Try dramatizing favourite books

Дисциплина: Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности

Преподаватель: Хабарова М.В.

Группа: 231

Дата занятия по расписанию: 27 марта 2020

Тема: Воспитание в семье

Количество часов: 2

Цель: формирование навыков чтения, формирование лексических навыков; формирование знаний в области педагогики

Способ коммуникации: взаимодействие через группу в Контакте

Сроки выполнения: до 9 апреля 2020


Теоретический блок

Статья для чтения прилагается

Практический блок

Практические задания к статье прилагаются


Контролирующий блок (при необходимости)


Критерии оценки практической работы

· наличие выполненной работы

· правильно подобранные заголовки к фрагментам

· выписаны 5 пунктов основных мыслей статьи

· выражено свое мнение после статьи в письменной форме, корректно с лексико-грамматической и педагогической точи зрения


Уважаемые студенты, выполняйте выданные вам задания по

расписанию. Таким образом вам удастся пройти период

дистанционного обучения без долгов.

Желаю всем здоровья!


Статья для чтения

Raising a Reader

By Elizabeth Kennedy, Children's Books Expert

1. Прочитайте заголовки к фрагментам статьи.

Complex book language develops the intellect

Cook together using a children's cookbook.

Get a library card.

Get Books at the Right Reading Level

Go to the Library for Summer Reading Fun

Master reading technique

Memorize tongue twisters and practice them

Reading is a part of everyday life

Try dramatizing favourite books

Во время чтения вам нужно будет выбрать подходящие заголовки к каждому фрагменту. 4 из них не подходят.

2. После чтения запишите заголовки и основную мысль абзаца в 1-3 предложениях.


A good way to encourage your children to read (or to prepare young children for reading) is to read aloud to them every day. Start it when they are babies. Keep reading to them up through elementary school and later. As they get to be independent readers, continue to read aloud but also give them time to read aloud to you. A reading-friendly environment is very important. Make sure there is some place in your home where your child can read without being distracted by the TV or other family members. Good light is important, as well as a comfortable seay. While enjoying the books, the children will also be improving their listening and vocabulary skills. The more models of fluent reading the children hear, the better. Reading to children increases their knowledge of the world, their vocabulary, they get to know written language ('book language'), and their interest in reading increases. Be a role model through your own reading: your children should see that you read for joy. Many families practice a 20-30 minute read-aloud time when they get together just before bedtime.


Whatever you might think, public libraries are really wonderful. You can save money at your public library by taking advantage of all of the resources it offers. It is easy to get a library card. In most cases, all you need is identification verifying that you live in the area served by the library. If your children are old enough, they need to get their own cards and learn to keep track of their borrowed books so as to get them back on time. Once you have a card, ask the librarian to show you and your children around the children's section and show you how to use the card catalog (generally computerized). If your children have special interests (hobbies, favorite subjects, authors, etc.), make sure they ask the librarian how to locate books related to them.


What can you do to encourage your child to read during the summer? How do you choose the right children's books for your child? Many summer programs serve children of various ages, from preschoolers to teenagers. It's important to make summer reading fun for your kids. There are a lot of resources available to help you interest your child in reading throughout the summer. Your public library can be a great help. If you want your children maintain or improve their reading levels during the summer, you need to keep them reading. Many libraries schedule puppet shows, special performances and other activities during the summer to add to the fun. Summer is a great time to introduce your children to some of the classics of children's literature.


You need to keep two things in mind when helping your children choose books: their reading levels and their interests. Check with your children's teachers at the end of the school year to find out their reading levels. The children's librarian should have reading lists to help you find books at the appropriate reading level. If you are choosing children's books, many show the reading level on the front cover (books for beginning readers) or on the back cover (books for intermediate and young adult readers). Remember that different publishers use different criteria to set reading levels so you may need to try several publishers and books to determine the best fit for your children. To get an idea of what some of the recommended books are for each grade level, you can also make use of online resources, such as the About Children's Books Age/Grade Booklists directory of links.  


There are some excellent children's cookbooks available, and it can be a lot of fun to cook together, whether you are preparing a meal or a snack. Reading and following directions is good practice for your children, and cooking is a skill they will use throughout their lives.  


3. Answer the question: What method of raising a young reader is more effective, in your opinion? You can choose one of the suggested methods or talk about the one you know.

6 – 10 sentences.



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