Тема 1.11 Подготовка и запуск главного двигателя

Студент должен



- лексику темы;



- вести беседу по теме;

- рассказать о системе надува.


Литература: [2, c. 106 - 111].


Методические указания

При изучении данной темы следует выписать незнакомые слова в словарь и выучить их, прочитать текст и запомнить последовательность действий при подготовке и запуске двигателя.


Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. What steps should you do before starting ME?

2. How many revolutions of the main engine crankshaft should have, if there are no troubles?

3. Who will order to start the engine?


Обучение английскому языку является составной частью подготовки специалистов флота, а знание английского языка в современных условиях стало производственной необходимостью.

По окончании курса обучения студент-заочник должен уметь вести беседы на темы, связанные со специальностью, общебытовые; читать специальную литературу, инструкции по эксплуатации энергетических установок; читать схемы и чертежи; составлять ремонтные ведомости и другие заявки; читать общеполитическую и художественную литературу.

Такой уровень знаний требует обязательного усвоения лексико-грамматического материала рекомендуемых учебников и пособий.

Самостоятельная работа студента-заочника над изучением делового английского языка начинается с проработки учебника. Материал следует проходить в той последовательности, в какой он изложен в учебнике. Залог успеха заложен в регулярности занятий.

Настоящие методические указания имеют целью помочь студенту-заочнику в его самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков правильного чтения и перевода специальной литературы на английском языке, над приобретением умений правильно составить деловое письмо и участвовать в беседе.


Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольной работы:

1. Каждое контрольное задание в данном методическом пособии дается в вариантах. Студент должен выполнить один из вариантов в соответствии с последними цифрами студенческого шифра.

2. Выполняйте письменные контрольные работы в отдельной тетради. На тетради напишите свою фамилию, инициалы, шифр, номер контрольной работы и название учебника, по которому Вы занимаетесь.

3. Работы должны быть написаны аккуратно, четким почерком; если тетрадь в клетку, пишите через строчку.

4. Выполняйте задание в той последовательности, в какой они даны в настоящем пособии.

5. Работая над текстом, прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Абзацы, которые надо перевести письменно, перепишите на левой странице тетради. На правой странице тетради сделайте письменный перевод указанных абзацев.

6. Если контрольная работа выполнена не в соответствии с указаниями или не полностью, она возвращается студенту без проверки.


Контрольное задание № 1

Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить задание № 1 необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка:

1. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных и наречий.

2. Неопределенные местоимения some, any и их производные.

3. Видовременные формы глагола:

а) Действительный залог (The Active Voice)

Present, Past, Future (Continuous), Present, Past, Future (Perfect);

б) Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Present, Past, Future (Indefinite).

4. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

5. Простые неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, Participle I, Participle II, Gerund.

6. Словообразование - основные словообразовательные префиксы и суффиксы.

После изучения указанного материала приступайте к выполнению задания. Все варианты контрольного задания начинаются с текстов. Прочтите памятку по работе над текстом.

Прежде чем приступить к чтению текста особое внимание обратите на заголовок. Заголовок отражает тему, идею или проблему текста.

Когда Вы читаете текст, попытайтесь прочесть все сразу до конца без остановки. Старайтесь понять значение незнакомых слов из контекста. Когда вы отвлекаетесь для того, чтобы посмотреть слово в словаре, Вы теряете нить повествования. Вы можете посмотреть слова позже, если не уверены в том, что правильно догадались.

Как правило, тексты разделены на абзацы и каждый абзац содержит главную мысль, попытайтесь понять ее.

Еще одним помощником при чтении могут быть слова-сигналы.

Например: слова-сигналы first, then, next, after, that, finally помогут понять время и последовательность происходящих действий.

Слова-сигналы than, like, as... as и суффиксы -er, -est, указывают на контраст и сравнение, because - на причину.

Особенно надежными помощниками при чтении являются интернациональные слова. Они могут полностью совпадать по написанию и по значению со словами русского языка, например: gas, fact, port, start, turbo, или совпадая по значению, они могут иметь некоторые различия в написании, например: temperature, cylinder, operation, principal, function, diesel, system.

