Learn the dialogue by heart.

Customer: I would like to order a countryside house. Here is the project.
Foreman: Let’s see. A two-storey house with a garage. Ten rooms and two staircases. What will the foundation made of? Concrete?
C: Yes, ferro-concrete.

F: And what about the walls?

C: I want red brick walls. The windows are large. By the way, the panes should be airtight. I want them to be double-glazing.
F: We’ll make them hermetic with patty. We put it in the grooves, and then fix the panes.

C: Excellent. The hinges and handles should be bronze.
F: Ok. What type of roof would you like?
C: I want the roof to be flat, with a small garden.

F: Do you have an interior designer?

C: Yes, but the drafts aren’t ready.

F: What idea does he have?

C: There will be a mantelpiece in the hall and the walls will be decorated with panels.
F: Plastic panels?

C: Oh, no. Panels must be of wood.

F: What wood do you prefer?

C: I think oak is the best.

F: How do you pay the construction?

C: I’ve got the mortgage for 25 years from the bank.

F: So we’ll make oak panels then.




Scan the text and describe major uses of wood in the construction industry.

Wood has many characteristics that make it an important construction material. It can be easily shaped with tools and fastened with nails, screws, staples, and adhesives. It is light but strong. Wood provides insulation against electricity, heat, cold, and sound. It can hold paint and other finishes, and it does not rust like metal construction materials. Wood is a renewable resource.

Fig. 16 Some of the chief wood structural materials are round timbers, lumber, plywood, veneer products, and particle board. Round timbers include pilings, poles, and posts. Pilings are driven into the ground as foundations for buildings. Poles link overhead telephone wires and power lines. Posts are used chiefly to build fences. Lumber includes boards and larger pieces of wood that have been sawed from logs. The construction industry uses about 50 per cent of the lumber manufactured.

We can classify lumber as softwood or hardwood. Softwood lumber comes from needle leaf trees that are also called evergreens or conifers. It is used primarily for structural work because of its straightness and length. Softwoods include pine, larch, fir, cedar. Hardwood lumber comes from trees that lose their leaves every autumn. They are widely used for flooring, furniture and paneling. Popular hardwoods include birch, maple, oak, walnut, and mahogany.

Plywood consists of a number of thin sheets of wood called veneers that are glued together.

Veneer products include beams that support ceilings and floors.

Particle board is made from wood shavings, flakes, wafers, splinters, or sawdust left over in sawmills. This wood is mixed with an adhesive and pressed at a high temperature and pressure to form large panels. Particle board shrinks and swells very little in length and width.

Render the text in Russian.

Ask your group-mates the following questions.


1. Is timber a very ancient structural material?


2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of timber in comparison with steel?


3. What two groups is timber used for building purposes divided into?


4. What purposes is timber often used in modern construction for?


5. Why cannot timber be used immediately it has been felled?


6. What increases strength, durability and elasticity of timber?


4. Say if the sentences given below are true or false.


1. Timber is a comparatively new material.


2. Timber as a building material has no one disadvantage.


3. Mechanical properties of timber are good.


4. Softwoods are mainly used for decorative purposes.


5. Hardwoods are characterized by durability and high strength.


6. Builders can use timber in their work just after trees have been felled.


Complete the following sentences.


1. Timber is lighter, cheaper, easier in work than…


2. Timber has two disadvantages, they include…


3. Timber is a name we apply to the cut material derived from…


4. In modern construction timber is widely used for …



Woodworking is the forming and shaping of wood to make useful and decorative objects. It is one of the oldest crafts and ranks as a popular hobby and an important industry. A skilled woodworker with a well-equipped home workshop can build items as simple as a birdhouse or as complicated as decorative furniture. Tools for a workshop can be purchased at hardware and department stores. Timber retail stores and hobby shops sell a wide variety of wood.

The construction industry employs carpenters who construct the wooden framework of buildings. Other kinds of woodworkers include finish carpenters and cabinetmakers. Finish carpenters do the inside trim work around windows, cabinets, and other features that must fit exactly. Cabinetmakers design, shape, and assemble furniture, built-in cabinets, and stairways.

The history of woodworking goes back to about 8,000 B.C., when people first used an ax as a woodworking tool. In the Middle Ages, woodworkers and other craft workers formed organizations called guilds. The guilds were similar in some ways to today’s labor unions.


