Find the word with the most common meaning in each line. Try to remember its Russian equivalents.


1. Face brick, refractory brick, common brick, brick, building brick.


2. Marble, sandstone, stone, granite, limestone, crushed stone, dimension stone.

3. Silver, steel, wrought iron, titanium, cast iron, mercury, metal, copper, chrome, aluminium.


3. Say if the sentences given below are true or false.


1. Stone as well as wood is one of the most ancient building materials.


2. Crushed stone is considered to be more valuable than dimension stone.


3. Limestone, granite, marble, sandstone are all the examples of dimension stones.


4. Builders use one coat of stucco to finish outside walls.


5. The most attractive and the highest quality building brick is called refractory brick.


6. Clay is the main component for producing bricks.


Complete the following sentences.


1. Almost all famous buildings of classic times, the Renaissance, the 18th and the 19th centuries were built of…


2. The advantages of stone as a building material are…


3. The examples of dimension stone are…


4. The most elegant building stone is…


5. Brick is made of…


6. The two main groups of brick are…


7. The size of a building brick in the UK is…


8. Refractory brick can withstand the temperature of…


9. The special instrument builders use to put stucco is called…

Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Искусство создания сооружений из камня называется каменной кладкой.


2. Основные характеристики камня – это механическая прочность, компактность, пористость, звукоизоляция, теплоизоляция и огнеупорность.


3. В современном строительстве камень широко используется для фундаментов, стен, полов, лестниц, опорных сооружений, отделки и декорирования зданий.


4. Люди используют кирпич как строительный материал уже много тысяч лет.


5. Штукатурку готовят из песка, воды, цементирующей смеси и широко используют для внутренней и внешней отделки стен.


Look through the text and speak about glass manufacture.


Glassmaking is considered an art form as well as an industrial process. Clear windows have been used since the invention of glass to cover small openings in a building. Glass panes (панель, оконное стекло) provided humans

Fig.18 with the ability to both let light into rooms and to keep from rainy weather outside.

Glass is generally made from mixtures of sand and silicates in a very hot fire stove called a kiln (обжиговая печь), and it is very brittle (хрупкий). The use of glass in architectural buildings has become very popular in modern culture. Glass “curtain walls” (наружная стеклянная стена) can be used to cover the entire façade of a building, or it can be used to span over a wide roof structure in a “space frame”. Glass brick was invented in the early of the 20th century.


Read and translate the text, do the exercises given below.




Plastic is usually organic polymer with high molecular massderived from petrochemicals (нефтехимические вещества), but there is plastic which is partially natural. Plastic is a building material consisting of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organics that can be moulded into solid objects of diverse shapes. Plasticity is the general property of this material.

Plastic has appeared comparatively recently but, owing to its valuable and diverse properties, has found a wide application in construction and many other industries (machine-building, aviation, textile industry, etc.). Plastic combines all the fine characteristics of a building material with good insulating properties. It is no wonder that architects and engineers have turned to it to add beauty to modern houses and offices. Application of plastic in the building field widens from year to year.

With respect to physical and mechanical properties at a normal temperature of 20 °С all plastics are divided into rigid (жесткий), semi-rigid, soft and plastic. As to the number of constituents plastics may be classified as simple and complex. In the building field we usually deal with complex plastics, e.g. plastics consisting of a polymer and other components.

Due to their relatively low cost, ease of manufacture, large assortment, and water-resistance, plastics are used in an enormous and expanding range of products, from paper clips to spaceships. In some fields they have already displaced many traditional materials, such as wood, stone, leather, metal, glass, and ceramics. The world’s first fully synthetic plastic was bakelite (бакелит, жесткая пластмасса) invented in New York in 1907 by Leo Baekeland who introduced the term “plastic”. Many chemists contributed to the materials science of plastic, including Nobel winner Herman Staudinger who has been called “the father of polymer physics”.

The main properties of plastic are:


· durability;


· cost effectiveness;

· recycling;

· energy saving;

· safety;

· ease of installation and maintenance.


1. Give the Russian for:


Glassmaking, clear window, glass pane, glass roof, safety of plastics, organic polymer, high molecular mass, relatively low cost, piping, bakelite, synthetic and semi-synthetic organics, partially natural, petrochemicals.


2. Give the English for:


Смесь песка и различных силикатов, хрупкий материал, обжиговая печь, изобретение стекла, стеклянный строительный кирпич, пропускать свет, простота при установке и в уходе, пластик, пластичный, пластичность, водонепроницаемый материал.



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