Обращаясь, к словарю, помните:

1. Любое слово в словаре стоит в начальной форме. Значит, по слову, встретившемуся в тексте, надо определить его начальную форму, т.е. единственное число существительного, неопределенную форму глагола, положительную степень прилагательного и т.п.

2. Многие слова в английском языке имеют несколько значений. Выберите то значение, которое подходит по смыслу предложения.

3. Выписывая слова из словаря, пишите обязательно транскрипцию и ставьте ударение.


Работа со словами

Записывайте слова на карточках. Обязательно пишите транскрипцию и ставьте ударение. Обозначайте грамматические признаки. На обратной стороне карточки пишите перевод этого слова на русский язык (exhaust manifold сущ., ед. ч. выхлопной коллектор; governor - сущ., ед.ч. - регулятор).

Вы можете сделать учебную картотеку с тремя конвертами. В первом конверте поместите карточки с новыми словами, во втором - карточки с теми, которые Вы учили, но еще не совсем запомнили, а третий - со словами, которыми Вы уже хорошо владеете. Учить слова начинайте с первого конверта, те слова, которые Вы выучили переходят во второй конверт. Если, повторяя слова второго конверта, Вы убедились, что знаете хорошо их - перекладывайте в третий, если забыли - обратно в первый. И не забывайте повторять слова из третьего конверта.

Вы можете делать список с новыми словами и повесить его дома, положить на стол и другие места.

Группируйте слова, которые тематически связаны друг с другом.

Вы можете записывать новые слова на кассету (диск) и постоянно слушайте воспроизведение этой записи.

Учите каждый день понемногу, чем один раз в неделю несколько часов.

Попробуйте выучить перед сном десять новых слов и повторите их на следующее утро. То, что учится перед сном и повторяется после просыпания, усваивается лучше.

Используйте следующие образцы выполнения упражнений:

Образец выполнения упражнения III

продувка - scavenging

выхлопной клапан - exhaust valve

смесь - mixture

Образец выполнения упражнения IV

The four-stroke cycle consists of the suction stroke, compression stroke and combustion and expansion stroke and exhaust stroke.

consists of Present Indefinite Active

4-тактный цикл состоит из тактов всасывания, сжатия, сгорания, рабочего хода и выхлопа.

Образец выполнения упражнения V

to write - writing - written
писать пишущий написанное
to cool - cooling - cooled
охлаждать охлаждающая охлажденная



Вариант № 1

1. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, и 3 абзацы текста.



1. In the two-stroke cycle engine the scavenging air is admitted through scavenging ports located at the bottom of the cylinder.

2. In the scavenging arrangement we describe, the exhaust ports are placed on one side of the cylinder and on the opposite side are scavenging ports. The exhaust ports are slightly higher than the scavenging ports so that the piston uncovers the exhaust ports first, thus allowing the pressure in the cylinder to fail before the scavenging ports are opened. By the time the scavenging ports are uncovered the pressure in the cylinder has fallen to atmospheric and the scavenging air rushes in. By inclining the scavenging ports and shaping the piston head, the entering air is deflected upward and sweeps the burned gases out of the upper part of the cylinder and out through the exhaust ports. When the piston covers the ports on its up stroke, the air is trapped in the cylinder and then is compressed. This arrangement of scavenging does away with the necessity for the scavenging valves in the cylinder head. The only cylinder head valves then required are the spray valve and starting air valve. This simplifies the head, makes cooling easier and reduces the liability to crack.

3. There are a number of different systems in use for admitting scavenging air.

4. In 2-stroke Diesel engines the following three methods are used for the scavenging of the cylinder: cross scavenging system (Sulzer), loop scavenging (M.A.N.) and uniflow scavenging system (B. & W.).

5. Uniflow scavenging is of greater advantage when compared to the two other systems. It ensures better removal of all residues of the combustion products.

6. By giving the scavenging port an inclined shape, a rotary motion of the scavenging air is obtained, which means that the air ascends through the cylinder without mixing with the combustion gases, consequently, the latter are forced out of the cylinder, no residue being left.

7. As a consequence of the advantageous flow conditions, this system requires less surplus air and less scavenging work, too.

8. The rotary motion of the scavenging air ensures a very even mixture of air and oil, and this in its turn will ensure an unusually good combustion of the oil.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). Where are the exhaust and the scavenging ports placed?