1. Find English equivalents in the text:

деревообработка – ________________________________________

декоративные предметы – _________________________________

важная отрасль – _________________________________________

строительный магазин – __________________________________

магазин для розничной продажи пиломатериалов – ____________

магазин товаров для хобби – ________________________________

деревянный каркас – ______________________________________

плотник-отделочник – _____________________________________

краснодеревщик – _________________________________________

внутренняя отделочная работа – ____________________________

встроенный шкаф – _______________________________________

ремесленник – ____________________________________________

сегодняшние профсоюзы – _________________________________

хорошо оборудованная домашняя мастерская – _______________


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

skilled woodworker – ______________________________________

decorative furniture – _______________________________________

department store – ________________________________________

wide variety of wood – ______________________________________

must fit exactly – __________________________________________

assemble furniture – _______________________________________

stairway – _______________________________________________

woodworking tool – _______________________________________

called guilds – ____________________________________________

be similar in some ways – ____________________________________

other kinds – _____________________________________________

shaping of wood – ________________________________________

ranks as a popular hobby – ____________________________________

framework of a building – ___________________________________


3. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Woodworking is a comparatively new industry.

2. Any woodworker can build simple and complicated items as well.

3. Wood for a workshop can be purchased at a department store.

4. You can find a wide variety of wood at lumber retail stores.

5. Carpenters are often employed in the construction industry.

6. Cabinetmakers do not deal with woodworking.

7. Finish carpenters usually do the work on the roof of the building.

8. An ax as a woodworking tool was first used long before Christ.

9. Today carpenters form organizations called guilds.

4. Choose the right variant:

1. Woodworking is the forming and shaping of wood …


а) Деревообработка – это формирование и моделирование дерева …

б) Деревообработка – это придание формы лесоматериалам …

в) Деревообработка – это придание формы и конфигурации дереву …

2. Woodworking is one of the oldest crafts and ranks as a popular hobby …


а) Деревообработка – это одно из древнейших ремесел и считается популярным хобби …

б) Деревообработка – это одно из древнейших ремесел, которое считается таким же популярным, как и хобби …

в) Деревообработка – это одна из старейших профессий, которая стоит в одном ряду с популярным хобби …


3. Other kinds of woodworkers include finish carpenters and cabinetmakers.


а) Другие типы деревообработчиков включают окончательных плотников и краснодеревщиков.

б) Другие типы деревообработчиков включают плотников-отделочников и оформителей кабинетов.

в) Другие типы деревообработчиков включают столяров-отделочников и краснодеревщиков.


4. The history of woodworking goes back to about 8000 B.C. …


а) История деревообработки берет свое начало примерно с 8000 года до нашей эры …

б) История деревообработки началась 8000 лет назад …

в) История деревообработки возвращает нас к 8000 году до рождества Христова …


5. Continue the sentence:

1. A skilled woodworker with a well-equipped home workshop can …

a) … design and construct the whole project.

b) … make pavements and overpasses.

c) … make useful and decorative objects.

2. Wood for woodworking can be purchased at …

a) … hardware stores. b) … department stores. c) … lumber retail stores.

3. Carpenters are employed by the construction industry to …

a) … mix concrete.

b) … design the modern roofs of buildings.

c) … construct the wooden framework of buildings.

4. Built-in cabinets and stairways are designed …

a) … by a design team. b) … by cabinetmakers. c) … by any woodworker.

5. Finish carpenters deal with …

a) … construction of a birdhouse.

b) … construction of the wooden framework of buildings.

c) … the inside trim work.


6. a) Complete the table:

Noun Verb Adjective


b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. The wooden framework of buildings is constructed by carpenters who are … by the construction industry.

2. There are other kinds of woodworkers which …finish carpenters and cabinetmakers.

3. Nowadays woodworking … as a popular hobby and an important industry.

4. Cabinet makers design, shape and … furniture, built-in cabinets and stairways.

5. Woodworkers form and shape wood to make useful and … objects.

6. The inside … work is usually done by finish carpenters.

7. You can … tools for a workshop at a hardware store.

8. In ancient times woodworkers formed … called guilds.

9. A wide … of wood is sold in lumber retail stores.

10. Having good … at a home workshop a woodworker can build simple and complicated items as well.


7. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1. What is woodworking?

