров. 2. Неэффективность действующей системы.Разделение адвокатов на барристеров и солиситоров приводит к дополнительным затратам. groundings   unity   experienced   unavailable     adversary justice   clear and distinct well-grounded   duplicating     inefficiency   extra money


Grammar to be revised: The Infinitive. The Infinitive Constructions.

Ex. 1. Analyze the forms and the functions of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences.

1. To prevent youth crime is perhaps the most important objective of any state.

2. To ensure personal security means to protect the vital interests of a person from external and internal threat related to political and military activity as well as environmental, informational and humanitarian safety.

3. To interpret means to decide if a law follows the Constitution.

4. The appeal process is set up to help make people sure of fair trial as possible.

5. The first officer to arrive at the scene of a crime has two major responsibilities: a) to examine the victim for signs of life, and b) to protect and preserve all physical evidence.

6. If there are no witnesses, the entire case must be proved through physical evidence alone.

7. There is a need to develop a concept of a state policy to prevent juvenile crime.

8. The facts about the crime to be obtained by the investigator can be given by the witnesses.


Ex. 2. Combine the sentences using the Infinitive.

Model 1: He broke into the house. He wanted to steal the jewellery.

He broke into the house to steal the jewellery.

1.I disclosed these facts. I wanted to guarantee your acquittal.

2.The experts were called to the scene of the crime. They were to lift fingerprints.

3.You will be called to the court. You will give evidence.

4.The criminals broke into the garage. They wanted to steal a car.

5.He shot at the policeman. He wanted to resist the arrest.


Model 2: He is very experienced. He can investigate a murder case.

He is experienced enough to investigate a murder case.

1. The offence is not serious. It will not be tried by jury.

2. The evidence is not convincing. The prosecution can’t accuse you of burglary.

3. The thief was very smart. He escaped the arrest.

4. The distinction between a robbery and a theft is clear. Everybody can understand it.

5. The criminal was quite thin. He could slip between the bars.

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences containing the Infinitive Constructions:

a) the Objective Infinitive Construction (Complex Object):

1. We believe society to offer strong resistance to crime and its influence in every sphere of life.

2. Everybody considered them not to be guilty.

3. The witness saw a man enter the house and leave it ten minutes later.

4. The police officer wanted the suspected man to be questioned at once.

5. The investigator expected us to give all the information about that accident.

6. Nobody knew him to have been arrested, but his family.

7. People believe the prevention of crime to be one of the main functions of the police.

b) the Subjective Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject):

1. Crime has turned to become crueler nowadays.

2. The Criminal Investigation Department is considered to be one of the most complicated police services.

3. Crime is seen to be a social illness and a by-product of the social system within the state.

4. Laws are known to be adopted to protect the interests of all the people in the country.

5. The criminal happened to be arrested rather quickly.

6. The defendant’s fingerprints proved to be the only means of identifying the victim.

7. Crime is considered to be a threat to the entire state system, effecting different areas of public life, every person and his security.


c) For-Infinitive Construction:

1. It’s for the police officer to collect the facts and provide sufficient evidence for the criminal to be brought to justice.

2. The investigator’s negative attitude made it impossible for the suspect to have proved his innocence.

3. There is no limit for the fine to be imposed on indictment.

4. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 provides a general conditional power for the police to arrest a person reasonably suspected of any offence with or without a warrant used by magistrates.

5. Who can explain why it’s possible for some people to commit crimes without having motives?

6. It is only for the jury to decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty.

7. It’s for the state to protect the people and society itself from crime.


Ex. 4. Transform the following sentences using:

a) Complex Object:

Model: I heard that the witness gave evidence.

I heard the witness give evidence.

1. We know that alcoholism, drugs, vagrancy and homelessness are the factors leading to crime.

2. The doctor found that the man had been murdered several hours earlier.

3. I suppose that you will be cross-examined.

4. The attorney expects that his client will tell the truth.

5. I still consider that they are not guilty.

6. The police believe that the millionaire’s son was kidnapped.

7. I know that they have been interrogating the suspect for an hour.


b) Complex Subject

Model: It is a crime to smoke marijuana in England. It seems...