2). What happens with the scavenging air by the time the scavenging ports are uncovered?

3). There are a number of different system in use admitting scavenge air, aren’t there?

4). What methods are used for the scavenging of the cylinder in 2-stroke Diesel engines?


3. Переведите следующие выражения на английский язык:

1) двухтактный двигатель;

2) нижняя часть цилиндра;

3) клапан пускового воздуха;

4) продувочное окно;

5) головка поршня;

6) поперечная система продувки;

7) продукты сгорания;

8) прямоточно-клапанная система продувки;

9) избыточный;

10) вращательное движение.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). The scavenging air is admitted through scavenging ports located at the bottom of the cylinder.

2). This simplifies the head, makes cooling easier and reduces the liability to crack.

3). The exhaust ports are slightly higher than the scavenging ports.

4). The following three methods are used for the scavenging of the cylinder in 2-stroke Diesel engines.

5). It ensures better removal of all residues of the combustion products.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите.

- to arrange - to reduce

- to fail - to compare

- to sweep - to obtain

- to compress - to require

- to show - to make


6. Напишите резюме.


Вариант № 2

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 и 4 абзацы.


1. The fuel piping system comprises the fuel supply lines, high-pressure fuel lines and fuel heating pipes, if heavy fuel is used. Fuel supply lines include the supply lines from the fuel transfer pumps and preheating arrangements to the fuel filters and fuel pumps on the engine, also the fuel supply lines to the installation. High-pressure fuel lines connect the fuel pumps with the fuel valves and are under very high intermittent pressure. Defective high-pressure fuel lines must not be repaired by welding, because the welding beads which get inside the pipe may damage the fuel nozzle.

2. The preheating system employs steam up to 7 kg/sq. cm.g. and is led adjacently along all fuel pressure and supply lines, also filters. The drain lines for leakage fuel are also partially heated.

3. Fuel system fittings are fuel transfer pump, fuel filter, fuel pressure-maintenance valve, fuel shut-off valve, fuel non-return valve.

4. The fuel transfer pump is driven separately by an electric motor, as a rule, and its capacity must be chosen so that it is always fully capable of discharging against the counter- pressure adjusted at the pressure- retaining valve.

5. The fuel filter contains several filter elements, which can be switched over during operation and is designed for steam heating.

6. The fuel pressure-retaining valve is designed for adjustable backpressure. The pressure adjusted should be so high that there is no formation of vapour on the suction side of the fuel pumps.

7. The fuel shut-off valve opens during operation and is provided with a double cone seat to prevent leakage. It enables the main pipe to be isolated temporarily for dismantling the fuel pump or preheating.

8. The non-return valve is situated between the fuel pump and the overflow line with single-controlled fuel pumps. During operation the surplus fuel delivered by the fuel transfer pump runs off into the overflow line. When dismantling a fuel pump, the latter is isolated from the overflow line by the non-return valve.

9. Each cylinder processes its own fuel pump, which discharges a definite quantity of fuel through the discharge line to the fuel valve at the correct moment and under high pressure. The fuel is then sprayed into the combustion chamber in certain direction through a number of accurate nozzle orifices, and is finely atomized in the process.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What lines and pipes does the fuel piping system comprise?

2. Why mustn’t defective high-pressure fuel lines be repaired by welding?

3. Is the fuel transfer pump driven separately by an electric motor?

4. What is the fuel pressure-retaining valve designed for?


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) трубопроводы подачи топлива;

2) подогреватели топлива;

3) система подогрева топлива;

4) топливный фильтр;

5) трубопроводы высокого давления;

6) топливный отсечной клапан;

7) топливо-перекачивающий насос;

8) капли металла при сварке;

9) избыточное топливо;

10) нагрузочная пружина.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). High pressure fuel lines connect the fuel pumps with the fuel valves.

2). The drain lines for leakage fuel are also partially heated.

3). The fuel shut-off valve opens during operation.

4). Fuel system fittings are fuel transfer pump, fuel filter, fuel pressure-maintenance valve.

5). The fuel pressure-retaining valve is designed for adjustable backpressure.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to supply - to adjust

- to use - to design

- to transfer - to choose

- to repair - to heat

- to drive - to dismantle


6. Составьте инструкцию «Обязанности механика».