2. When does the history of woodworking begin?

3. Where can a skilled woodworker build simple and complicated items?

4. Where can you buy tools for a workshop?

5. What do lumber retail stores sell?

6. Who constructs the wooden framework of buildings?

7. What other professions do woodworkers include?

8. What do cabinetmakers deal with?

9. Who does the inside trim work around wooden features that must fit exactly?

10. When did people use an ax as a woodworking tool?

11. When did woodworkers start forming guilds?

12. Were the guilds similar to any today’s organizations?



Drilling enables a woodworker to connect sections of wood with screws, metal plates, and hinges. Drilling may also be required when constructing some joints. Braces and hand drills have bits to make holes of different sizes for various purposes. Portable electric drills and drill presses also use bits to drill holes. They have attachments for sanding and other purposes.

Fastening. Sections of wood are fastened together with metal fasteners, such as screws and nails, and with adhesives. Tools for fastening include screwdrivers and hammers. Screwdrivers insert screws that connect sections of wood and hold hinges and metal plates. Hammers are used to drive in nails and a variety of other types of metal fasteners.

Gluing is one of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood and a variety of adhesives are used in woodworking. Polyvinyl resin emulsion glue, or white glue, can be applied directly from the bottle. It should not be used if it will come in contact with water or high temperatures.


1. Find English equivalents in the text:

детали из дерева – ________________________________________

давать возможность плотнику – _____________________________

ручной бурав – __________________________________________

коловорот – _____________________________________________

для различных целей – ____________________________________

сверлильный станок – ____________________________________

насадка для шлифовки – __________________________________

закрепление – ____________________________________________

металлическое крепежное средство – _______________________

склеивающее вещество – _________________________________

вкручивать шурупы – _____________________________________

вбивать гвозди – _________________________________________

поливиниловый эмульсионный клей – ______________________

прямо из бутылки – ______________________________________

его не следует использовать – _______________________________

делать отверстия – ________________________________________


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

drilling – ________________________________________________

to connect sections – ______________________________________

a screw – ________________________________________________

a metal plate – ____________________________________________

a hinge – ________________________________________________

some joints – ____________________________________________

a portable electric drill – _____________________________________

a hand drill bit – __________________________________________

other purposes – ___________________________________________

a nail – __________________________________________________

tools for fastening – _______________________________________

a screwdriver – ___________________________________________

a hammer – ______________________________________________

gluing – _________________________________________________

white glue – ______________________________________________

high temperature – ________________________________________


3. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. A woodworker can connect sections of wood with the help of a hand drill only.

2. Woodworkers use nails to make holes of different sizes for various purposes.

3. There are bits of different size for portable electric drills and drill presses.

4. Braces and hand drills have attachments for sanding and other purposes.

5. Various adhesives are used for fastening sections of wood together.

6. Woodworkers use hammers to insert screws that connect sections of wood.

7. One of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood is drilling.

8. Screwdrivers are used for drilling.

9. White glue should be used after it will come in contact with water.


4. Choose the right variant:


1. Drilling may also be required when constructing some joints.


а) Сверление возможно также необходимо, как и соединение стыков.

б) Сверление может также понадобиться при соединении некоторых стыков.

в) Сверление может также требовать соединения стыков.


2. They have attachments for sanding and other purposes.


а) У них есть дополнительные присоединения для посыпания песком и других целей.

б) Они приспособлены для шлифовки и других целей.

в) У них есть насадки для шлифовки и других целей.


3. Sections of wood are fastened together with metal fasteners …


а) Детали из дерева крепятся металлическими крепежными средствами…

б) Деревянные секции прикрепляют к металлическим крепежам …

в) Секции из дерева крепятся вместе с металлическими крепежами …


4. Gluing is one of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood and a variety of adhesives are used in woodworking.


а) Склеивание один из древнейших методов скрепления деталей из дерева и различных клеящих материалов, используемых в деревообработке.

б) Склеивание один из древнейших методов при креплении секций из дерева к различным клеящим материалам и используется в деревообработке.

в) Склеивание один из древнейших методов соединения деталей из дерева и различные клеящие материалы используются в деревообработке.

5. Continue the sentence:

1. Woodworkers use screws, metal plates and hinges …


a) … to make holes of different sizes.

b) … to connect sections of wood.

c) … to drive them in sections of wood.


2. Portable electric drills have … for sanding and other purposes.

a) … bits… b) …braces… c) …attachments…


3. Woodworkers use … to drive in different types of metal fasteners.

a) …screwdrivers… b) …hammers… c) …braces…


4. Woodworkers use screwdrivers …

a) … to drive in nails and a variety of other types of metal hinges.

b) … to make holes of different sizes for various purposes.

c) … to insert screws that connect sections of wood.


