Ex. 1. Listen to Samir talking about his life goals.
Answer the following questions and find the most suitable picture to each question
1) Amir thinks everyone should travel ____.
a) before they settle down
b) if they have the opportunity
c) no matter what
2) He wants to learn ___ languages.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five
3) He wants to ______.
a) be the boss
b) give orders
c) make lots of money
4) He wants to live ______.
a) near the ocean or sea
b) close to Sweden
c) in an exotic place
5) He is afraid of _____.
a) exotic cultures
b) big spiders
c) tall places
6) He wants to jump from _____.
a) a cliff
b) a building
c) a plane
Ex. 2.
Listen to the pairs of utterances and say if their rhythm is the same (the green card) or different (the red one).
Ex. 3. Mute exercises. /pbkg, td, fvw, zs/.
Ex. 4. Give the number of stressed syllables:
I need an easy text. I need a nice black bag. I have a plan! Be back in ten days! Send me twenty men. Let me take five apples. Eat an apple a day. She has many fine dresses. He has a bag in his hands. Let him sleep till eleven. She eats many cakes a day!
Ex. 5. Read these short monologues (look up and say!). Mark stresses.
(a) Ann meets Sid. I'm afraid I can't. I feel bad. I need a pill.
(b) Nancy is very strange: she is never late. She is in time every day!
Ex. 6. Study the rules of spelling
Hh перед гласным = [h]
He, ha t
hiss, hen, ham, in'hale, hack, hedge, hive, higgle, hence
sh = [ʃ ]: sh e, di sh
shine, shake, dash, mesh, shelf, 'shaker, shark, gash
Звук [ʤ ]: - на конце слова после краткого гласного передаётся сочетанием dge,
в остальных случаях сочетанием ge
[e ʤ ] = edge
[pe ʤ ] = page
Звук [tʃ] на конце слова после краткого гласного передаётся сочетанием tch,
в остальных случаях сочетанием ch
[k æ tʃ] = catch, [sti tʃ] = stitch
[tʃes] = chess, [bi: tʃ] = beach
'seven badges; five pages; ten matches; eleven leeches; six bags; nine cages; ten fishes; five gigs; six gashes; many latches
Ex. 5. Tongue-twisters. Homework.
Ex. 6. Practice the dialogue with different substitutions:
- I say, Bess, it's a nice little lamp. (tie, hat, cap, bag, picture, knife, shelf, carpet)
- It isn't bad.
- Let's take it. It's cheap.
- Let's. We `NEED a lamp.
Ex. 7. Give a response to each utterance. Work in pairs:
a) Let's start. I believe it’s time.-... c) I never take a taxi. -...
b) Give me my breakfast. -... d) Wait a minute: breakfast isn't ready.-...
Ex. 14. Articles. Show your red card for the indefinite, green for definite and yellow for the zero article.
Ex. Pronouns. Homework
Ex. 15. Supplement 1. Verb TO BE (am, is, are). Ex. 1.5-1.6 Homework
Ex. 16. Pronouns and verb TO BE. Game
Ex. 1. Transcribe the words and read them correctly, following the rules of articulation.
bar, gig, sledge, fetch, spectre, harper, he, large, match, jazz, char, glad, she, 'teacher, 'dinner, 'chatter, flag, jam, ham, him, shelf, 'China, sledge, 'nitre, snatch, bag, hiss, his, Jack, shine, Jim, shark, chap, shape, 'pygmy, hat, sheep, cheep, edge, beech, pitch, nibble, 'data, ad'viser, flax
Ex. 2. See Supplement 1 Lessons 34,35 and do Ex. 1 (Make sure that you can translate everything!!!)
Ex. 3. Study the information.
Common Questions (Общие вопросы)
Общий вопрос – это тип вопроса, ответом на который являются слова ДА или НЕТ
В английском языке общие вопросы
строятся согласно обратному порядку слов – сказуемое + подлежащее
(прямой порядок слов – подлежащее + сказуемое).
Когда Вы задаёте общий вопрос следует использовать восходящий тон.
Общий вопрос с глаголами TO BE (Present)
В общих вопросах с глаголами TO BE на первое место (перед подлежащим) ставятся глаголы AM/IS или ARE,
после которых следует подлежащее и остальные члены предложения.
Краткий ответ на общий вопрос начинается
со слов Yes/Now + Местоимение в им. Падеже + am/is/are + (not)
Yes, I am – No, I’m not
Yes he is/ No, he isn’t
Ex. 4. See Supplement 2 Lessons 34,35 and do ex. 2.1,2.2 (Make sure that you can translate everything!!!)
Ex. 5. Make up 7 sentences and be ready to reproduce them in look-up-and-say-manner at the next couple.
Ex. 6. Listen to the children’s song from Mary Poppins. The Perfect Nanny. Then translate the song
Choose the right answer.
1. If you want this choice ____________
2. Have a __________ disposition
3. Rosy ____________, no warts! Play games, all sorts
4. You must _____________, you must be witty
be kind
be blind
5. Very sweet and fairly __________
6. Take us on outings, ____________ treats
give less
give more
give us
7. Sing songs, bring __________
8. Never be cross or cruel. Never give us castor ________ or gruel
9. ____________ as a son and daughter. And never smell of barley water
Shove us
Love us
Above us
10. If you won't scold and dominate us, __________ never give you cause to hate us
We will
We still
11. We won't _________ your spectacles, So you can't see
12. Put toads in your bed, Or pepper in your ________
13. Hurry, Nanny! Many thanks. ____________, Jane and Michael Banks
Yours Truly