Вариант № 3

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 2 и 3 абзацы.


1. The principal function of the cooling system is to dispose of the heat transferred from the burning fuel to the metal adjacent to the combustion chamber, but for convenience it is usually extended and put to uses, such as cooling the scavenging air, lubricating oil, exhaust manifold, crosshead guides, etc. All of these points of application may be included in a single system and sea water and fresh water used as the cooling medium or several independent circuits may be used. The most often used cooling system is an enclosed fresh water system. In this case sea water is used for cooling fresh water, oil and scavenging air.

2. The water that enters the bottom of each cylinder jacket flows upward, passes into the cylinder head, then through the exhaust valve cage and into a pipe leading to the exhaust manifold jacket, whence it is led to the thermostat. The latter delivers part of the water to the cooler and the rest of it to the circulating pump to be recirculated. If there is a temperature rise of cooling water, the thermostat directs greater part of the water to the cooler and lesser part is to be recirculated.

3. In numerous cases the pistons are cooled with fresh water or oil, in which case the piston system is, of course, separate from the jacket system. A separate circulating pump is used and the oil or fresh water leaving the pistons passes through coolers and into a large tank, to be recirculated. In some of the Burmeister & Wain installations cooling of the piston is done with oil and that of the rest of the engine with fresh water, sea water being used only in the coolers, through which the fresh water and oil are passed after leaving the engine.

4. It will be readily seen that the all salt-water method is the simplest arrangement because of the necessity for fewer pumps and the elimination of water coolers and storage tanks, but the use of fresh water tends to reduce the trouble due to scale, sediment and corrosion. Cooling the pistons with oil eliminates troubles due to leakage of water into the lubrication oil.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). What is the principal function of the cooling system?

2). What purposes is sea water used for?

3). Where does the thermostat direct greater part of the water, if there is a temperature rise of cooling water?

4). Are the pistons cooled with fresh water or oil in numerous cases?


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) камера сгорания;

2) продувочный воздух;

3) выхлопной коллектор;

4) направляющая крейцкопфа;

5) система пресной воды;

6) рубашка цилиндра;

7) корпус выхлопного клапана;

8) отстойный танк;

9) накипь;

10) отложение солей.



4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). All of these points of application may be included in a single system.

2). The latter delivers part of the water to the cooler.

3). In numerous cases the pistons are cooled with fresh water or oil.

4). It will be readily seen that the all salt-water method is the simplest arrangement.

5). The use of fresh water tends to reduce the trouble due to scale, sediment and corrosion.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to transfer - to enter

- to burn - to circulate

- to extend - to cool

- to flow - to reduce

- to pass - to do


6. Составьте инструкцию «Вахтенные обязанности».


Вариант № 4

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1 и 3 абзацы.


1. Supercharging, or pressure charging, is a means of increasing the power output of a given engine. It is the process of filling the engine cylinder before the compression stroke begins, with air at a pressure several pounds (2.0 - 2.5 kg/ сm) above atmospheric; this is done for the purpose of getting a greater weight of air into the cylinder than can be obtained by the ordinary method. Since the ratio of air at beginning and end of compression for any condition is fixed, it follows that, if we start with a higher pressure, the final compression pressure will be higher. This means that if the engine is supercharged, the volume of the compression space must be enlarged if the compression pressure is to be kept the same.

2. Having a greater weight of air in the cylinder we can burn more fuel. Although more oil is burned there is more air present and the ratio of oil to air is the same as without supercharging. Exhaust occurs at a higher pressure, but the temperature of the exhaust is even lower than with ordinary operation. The reason for this is that the valve timing is so arranged that the inlet valve opens before the exhaust valve closes; and the inlet air being higher in pressure than the exhaust gases at the time the inlet valve opens, the air is blown through the compression space, scavenging out the gases and cooling them, as well as cooling the piston and cylinder walls. This action also completely fills the compression space, i.e. cylinder space with fresh air. The net increase in power developed in the engine may be as much as 50%.