6. a) Complete the table:


Noun Verb Adjective


b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. Woodworkers use screwdrivers to … sections of wood.

2. Screws, nails and adhesives are used for … sections of wood together.

3. Woodworkers use braces and hand drills to make holes for … purposes.

4. They usually … white glue directly from the bottle.

5. Drilling is also used to … some joints.

6. Connection of sections of wood may also … drilling.

7. Portable electric drills have … for sanding and other purposes.

8. They usually do not use white glue after it comes in … with water.


7. Scan the text and answer the questions:


1. What do woodworkers use drilling for?

2. How do they usually connect sections of wood?

3. What do woodworkers use for making holes of different sizes?

4. What do portable electric drills have for sanding?

5. What are metal fasteners used for?

6. What tools for fastening do woodworkers usually use?

7. How do woodworkers use hammers?

8. What is used for glueing sections of wood?

9. How can white glue be applied?

10. When shouldn’t white glue be used?




The most common form of concrete consists of Portland cement, construction aggregate (generally gravel and sand) and water.

Concrete does not solidify from drying after mixing and placement; the water reacts with the cement in a chemical process known as hydration. This water is absorbed by cement, which hardens, gluing the other components together and eventually creating a stone-like material. When used in the generic sense, this is the material referred to by the term concrete.

Concrete is used more than any other man-made material on the planet. It is used to make pavements, building structures, foundations, motorways/roads, overpasses, parking structures, brick/block walls and bases for gates, fences and poles.

As of 2015, about six billion cubic meters of concrete are made each year, amounting to the equivalent of one cubic meter for every person on Earth. Concrete powers a US$35 billion industry which employs over two million workers in the United States alone. Over 55,000 miles of freeways and highways in America are made of this material. China currently consumes 40 % of world cement production.

1. Find English equivalents in the text:

строительный заполнитель – ________________________________

пескогравий – ____________________________________________

смешивание и укладка – ___________________________________

известный как – __________________________________________

склеивая другие компоненты – ______________________________

материал похожий на камень – ______________________________

общий смысл – ___________________________________________

искусственный материал – _________________________________

паркинговые сооружения __________________________________

кирпичные стены – ________________________________________

основание для забора – ____________________________________

промышленность, приносящая прибыль в 35 млрд долларов – __

только в Соединенных Штатах – _____________________________

мировое производство бетона – ______________________________


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

common form – ___________________________________________

Portland cement – _________________________________________

solidify – ________________________________________________

chemical process – _________________________________________

hydration – _______________________________________________

harden – __________________________________________________

pavement – ______________________________________________

overpass – _______________________________________________

pole – __________________________________________________

amount to – ______________________________________________

employ – ________________________________________________

freeways and highways – ____________________________________


3. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Concrete consists of Portland cement, gravel and sand.

2. Concrete hardens after mixing and placement.

3. Concrete is used more than any other natural material on the planet.

4. We use concrete to make motorways and pavements.

5. Since 2015 the production of concrete has increased greatly.

6. Only 2 hundred thousands workers in the United States deal with concrete production.

7. They do not use concrete in making highways in the United States.

8. China consumes only a small part of world cement production.


4. Choose the right variant:


1. As of 2015, about six billion cubic meters of concrete are made each year …

а) Что касается 2015 года, около 6 млрд. м3 бетона замешивается каждый год …

б) В 2015 году было произведено около 6 млрд. м3 бетона …

в) Начиная с 2015 года, около 6 млрд. м3 бетона производится каждый год …

2. Concrete powers a USD 35 billion industry …

а) Бетон дает в долларах США 35 миллиардную прибыль промышленности…

б) Бетон приводит в действие 35 миллиардную промышленность …

в) Бетон поддерживает промышленность, приносящую в долларах США 35 миллиардную прибыль …


3. … which employs over two million workers in the United States alone.

а) … что предоставляет работу двум миллионам рабочих в Соединенных Штатах.

б) … которая обеспечивает работой более двух миллионов рабочих только в Соединенных Штатах.

в) … которая дает работу только двум миллионам рабочих в Соединенных Штатах.


4. This water is absorbed by cement, which hardens, gluing the other components together …

а) Эта вода поглощает цемент, который затвердевает, склеивая другие компоненты …

б) Эта вода абсорбируется цементом, который схватывается при помощи клея и других компонентов …

в) Вода поглощается цементом, который затвердевает, склеивая другие компоненты …


5. Continue the sentence:

1. The most common form of concrete consists of …


a) … construction aggregate and Portland cement.

b) … gravel, sand and water.

c) … construction aggregate, Portland cement and water.


