Задание должно быть выполнено и выслано на почту jmblta@gmail.com не позднее понедельника 30.03.2020.
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Such material as wood has multiple uses. The main physical properties of wood include: color, luster, texture, macro-structure, odor, moisture, shrinkage, internal stresses, swelling, cracking, warping, density, sound - electro - thermal conductivity. Сolour, shine, texture and macrostructure determine the appearance of wood. There are two main types of trees - hardwoods and softwoods. Hard wood trees are also called broad leaved or deciduous trees. These trees have flowers and produce seeds such as nuts and fruit. Examples are oak, beech and mahogany. Softwood or coniferous trees are usually evergreen. They have needlelike leaves and bear seeds in cones. Examples are pine, spruce, fir tree and cedar. The three main types of wood are: softwoods, hardwoods, and engineered wood. Each of these different wood types can be used in a number of different ways but most often it is used for:
a) Houses construction. Besides the walls, wood is used for flooring, doors and
window frames production and interior decoration. There are a lot of types of wood that can be used in this sphere. For example: deodar, walnut wood, teak, pine, mango tree.
b) Fencing and decorating gardens. It’s a very fashionable trend nowadays to
decorate your home and garden. And when it comes to this, such material as wood is a perfect decision. It is very popular for the fencing as well. And as for wooden decorations, you can be creative and do whatever you like to decorate your home, garden, roofs and so on. The best kind of wood to use for such purposes are cedar and a redwood.
c) Creating art. It is not a secret that the wood is widely used in statues,
sculptures, carvings and making the decorative objects. Also, you may notice that the frames of art boards and color plates are made mostly out of wood. The best types of wood are pine, maple, cherry tree.
d) Making musical instruments. Most of musical instruments, for example,
piano, violin, cello, guitar and many others just have to be made out of wood, because it creates a perfect tune. And as always, some examples of the best fitting wood: mahogany, maple, ash wood. All of them work the best for guitars.
e) Making toys and sports equipment. Today it’s very popular to use wooden
toys. Everyone knows that plastic is simply the combination of chemical elements, which are dangerous to children’s health. That’s the main and most important reason to choose wooden toys instead of plastic ones. As for sport equipment, there’s no a secret that most of it is made out of wood too, for example, equipment for such sports like cricket, hockey, billiard, table tennis etc. The best choice in this case will be willow, mulberry.
f) Producing furniture. Wooden furniture is a very profitable choice. Some
people consider wooden furniture as a sign of aristocracy since long time ago. There are a few types of wood, which can be used for furniture making, for example, teak, mahogany, mango tree.
g) Shipbuilding. Wood is one of the most important materials when it comes to
ship construction. In this industry both hardwood and softwood can be used. As usual, the best types of wood for shipbuilding are: pine, teak, mango tree, cypress, redwood, white oak, kauri.
h) Fuel. Our world needs energy and the main source of this energy is fuel. Wood
has been used for fuel since the ancient times and is still widely used in many countries.
i) Stationery We almost can not imagine our life without such simple things as
paper, pencils and so on. And the main ingredient here is the wood too. Examples: keora (Son Read We almost can not imagine our life without such simple things like paper, pencils and so on. And the main ingredient here is the wood too.
Задание 2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. What are the main properties of wood?
2. What are the two main types of trees?
3. What are the three main types of wood?
4. What is wood used for?
5. Why is wood used for these purposes?
Задание 3. Распределите деревья на хвойные (coniferous=softwood) и лиственные (deciduous=hardwood). Подберите информацию для описания хвойных (5 предложений) и лиственных (5 предложений). Выберите дерево и расскажите о нём. Вы можете подобрать характеристики из следующей информации:
Trees grow upward rather than outward and have a triangular shape which makes the tree strong and keeps its branches from breaking under the weight of snow; most are evergreens; bear seeds in fruit or nuts; only some are evergreens; have pointed needles or small, flat scales; never completely shed their needles; the leaves are mainly flat, wide, and thin; stay green all; the year round; shed their leaves in autumn for the winter (and grow new ones in spring); change leaf colour; bear seeds in cones; trees spread out as they grow and have a rounded shape
акация | acacia [ə'kei∫ə] |
баобаб | baobab ['beiəubæb] |
берёза | birch [bε:t∫] |
бук | beech [bi:t∫] |
вяз | elm [elm] |
грецкий орех | walnut ['wo:lnΛt] |
красное дерево/калифорнийское мамонтово дерево | redwood [‘redwud] |
груша | pear tree [pεə tri:] |
дуб | oak [əuk] |
красное дерево | mahogany [mə’hogəni] |
ель | spruce [spru:s], fir tree [fε: tri:] |
ива | willow ['wiləu] |
инжир = смоковница = фига | fig [fig] |
каштан | chestnut ['t∫esnΛt] |
каури | kauri [‘kauəri] |
кедр | cedar ['si:də] |
кипарис | cypress ['saiprəs] |
клён | maple ['meipl] |
лавр | bay [bei] |
липа | linden ['lindən], lime tree ['laim tri:] |
лиственница | larch [la:t∫] |
вишня | cherry tree [‘t∫eri tri:] |
маслина = олива | olive ['oliv] |
мирт | myrtle ['mε:tl] |
можжевельник | juniper ['d3u:nipə] |
ольха | alder ['o:ldə] |
орешник | hazel ['heizəl] |
осина | aspen ['æspən] |
пальма | palm [pa:m] |
пихта | fir [fε:], silver fir ['silvə fε:] |
платан | plane [plein], sycamore ['sikəmo:] |
рябина | mountain ash ['mauntin æ∫], rowan ['rəuən] |
секвойя | sequoia [si'kwoiə] |
сирень | lilac ['lailək] |
слива | plum tree ['plΛm tri:] |
сосна | pine [pain] |
тик, тиковое дерево | teak [ti:k] |
кедр гималайский | deodar [‘di:əda:] |
тис | yew tree ['ju: tri:] |
тополь | poplar ['poplə] |
эвкалипт | eucalyptus [ju:kə'liptəs] |
яблоня | apple tree ['æpl tri:] |
ясень | ash [æ∫] |
тутовое дерево, шелковица | mulberry [‘mΛlbəri] |