3. In modern Diesel engines exhaust gas turbocharging is widely used. The exhaust-driven turbochargers operate on the pulse system or on the constant-pressure principle, and are independent of the crankshaft. Their speed changes with the load on the engine. No auxiliary drive or blower is required for starting or for operation at partial loads. The air compressed by the turbochargers flows into the scavenging-air receiver and through non-return valves into the chambers below each cylinder. Here it is further compressed by the pistons on their downward stroke before flowing into combustion space when the pistons uncover the scavenge ports. The pumping action of the lower piston surfaces is quite sufficient to scavenge out and charge the cylinders when the engine is being started up, before the turbochargers come into operation. In fact even if all the turbochargers should be out of action, the ship could still be run at 75% of her normal speed. Another consequence of this arrangement is that the exhaust remains completely clear even down to low partial load.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What is the purpose of supercharging?

2. Is supercharging the means of increasing the power output of a given engine?

3. When can we burn more fuel?

4. What type of supercharging is used in modern Diesel engines?


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) зарядка под давлением;

2) такт сжатия;

3) температура выхлопа;

4) выпускной клапан;

5) компрессионное пространство;

6) газотурбонадув;

7) регулировка клапанов;

8) чистое увеличение мощности;

9) подпоршневая полость;

10) это делается ради цели.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). It is the process of filling the engine cylinder before the compression stroke begins.

2). Exhaust occurs at a higher pressure.

3). The valve timing is so arranged that the inlet valve opens before the exhaust valve closes.

4). The net increase in power developed in the engine may be as much as 50%.

5). The exhaust driven turbochargers operate on the pulse system or on the constant-pressure principle.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to obtain - to arrange

- to compress - to open

- to close - to cool

- to mean - to begin

- to give - to blow


6. Напишите, что Вы будете делать, если двигатель не запускается.


Вариант № 5

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 3 и 4 абзацы.


1. All the pumps used on board any ship divide into two main groups, e.g. displacement and centrifugal pumps.

In displacement pumps the volume of the pump chamber is increased by raising the piston. This causes a vacuum. Into this vacuum the liquid is drawn from the suction pipe. Piston is then lowered. This decreased the volume of the pump chamber, and forces the liquid out into delivery pipe.

2. A simple kind of reciprocating displacement pump is the single-acting ram pump, which consists of a ram moving up and down inside a chamber. The chamber is fitted with a non-return suction valve and a non-return delivery valve. When the piston moves up, a vacuum is formed in the chamber. Liquid is drawn into the chamber through the suction valve. Then the piston moves down. This creates a force on the liquid. The suction valve is closed by this force. The liquid is forced out through the delivery valve.

3. Another type of reciprocating displacement pump is the double-acting piston pump, which works on the same principle as the single-acting pump. Its chamber is fitted with suction and return valves at the top and bottom. The liquid can be drawn in and discharged on each stroke.

The gear-wheel pump is an example of a rotary displacement pump, which is used for pumping lubricating and fuel oils. It consists of interlocking gear wheels. The gear wheels rotate. Each tooth on both wheels leaves a vacuum for liquid to flow into. The next tooth to enter forces the liquid out. The liquid enters a space, is carried round and then forced out into the delivery tube.

4. Centrifugal pumps consist of an impeller, which rotates at high speed inside casing. The liquid enters through the suction outlet. The liquid is thrown by centrifugal force against the surrounding casing. The liquid enters through a suction pipe at the centre, and then discharged through the delivery outlet.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). What types of pumps are used on board any ships?

2). What valves is the chamber fitted with?

3). What happens with the liquid when the suction valve is closed?

4). Do centrifugal pumps consist of an impeller or interlocking dear wheels?


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) всасывающий патрубок;

2) объем рабочей камеры;

3) поршневой насос двойного действия;

4) объемный насос;

5) невозвратный всасывающий клапан;

6) невозвратный выпускной клапан;

7) шестеренчатый насос;

8) жидкость;

9) крыльчатка;

10) камера.

4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). Piston is then lowered.

2). This creates a force on the liquid.

3). The suction valve is closed by this force.

4). The gear-wheel pump consists of interlocking gear wheels.

5). The gear wheels rotate.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to use - to form

- to divide - to close

- to increase - to create

- to decrease - to discharge

- to deliver - to enter


6. Составьте ремонтную ведомость (ремонт центробежного насоса).


Вариант № 6

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 7, 8 и 9 абзацы текста.