It seems to be a crime to smoke marijuana in England.

1. Scientists consider that corruption-related crimes are the most disruptive for the entire system of public administration.

Corruption-related crimes are considered to …

2. The suspect need not prove anything.

The suspect is unlikely to...

3. He is suspected of arson.

He seems to...

4. English law has rather a long definition of murder.

English law is known to...

5. The defendant's acts caused the death of the victim.

The defendant's acts happened to...

6. Mr. Brown was found not guilty.

Mr. Brown is said to...

7. The criminal was caught red handed.

The criminal was reported to...

c) For – Infinitive Construction

Model: There are juvenile courts. They deal with offenders under seventeen.

It is for juvenile courts to deal with offenders under seventeen.

1. There are coroners’ courts. They investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths.

2. It was very dark. The witness could not see the details.

3. The policy of state towards crime must adjust the changes happening in society and in the world. It must react to them effectively.

4. The victim was terrified. He could not defend himself.

5. He is very young. He can't be put on trial.

6. The amount of crime on transport is frightening. It can't be neglected.

7. I am very poor. I can't make bond.


Ex. 5. Define the Infinitive Constructions, if any. Translate the sentences.

1. Probation has proved to be the most successful way of dealing with very young offenders.

2. Traditionally, delinquency is considered to mean such offences as truancy, assault, theft, arson or vandalism, etc.

3. The task facing the police in many areas is to stop criminals who murder for no apparent reason.

4. Such crimes are very difficult to solve.

5. At least twenty women are reported to have been found dead near the Seattle river.

6. Only in recent years have the law-enforcement authority noticed the number of such crimes to be increasing.

7. To reveal common trends experts have interviewed more than 40 persons convicted of multiple-murder cases.

8. Typically, serial killers have a desire to dominate others.


Ex. 6. Use the proper form of the Infinitive and translate the sentences.

1. Criminals can (to punish) in many different ways, but the worst one is death penalty.

2. Young people who commit crimes are known (to try) by special courts called Juvenile Courts.

3. He is unlikely (to justify). Everybody suspects him (to steal) money from the bank.

4. The young man was made (to sign) a paper admitting his guilt, but he believes his innocence (to prove) in trial.

5. We expected this case (to discuss) by the Magistrates already.

6. He started his legal career not because he wanted (to earn) his living, but he wanted (to know) and (not to forget) for investigating the most serious crimes.

7. A passer-by saw a man (to shoot) a policeman, and didn’t let him (to escape) the arrest.

He is known (to arrest and charge) with murder.



Ex. 8. Translate into English using the Infinitive.

1. Если лицо, которое необходимо арестовать, подозревается в совершении тяжкого преступления, следователь может применить все необходимые средства, чтобы преодолеть сопротивление и осуществить арест.

2. Следователь редко прибывает на место преступления первым. Обычно первым прибывает полицейский.

3. Сообщалось, что Ватикан помог фашистским военным преступникам скрыться после войны.

4. Первое и самое главное правило, которое должен соблюдать следователь – на месте преступления нет ничего незначительного.

5. Известно, что это дело слушалось при закрытых дверях.

6. Считается, что украденное золото было инвестировано в различные компании.

7. Я считаю его виновным в подлоге.

8. Все ожидали, что он потребует возмещения убытков.





Практические занятия – 12 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 16 часов.

Key vocabulary

moral precepts – моральные принципы

exist - существовать

penalty – штраф, наказание

conduct - поведение

subsequent events- последующие события

distinct - отличный

Layman - непрофессионал

developed society – развитое общество

determine - определять

encroachment - вторжение

measure – мера

I. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

What is Law?

