Ordinal numbers and dates

5 March (5th March) the fifth of March / March the fifth
  nineteen hundred and seven / nineteen oh seven

Fractions and decimals

a half an eighth
a third three-eighteenths / three over eighteen
two-thirds three over one six five
a quarter 0.3 (nought) point three
one and three-quarters 6.07 six point oh seven
one and a half 10.75 ten point seven five


35 % thirty-five per cent


24°C or F   –10° twenty four degrees centigrade / celsius or fahrenheit [ˊfærǝnhaɪt] ten degrees below zero / minus ten degrees

Formulae reading

Basic formulae

1. Do you know how these formulae are spoken?


Notice the signs which are used to indicate mathematical processes. Copy this into your notebooks.

signs spoken noun / verb
+ plus [plʌs] addition / add
minus [ˊmaɪnǝs] subtraction / subtract
multiplied by / times multiplication / multiply
: divided by / over division / divide


2. Memorise how the above formulae should be spoken.

a plus b equals c

a minus b equals d

a times b equals e / a multiplied by b equals e

a over b equals f / a divided by b equals f


3. More mathematical symbols to memorise.

These signs () are called brackets.

These signs [ ] are called square brackets.

ABC are capital letters.

abс are small letters.

Ax is read A subscript x

ā is read a barred [ba:d]


4. Practise reading these formulae aloud.

a minus b in brackets times a plus b in brackets equals y
a open brackets 8 minus b close brackets equals x
12 plus a minus b in brackets all over 7 a equals b
  x open square brackets a minus b in brackets times a plus b in brackets minus 7 close square brackets equals nought [nɔ:t]


5. Produce and recognise spoken forms of these simple formulae. Mind that the capital / small letter distinction is usually only made when both forms are used in the same equation.

1)   6)
2) 7)
3) 8)
4) 9)
5) 10)


6. Mind the full spoken version of these values. Practise reading them.

x squared
x cubed
x to the power (of) n / x to the n
x to the power (of) n minus 1 / x to the n minus one
x to the power (of) minus n / x to the minus n
  square root of x
  cube root of x
n th root of x


7. Write down the full spoken version of the following expressions. Read them out.


  1) 6)
  2) 7)
3) 8)
4) 9)
5)   10)


More complex formulae

1. Study the following table and read the examples aloud.

symbol meaning example spoken
º equivalent to xºy x is equivalent to y
¹ not equal to x¹y x is not equal to y
approximately equal to x y x is approximately equal to y
tends to x x tends to nought
< less than x<5 x is less than five
> greater than x>5 x is greater than five
<< much less than y<<5 y is much less than five
>> much greater than y >>5 y is much greater than five
less than or equal to x ≤10   x is less than or equal to 10
greater than or equal to y ≥10 y is greater than or equal to 10
  infinity x→∞   x tends to infinity
  proportional to   x y   x is proportional to y
± plus or minus x=±2 x equals plus or minus 2
/ per km/hr kilometres per hour


2. Here is the Greek alphabet. Make sure you know how this is read.

Capital / small Name  
alpha [ˊælfǝ]
beta [ˊbi:tǝ; US: beɪtǝ]
Γγ gamma [ˊgæmǝ]
Δδ delta [ˊdeltǝ]
Εε epsilon [epˊsaɪlǝn; US: ˊepsɪlɔn]
Ζζ zeta [ˊzi:tǝ; US: ˊzeɪtǝ]
Ηη eta [ˊi:tǝ; US: ˊeɪtǝ]
Θθ theta [ˊθi:tǝ; US: ˊθeɪtǝ]
Ιι iota [aɪˊoutǝ]
Κκ kappa [ˊkæpǝ]
Λλ lambda [ˊlæmdǝ]
Μμ mu [mju:]
Νν nu [nju:; US: nu:]
Ξξ xi [ksaɪ]
Οο omicron [ouˊmaɪkrǝn; US: ˊɔmɪkrɔn]
Ππ pi [paɪ]
Ρρ rho [rou]
Σσ sigma [ˊsɪgmǝ]
Ττ tau [tau]
Υυ upsilon [ju:pˊsaɪlǝn; US: ˊju:psɪlɔn]
Φφ phi [faɪ]
Χχ chi [kaɪ]
Ψψ psi [psaɪ]
Ωω omega [ˊoumɪgǝ; US: ouˊmegǝ]


3. Practise reading out these expressions.

1) f equals one over two pi times the square root of LC
2) E equals sigmaT to the power of four
3) Capital W subscript s equals two pi small f over capital P
4) Gamma equals W subscript oh over four piR all times F
5) Mu subscript oh equals four pi times ten to the power of minus seven capital H small m to the power of minus one
6) C equals L over R squared plus omega squared L squared
7) v subscript two equals the square root of open brackets, two e over m times capital V subscript two, close brackets
8)   u equals a half sigma subscript upsilon squared all over K
9) sigma equals capital M small y small c all over capital I, plus capital P over capital A
10) gamma equals four Q over three piR squared times, open brackets, R squared minus gamma squared, close brackets


4. Write down the following formulae in your notebooks. Check the results as a class.

1) V over I equals R (all capital letters)

2) P subscript one V subscript one equals P subscript two V subscript two (all capital letters)

3) one over u plus one over v equals one over f (all small letters)

4) capital F equals small m small v squared all over small r

5) one over R equals M over EI (all capital letters)

6) sigma over capital Y small n equals capital M over capital A small h capital R subscript small f

7) capital A equals two pi capital R subscript small c, open square brackets capital R subscript small c minus square root open brackets capital R subscript small c squared minus small d squared over four, close brackets, close square brackets

8) tau equals four capital Q over three pi capital R to the power of four, open brackets, capital R squared minus gamma squared, close brackets

9) F is proportional to M subscript one M subscript two all over R squared (all letters capital)

10) T squared over R cubed equals four pi squared over GM (all capital letters)



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