1. Before starting a unit certain precautions ought to be taken to make sure that the unit is ready for operation. The unit should be absolutely clean inside and out, and all parts securely fastened.

2. The following procedure for starting the unit should be observed: measure clearances where indicators are installed. See that the turbine rotors and gears move freely. This may be done by turning the units by means of a motor-driven turning gear.

3. All valves and cocks for draining water from the main steam pipe, manoeuvring valves and turbine casings should be opened.

4. All steam valves at the manoeuvring gear and about the turbines should be closed.

5. The cocks to the pressure and vacuum gauges on the turbine and condenser should be opened.

6. Determine that there is a supply of circulating water through the oil cooler by turning on the water and then turning it off.

7. Inspect the lubricating oil system carefully. It sometimes happens that the oil in the system becomes cold and viscous because of the weather or of the location of the oil tanks. Therefore, before starting the equipment it may be necessary to heat the oil in the tanks sufficiently to allow it to flow freely. The initial temperature of the oil should not be generally lower than 900F.

8. Warm up turbine by running slowly, alternately ahead and astern. It is desirable to allow a reasonable time for warming up, say for one hour. If conditions are such as to preclude alternate running ahead and astern, it is preferable to omit the warming operation entirely. In this event it is especially important that the first opening of the throttle valve be sufficient to start the turbine turning at once, to avoid unequal heating of the rotor and consequent warping. If the unit has been shut down for a few hours only, and the turbines are still warm, it is essential that the rolling alternately ahead and astern be carried out before bringing the unit up to speed.

9. Start first stage of the air ejectors, bringing vacuum up to normal. Unit is now ready to manoeuvre or operate.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту/

1). What precautions ought to be taken before starting a unit?

2). Is it necessary to open all valves and cocks for draining water from the main steam pipe?

3). Why does system become cold and viscous?

4). What will you do if the initial temperature of the oil is lower than 90oF.


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) запуск установки;

2) убедиться;

3) замеры зазоров;

4) дроссельный клапан;

5) закреплять;

6) валоповоротка

7) замерить зазоры;

8) неравномерный прогрев;

9) изгиб (перекос);

10) установка.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). The unit should be absolutely clean inside and out.

2). The oil in the system becomes cold and viscous because of the weather or of the location of the oil tanks.

3). Make sure that the unit is ready to manoeuvre.

4). The turbine ought to be warmed up by running slowly.

5). There is a supply of circulating water through the oil cooler.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to fasten - to inspect

- to shut - to open

- to become - to take

- to observe - to bring

- to warm - to heat


6. Составьте диалог «В машинном отделении» (экскурсия по машинному отделению).


Вариант № 7

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы текста.



1. Vibration is caused by lack of balance in the rotating parts of machinery. It has always been a source of trouble, due not only to the fact that the excessive wear on the bearings caused by vibration affects the accuracy and life of the machinery, also to the fact that the exact point of "unbalance" has been difficult to locate and difficult to correct.

2. If in building up speed a turbine starts to vibrate, slow down immediately. If the vibration ceases at a lower speed, run at that speed for several moments. Then, again attempt to build up the speed. If no further vibration is noted, it may be assumed that the trouble was probably due to unequal heating of the rotor or to an accumulation of water in the turbine. If the vibration does not cease at a lower speed steps should immediately be taken to locate and remedy the trouble.

3. When the turbine begins to vibrate and rumbling is heard coming from it, the trouble is due to water or other foreign matter in the turbine. If after slowing down or correcting faulty boiler operation the trouble is not eliminated, the turbine must, except in case of emergency, be shut down. If a sharp metallic sound is heard after the rumbling noise, it may be assumed that part of the blading has been damaged; the turbine must be shut down and not used until the cause of the trouble has been found.

4. Accurate alignment is essential to smooth operation. Flexible couplings should be aligned as accurately as possible because although they will absorb the shock caused by eccentric loading, impulses will be transmitted to the shafts and will cause vibration.

5. Mechanical power transmission means are often the cause of vibration. Gears which are inaccurately cut, worn, or are not meshing properly will set up disturbing forces. If they fall in step with a resonant frequency of the machine, severe vibration will result.

