The peculiarities of the English language in the USA and other English Speaking Countries.


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Лексикология английского языка

Lexical valency and collocability.

Lexical, grammatical and semantic valency of words

Lexical meaning of the word.

The word and its meaning. The problem of meaning. Semasiology. Two trends in Modern Semasiology. The lexical and grammatical meaning of the word. Types of lexical meanings and their classification. The meaning of a word and its usage.


Phraseology as a linguistic subject. Main phraseological theories in Soviet linguistics. Free word groups and set expressions and their characteristic features. The definition of a phraseological unit. Criteria of phraseological units. Classifications of phraseological units: a) academician Vinogradov's classification; b) Prof. Smirnitsky's classification; c) The part-of-speech classificatio d) etymological classification. Synonyms and antonyms in phraseology. Phraseological polysemy. Proverbs, sayings and familiar quotations.

Types and Causes of the Change of Meaning.

The development and change of the semantic structure of a word as a source of a qualitative and qualitative growth of the vocabulary. Social, historic and linguistic factors that call forth the changes in the semantic structure of the word. The main semantic processes of the development and change of meaning.

Homonymy and polysemy.

The definition of homonyms. The main types of homonyms: a) a full homonyms or homonyms proper; b) homophones; c) homographs. Classification of homonyms:a) classification of homonyms, suggested by prof. A.I. Smirnitsky; b) Lexical homonyms, lexico-grammatical homonyms; grammatical homonyms; c) full and partial homonyms. Sources of homonyms: a) the breaking of semantic links between certain meaning of a polysemantic word as source of homonyms in English; b) other sources of homonyms.

Synonyms and antonyms in Modern English.

The definition of synonyms. Criteria of synonymity. The sources of synonyms in English. The problem of classification of synonyms. The idea of the synonymic dominant in a group of synonyms Euphemisms as a specific type of synonyms. The definition of antonyms. Types of words that are correlated as antonyms. Classification of antonyms. Interrelations between synonyms and antonyms. Analogy in their use and development

The system of the English Vocabulary.

The volume of the vocabulary and its use. Changeability of the vocabulary. The causes of changeability. The basic word-stock of the English Language. Its relative stability and general use. The extension of the English vocabulary. Characteristic features of the Modern English Vocabulary. English vocabulary as a system. Different principles of grouping the vocabulary (non-semantic, semantic groupings of the vocabulary).

The peculiarities of the English language in the USA and other English Speaking Countries.

The notion of Americanism. Phonetic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities of USEnglish. Canadian English. Australian English. New Zealand English. Indian English.


9. Word - building in English. Various ways of word-building in English:

Affixation. Classification of English affixes. Polysemy, synonymy and homonymy of English affixes. Productive affixes. Historical modification of affixes and changeability of their productivity.

Conversion or non-affixed word-building as one of the most productive ways of making new words in Modern English. Different conceptions of the problem of conversion. Types of conversion. The problem of "stone wall".

Composition in English and its specific features. The problem of distinguishing compounds from word combinations in English. Different types of compounds in ME.

Shortening of words and word combinations as a productive way of building words in ME. Various types of abbreviated words and their functional use.

Minor ways of word-building: gradation, stress-shifting, blending, back formation and sound imitation.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Antrushina G.B.,… English Lexicology. M.,2004

2. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1966

3. Ginsburg R.S. and others. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. - М., 1966:

4. Кульгавова Л.В. Лексикология английского языка М.:АСТ,2006.-512с.

5. Минаева Л.В. Лексикология и лексикография английского языка: учебное пособие МЮ: АСТ: Астрель, 2007-222с.

6. Мангушев С.В. Word-building in modern English. Affixation and Compounding: учебное пособие по лексикологию – Оренбург: Изд-во ОГПУ,2009.-52с.

7. Зыкова И.В. Практический курс английской лексикологии М.:2006. -288с.



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