Words to be remembered:


structure – конструкция, сооружение

construction – строительство, сооружение,конструкция

design – проект, чертеж, дизайн


engineering – конструирование, инженерное искусство

civil engineering – гражданское строительство

structural engineering – проектирование зданий исооружений

material engineering – материаловедение

residential structure – жилое сооружение

housing – жилищное строительство

technique – технические приемы/методы

water supply system – система водоснабжения

sewerage – канализация, водоотведение

manufacture – производство, изготовление

construction site – строительная площадка

frame – каркас; рама


maintenance – техническое обслуживание, осуществление профилактического ремонта

installation – установка, монтаж


demolition – демонтаж или снос здания (сооружения)

storey (floor) – этаж

draft – чертеж, эскиз

drawing – чертеж, рисунок


computer simulation – компьютерное моделирование

masonry – каменная или кирпичная кладка

requirement (demand) – требование, потребность

strength – прочность


durability – прочность, долговечность

safety – безопасность

responsibility – ответственность

corrosion – коррозия, ржавление


fire protection – противопожарная защита

availability – наличие, пригодность


tender documents – тендерная документация

bill of quantities – предварительная смета строительных работ

structural engineer – инженер-проектировщик

customer – покупатель, заказчик

client – клиент, заказчик

contractor – подрядчик

advantage – преимущество, выгода


disadvantage – недостаток

automation – автоматизация

robotics – робототехника


casting – отливание; литье металла

welding – сварка


convenient – удобный


to assemble – собирать, монтировать

to disassemble – разбирать, демонтировать


to finish – отделывать, заканчивать, обрабатывать

to equip – оборудовать


to transfer – передавать/переносить (нагрузку)

to carry out – выполнять


to make decision – принимать решение


to take into consideration (account) – принимать во внимание, учитывать


to estimate load – рассчитывать нагрузку


Civil engineering describes the profession of designing andexecuting structural works helping to make our world a better place to live. As the technological revolution expands, as the world’s population increases, and as problems with environment are multiplied, civil engineering skills will be needed throughout the world. This branch of engineering covers different areas including the design and construction of buildings and houses, dams, tunnels, bridges, canals, sanitation systems, also the stationary parts of transportation systems – highways, airports, port facilities, and roadbeds Fig.12 for railroads.

It is traditionally broken into several sub-disciplines including architectural engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, municipal or urban engineering, water supply and sewerage engineering, material engineering, offshore engineering*, aerospace engineering, construction surveying, and some others. Each of these areas involves different duties and different uses of engineers’ knowledge and experience.

Environmental Engineering. The skills of environmentalengineers have become increasingly important as we protect our natural resources. Environmental engineers transform physical, chemical and biological processes into systems to destroy toxic substances, remove pollutants from water, reduce non-hazardous solid waste volumes, eliminate pollutants* from the air and develop groundwater supplies.

Geotechnical Engineering is required in all aspects of civilengineering because most projects are supported by the ground. A geotechnical engineer may develop projects below the ground, such as tunnels, foundations and offshore platforms. They analyse the properties of soil and rock that support and influence the behaviour of these structures. They evaluate potential settlement of buildings, the stability of slopes and fills, the effects of earthquakes. They also take part in the design and construction of dams, embankments and other structures.

Transportation engineering. The quality of a community isdirectly related to the quality of its transportation system. Transportation engineers work to move people, goods and materials safely and efficiently. They find ways to meet our ever-



offshore engineering – сооружения на расстоянии от берега

pollutants – загрязнители





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