6. The origin of vibration may be at the bearings. Any condition that causes metallic contact between the shaft and the bearing will lead to vibration. The bearing may be unaligned or pinched in the housing, or may be loose in the housing.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). Does the wear on bearings cause vibration?

2). Is it easy or difficult to locate the disbalance?

3). Under what conditions should you immediately slow the turbine down?

4). What will you do if the vibration doesn’t cease at a lower speed?

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) чрезмерный износ;

2) подшипник;

3) резкий металлический звук;

4) при низкой скорости;

5) центровать;

6) причины вибрации;

7) вал;

8) инородный предмет;

9) точная центровка;

10) поглощать.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). Vibration is caused by lack of balance in the rotating parts of machinery.

2). The vibration ceases at a lower speed.

3). The turbine must be shut down and not used until the cause of the trouble has been found.

4). Accurate alignment is essential to smooth operation.

5). The origin of vibration may be at the bearings.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to rotate - to cease

- to locate - to damage

- to build - to shut

- to take - to absorb

- to start - to lead


6. Напишите обязанности вахтенного.

Вариант № 8

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3 и 4 абзацы текста.


1. When starting under way the following procedure should be observed: close recirculating line when the load is sufficient to provide the necessary condensate for the air ejector condensers.

2. Open the proper combination of nozzles to obtain designed steam chest pressure and maximum economy. Close all drains. Control the lubricating oil system checking all bearing temperatures and pressures at least once every watch and record data. Cheсk the location of the turbine rotors by means of the clearance indicators to determine wear in the thrust bearings. This should be done at least once a week while at sea.

3. When finished with the engine shut off the main steam stop valve and shut down the air ejectors, allowing the vacuum to break through the air ejector vents. Shut off the glandsealing steam. Shut down the main circulating pump.

4. Open all turbine and manoeuvring drain valves. Keep the condenser pumps working until the turbine is thoroughly drained. Then shut down the pumps. To keep the turbine interiors dry, it is important that the air pumps or ejectors be run for about 1/2 hour every second day to draw fresh air through the turbine.

5. Connect the turning gear and roll the unit for about 2 hours. After the turning gear has been disconnected, shut down the lubricating pumps.

6. Every day start the oil pump and force a fresh supply of oil through all bearings, and to the gear spray nozzles if gears are fitted. While the oil is being circulated, turn the turbine rotors through 1 1/2 revolutions of the propeller in order to oil all the gear teeth and to let the rotors come to rest in a new position.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). What procedures should be observed when under way?

2). What should you do to obtain designed steam pressure?

3). When can you shut down the lubricating pump?

4). Why should you turn the turbine rotors?


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) парораспределительная коробка;

2) на ходу;

3) индикатор зазора;

4) данные;

5) соблюдать;

6) зубья шестерни;

7) износ;

8) маслоподающее сопло;

9) расчетный;

10) воздушные клапана.

4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). When starting under way the following procedure should be observed.

2). You must shut down the main circulating pump.

3). The condenser pumps are working until the turbine is thoroughly drained.

4). Every day you start the oil pump and force a fresh supply of oil through all bearings.

5). The oil is being circulated.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to close - to record

- to check - to provide

- to determine - to observe

- to break - to shut

- to connect - to keep


6. Составьте диалог по теме «Знакомство» (Вы устраиваетесь на работу и беседуете со старшим механиком о своей будущей работе, обязанностях).


Вариант № 9

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, и 2 абзацы текста.


1. The economizer is a feed-water heater in which flue gases are used as a heating medium. It is interposed between the boiler and the stack. The water is pumped through the economizer on its way to the boiler. The gases leaving the boiler pass through the economizer before going to the stack. The heat absorbed by the water in passing through the economizer would otherwise be lost. Economizers reduce the losses to a minimum.

2. An economizer consists of a series of tubes through which feed water flows, surrounded on the outside by the hot gases. Present practice is to make the economizer an all-steel unit. The tubes are rolled into the headers. When headers are not employed, return bends, usually connected by flange joints to the straight run of tubing, are used. The steel tubes range from 1 to 2 in. in diameter. The ratio of boiler to economizer heating surface is about 2 to 1.