2. Concrete hardens …


a) … from drying after mixing and placement.

b) … after water reacts with cement.

c) … after mixing and drying.


3. Concrete is used more than any other …


a) … artificial material.

b) … natural material.

c) … fire-resisting material.


4. A great deal of concrete is made each year, amounting …

a) … to one cubic meter for every person on Earth.

b) … six billion cubic meters.

c) … to USD 35 billion industry.


6. a) Complete the table:

Noun Verb Adjective

b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. In the process of concrete production the water is … by cement, which hardens, creating a stone-like material.

2. Concrete is used to make foundations, brick walls, building and … structures, pavements and things like that.

3. Concrete production industry … over two million workers in the United States alone.

4. Concrete does not solidify from drying after mixing and ….

5. China currently … 40 % of world cement production.

6. The water … with the cement in chemical process known as hydration.

7. After the water is absorbed by cement, the aggregate usually ….

7. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1. What does the most common form of concrete consist of?

2. When does concrete harden?

3. How is this process called?

4. What is concrete used for?

5. Is concrete a popular material?

6. How much concrete is made each year?

7. How many people does concrete production employ in the United States?

8. How many miles of highways are made of concrete in America?

9. Who is the largest consumer of world cement production?




• ordinary concrete – обычный бетон


• dense concrete – плотный бетон

• heavy concrete – тяжелый бетон


• prefabricated concrete – бетон заводского изготовления


• ready-mixed concrete – готовый бетон

• cast-in-situ concrete – монолитный бетон

• prestressed concrete – предварительно-

напряженный бетон


• reinforced concrete – железобетон


• precast concrete – сборный бетон

• lightweight concrete – легкий бетон

Reinforced concrete is made by casting concrete aroundsteel rods* or bars*, and steel strengthens concrete. Almost all large structures require this extra-strong type of concrete.

Prestressed concrete usually is made by casting concretearound steel cables* stretched by hydraulic jacks*. After concrete hardens, the jacks are released* and the cables compress concrete. Concrete becomes the strongest when it is compressed. Steel cables can also be bent* into an arc, so that they develop a force in any desired direction, such as upward* elements in a bridge. Prestressed concrete beams*, roofs, floors are often cheaper for some uses than those made of reinforced concrete.

Precast concrete is cast and it hardens before being usedfor construction. Precasting firms make concrete sewer pipes*, floor and roof units, wall panels, beams, and girders*, and transport them to the construction sites. Sometimes builders make such pieces at the construction site and hoist them into place after they hardened. Precasting makes possible the production of concrete building elements.

Aerated concrete contains tiny air bubbles*. Thesebubbles are formed by adding half brick* like resinous* or fatty* materials to the cement, or to the concrete when it is mixed. The bubbles give the water in concrete enough space to expand as it freezes. The bubbles also protect the surface of the concrete from chemicals used to melt ice. Such qualities make aerated concrete a good material for roads and airport runways.

High-early-strength concrete is chiefly used in coldweather. Concrete is made with high-early-strength Portland cement, and it hardens much more quickly than ordinary concrete. High-early-strength concrete is often cheaper to use, because it cuts the amount of time necessary for its hardening.

Lightweight concrete weighs less than other kinds ofconcrete. Builders make it in two ways. They may use lightweight shale*, clay, pumice*, or other materials instead of sand, gravel, and crushed stone. Or they may add chemicals which foam and produce air spaces in the concrete when it hardens. These air spaces are much larger than the air spaces in aerated concrete.

Foam concrete is one of the lightest varieties of themineral. Various processes are used to make it. One of them relies on natural porous fillers (gravel and crushed stone) and their artificial substitutes (expanded clay aggregate).



to bind – связывать; крепить

to mould – формовать; отливать в форму

sewage – сточные воды


rod – арматурный стержень

bar – арматурный пруток/стержень

steel cable – стальной трос


hydraulic jacks – гидравлический домкрат

to release – расцеплять, отсоединять

to bend – гнуть, изгибать


upward – поднимающийся вверх, восходящий beam – балка

half brick – кирпич-половняк


resinous material – смолистый материал

fatty material – смазочный материал


sewer pipe – сточная труба, коллектор


girder – балочная ферма, балка

bubbles – пузыри (воздуха или газа)

shale – сланец

pumice – пемза


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