The English word “law” refers to limits upon various forms of behaviour. There is a distinction between man-made law and moral precepts. Law can be defined as a set of rules which form the pattern of behaviour of a given society. No society could exist if all people did just as they pleased, without regard for the right of others. The Law also sets penalties for people who violate these rules and it states how government shall enforce the rules and penalties.

Law has two functions in modern society. First, it serves to order and regulate the affairs of all “persons” be they individuals, corporations or governments. Secondly, law acts as standard of conduct and morality. Through both of these functions law seeks to promote and achieve a broad range of social objectives. Law can appear as the highest achievement of civilization.

The student studies the relationships between individual citizens and the state, as well as the relationships between states. The study of a legal process is the study of how decisions are made, who makes them, what the decisions are, how they influence subsequent events.

The laws of a country are separate, distinct, individual rules; the law of a country however much we may analyse it into separate rules, it is something more than the sum of such rules. It is rather a system which orders our conduct, in which the separate rules have their place and their relation to each other and to the whole. Lawyers generally speak of law; laymen more often of laws.

In a developed society the sphere in which the law operates proves to be quite extensive. It embraces all the spheres of production, distribution and exchange. Law fixes the forms of administration and the constitutional system, and determines the legal status of citizens and activity of the state mechanism (state law, administrative law). It fixes the existing property relations and operates as a regulator of the measure and forms of distribution of labour and its products among the members of society (civil law, labour law). Finally, the law lays down the measures for combating encroachment on the state system, the existing order of social relations, together with the forms in which this is done (criminal law, procedural law and corrective labour law).


Ex. 1. Pair the words in column with A the ones from column B.

1) forms 2) set 3) standard 4) sphere 5) system 6) distribution 7) object 8) part 9) violation 10) range 11) man-made 12) status a) of exchange b) of labour c) of law d) of encroachment e) of objectives f) of citizens g) laws h) of behaviour i) of interests j) of morality k) of relationships l) of rules


Ex. 2. How can you express the following ideas in one word?

1. to bear (oneself) in a socially-acceptable or polite way;

2. rightness or pureness of behaviour or of an action;

3. the control or direction of affairs, as of country or business;

4. an object to be won;

5. a guiding rule on which behaviour is based;

6. to make laws;

7. a statement of something at last;

8. the body of laws and principles according to which a country is governed;

9. a condition that determines one’s formal position;

10. the way or order of directing business in an official meeting, a law case;

11. to fight or struggle against;

12. the act or result of encroaching.

Ex. 3. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1) to regulate the relations a) установленная норма нравственного поведения
2) to define a set of rules b) главное требование
3) the pattern of behaviour c) устанавливать правовой статус
4) a standard of morality d) простая сумма правил
5) man-made law e) образец поведения
6) moral precepts f) социальные цели
7) social objectives g) определять формы управления
8) a chief claim h) издавать закон против чьих-либо пороков
9) to influence subsequent events i) объект посягательства
10) to fix the forms of administration j) нечеткое различие
11) to determine the legal status k) нравственные заповеди
12) to lay down the measures l) определять набор правил
13) the mere sum of rules m) закон, созданный человеком
14) a vague distinction n) регулировать отношения
15) to legislate against one’s defects o) влиять на последующие события
16) the object of encroachment p) устанавливать меры
17) spheres of production q) сферы производства


Ex. 4. Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences.

1. The English word “law” refers to limits upon various / some forms of behaviour.

2. Laws prescribe how people can / ought to behave.

3. Law essentially serves two / four functions in modern society.

4. There is a vague/clear distinction between man-made law and moral precepts.

5. In a developed / feudal state the sphere in which the law operates / develops proves to be extensive.

6. Law operates as a regulator/obstacle of distribution of labour and its products.

7. The law of a country may be analyzed as a selection / set of rules.


9. Law seems/regards to exist apart from/inside man and is not even noticed/decided by him until somebody/criminal violates its orders.

10. Law is called/invited upon to defend interests/habits that have been the object/crime of encroachments.

11. Law embraces/separates all the spheres of production, distribution and exchange.


II. Complete the following text with the words and phrases from the box.


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