3. Economizers are parallel or counterflow-parallel when the gases and water flow in the same direction; counterflow when they flow in opposite directions. The counterflow is considered to be the more effective, resulting in a greater heat transfer. In the counterflow, the gases leaving the boiler enter the economizer at the end from which the water makes its exit.


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). What is the economizer used for?

2). Where is the economizer interposed?

3). What does the economizer consist of?

4). How are economizers classified according to their gas and water flow?



3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) подогреватель питательной воды;

2) топочные газы;

3) в качестве греющей среды;

4) дымовая труба;

5) фланцевые соединения;

6) теплопередача;

7) обратное колено трубы;

8) противоток;

9) стальной узел;

10) поверхность нагрева экономайзера.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). The water is pumped through the economizer on its way to the boiler.

2). Economizers reduce the losses to a minimum.

3). An economizer consists of a series of tubes through which feed water flows.

4). The ratio of boiler to economizer heating surface is about 2 to 1.

5). The tubes are rolled into the headers.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to use - to make

- to interpose - to connect

- to leave - to flow

- to pump - to lose

- to absorb - to transfer


6. Вы хотите поступить на работу механиком на судне. Напишите, какие вопросы Вы бы задали судовладельцу.


Вариант № 10

1. Прочитайте и переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы текста.


1. When a system has been opened for repairs, air may have entered it. If the evaporation pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure, and there is a leak in the low-pressure section, e.g. at the compressor shaft seal, air may be drawn into the system.

2. If for any reason, the refrigerant machinery is exposed to internal corrosion, gases are generated which are difficult to condense and which behave in the same way as air.

3. While the machinery is operating, air gradually collects in the condenser and receiver and the condensing pressure thus becomes abnormally high. It is possible by stopping the machine, closing the out from condenser to receiver and allowing cooling water to flow through the condenser until a state of equilibrium is attained, to determine with a pressure gauge whether there is air in the condenser. If the gauge shows a pressure higher than that which corresponds to the temperature of the cooling water, air is present-assuming, of course, that the pressure gauge is reading correctly.

4. To remove the air, carefully loosen one of the unions on the top of the condenser (and possibly of the receiver) then air and some refrigerant will escape.

5. Expel the air by degrees until it is all removed, as indicated by the above-mentioned pressure difference becoming zero or negligibly small. To reduce loss of refrigerant, purging should be done at as low a temperature as possible (cold cooling water).


2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1). Does the air collect in the condenser and receiver?

2). What should you do to remove the air?

3). At what temperature should purging be done?

4). Is there any loss of refrigerant during purging?


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

1) утечка;

2) уплотнение вала компрессора;

3) чистка;

4) подвергается коррозии;

5) прибор;

6) потеря хладагента;

7) муфта;

8) стравливать воздух;

9) состояние равновесия;

10) давление соответствует температуре.


4. Найдите в предложениях подлежащее и сказуемое, подчеркните одной и двумя чертами соответственно, определите время и залог. Переведите.

1). Air may be drawn into the system.

2). While the machinery is operating air gradually collects in the condenser and receiver.

3). If for any reason, the refrigerant machinery is exposed to internal corrosion, gases are generated.

4). The gauge shows a pressure higher than that which corresponds to the temperature of the cooling water.

5). Expel the air by degrees until it is all removed.


5. Образуйте от глаголов, данных ниже, Причастие I и Причастие II. Переведите:

- to enter - to escape

- to expose - to read

- to behave - to allow

- to draw - to flow

- to become - to loosen


6. Ответьте на вопросы.

1). What’s your name?

2). What’s your age? (How old are you?)

3). What do you do?

4). What work experience have you had?

5). What education did you get?

6) What ships did you work on?

7) What types of engines did you work with?

8) Can you weld and turn?

9) How much money would you like to earn?

10) Do you know your duties and responsibilities on board? What are they?



1 Асонкова. Морской минимум для работы по контракту. Английский язык. М., Клайпеда 2000

2 Пивненко Б.А. Учебное пособие для инженеров-механиков. М., Высшая школа, 1986

3 Пенина И.П., Емельянова И.С. Английский язык для морских училищ. М., Высшая школа, 2001.

4 Английский язык. Пособие для машиной команды. Рига, 2003

5 Современный англо-русский политехнический словарь. М., 2001



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