Georgy Soukhorukov, Edouard Soukhorukov, Roman Soukhorukov
Bohr and Zommerfild definitely proved Rezerford’s planetary atomic model [1, 2]. However, as a result of difficulties appeared while explaining the fine atomic structure of hydrogen and complex atomic structure, their theory had been rejected. Now, atomic structure is described by the complex three-dimensional Shredinger’s differential equation [3..5]. Even for hydrogen atom, the solution of this equation cannot be expressed via elementary functions [6]. For atoms which have two or mode electons, Shredinger’s equation cannot be solved even by numerical way [7]. It takes electronic computers to work for hundreds of hours [8] or several years [9] to compute a spectrum therm.
Our theory is a logical continuation of Bohr and Zommerfield’s theory. An extensive material concerning the definition of values of the ionization potential and energy of therms of optical and x-rays had been used while formation. The referenced values of the ionization potential are given to high precision which reaches 8-10 decimal points. These data are reliable because they are gotten as a result of summarizing of the experimental material which is available to all mankind. The results of the theoretical research conducted by using techniques developed on a basis of our theory are adjusted with the experimental data above.
The velocity of interaction propagation is equal to the velocity of light. The finiteness of this velocity is determined by presence of the universal medium (ether). Newton’s and Koulon’s laws are precisely applied only to solids which are static for this medium. For mobile solids, the effectiveness of interaction depends on the velocity of their motion relatively to the universal medium. Theequations of the motion effect are similar to the equations of Doppler effect in acoustics and optics. In case that both of interacting solids are mobile, the equation takes following form [10, 11]:
where X is the value depending on the motion velocity, C is the velocity of light, V and U are velocities of motion on interacting solids, α1 and β1 are the angles between directions of motion of the wave source and the receiver and the line joining the point the wave emanated from with the point it met with the receiver. Accented and unaccented letters are given for the values obtained correspondingly taking and not taking into account the motion effect. The motion of atomic nucleus can be neglected, then, the following equations are possible for values characterizing the electron orbital motion:
, (1)
where a and b are the values which increase of decrease as a result of motion effect.
A velocity of an electron in the atom also depends on motion effect. It can be written as:
. (2)
Having transformed the equation (2) to the following one
we convince that
. (4)
During the calculation we have to use the values both considering and not considering the motion effect. Using equations (2) and (3) it is possible to switch from one values to another if one of velocity value - either V or V' – is known. Considering the equation (4) equations (1) can be written as:
, (5)
Atoms have planetary structure. When an electron turns from the one steady state to another, the waves are absorbed and emitted. At the same time, in the multi-electron atoms, not only the electron that moved from the one orbit to another, but also the rest of electrons have their full energy changed. The lengths of the optical and the roentgen waves emitted by the complex atoms are calculated according the formula [12]:
, (7)
β=1+ , m is an electron mass, M is a kernel mass,
are the charge counts and the steady states of a nonexcited atom,
are the corresponding values of an exited atom. The electron numbering comes from the kernel to the periphery of the atom. Ridberg’s constant
m-1 is the same for all atoms.
The parameters of the orbits of an multi-electron atoms can be calculated via the values of the ionization potentials. Here is the sequence of calculations. First, the approximate values of an effective charge counts are calculated via the values of the ionization potentials [13]. Then, the repetition factors of the orbital periods are calculated by the following formulas:
These formulas help to express the charge counts of all electrons via the chare count of the external electron. Then, having put new expressions into the formula (8), we would have an equation with the one unknown value:
. (8)
Now it’s possible to determine the exact values by sequential accomplishing the tasks for the ions of the given atom which have 2, 3, …, i electrons correspondingly. As it is shown above, having known the value z' for the electron, it is possible to determine all parameters of its orbit. In the published issues, the calculated values of the parameters of the electron’s orbits are given for all possible ions of the first twelve elements in the Periodic Table. In this article, the examples of calculation of the hydrogen and helium atoms are given.
Parameters of the orbit of complex atoms can be expressed through the parameters of Bohr orbit [12].
If an electron is moving on round orbit, then:
, (9)
and if on elliptical, then
; (10)
, (11)
where z ' is an effective charge count,
is an eccentricity, where n is an orbital count, l and b are lengths of large and small axis of ellipse.
The full energy of an electron-atom system is:
. (13)
The orbital period for the electron and the kernel to go around center of mass:
. (14)
Formulas (1) and (2) have helped to determine: rn = 0,529191323×10-10 m; Vn = 2,186442460×106 m/s; En = 21,78571660×10-19 Joules; e = 1,602156024×10-19 Coulomb; Tn = 1,520657574×10-16 s.
Thus, having known the effective charge count it’s possible to calculate all magnitudes that characterize the electron’s orbital movement in the atom.
Table 1 shows the parameters of an electron’s orbit in the hydrogen atom for 4 steady states. Here’s the sequence of calculation. Equations (9 -11) have been used to calculate the velocities of an electron while moving on round and elliptical orbits. For the hydrogen atom these equations will look like (not considering the motion effect):
The table shows real values of the velocity of an electron, i.e. considering the motion effect. These values have been calculated using the following equations:
Effective charge counts for the electron which moves on round and elliptical orbits can be determined with the following equations:
The rest of parameters have been calculated using equations (12-14).
Table 1