Описание функций классов

Методы для класса Награда:




* Справочник типов наград


* Структура в БД:

* 1 ID Индекс int(11)

* 2 award varchar(255)


class Award


private $ID;

private $award;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of award


public function getAward()


return $this->award;




* Set the value of award


* @return self


public function setAward($award)


$this->award = $award;


return $this;




* Update the value of award


* @return self


public function updateAward()



"UPDATE `award_list` SET `award` =? WHERE `ID` =?",

[$this->award, $this->ID]



return $this;



Методы для класса Кафедра:



* Справочник кафедр


* Структура в БД:

* 1 ID Индекс int(11)

* 2 id_fac Индекс int(11)

* 2 chair_name text


class Chair


private $ID;

private $name;

private $idFac;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of name


public function getName()


return $this->name;




* Set the value of name


* @return self


public function setName($name)


$this->name = $name;


return $this;



* Update the value of chair name


* @return self


public function updateChairName()



"UPDATE `chairs` SET `chair_name` =? WHERE `ID` =?",

[$this->name, $this->ID]



return $this;




* Get the value of idFac


public function getIdFac()


return $this->idFac;




* Set the value of idFac


* @return self


public function setIdFac($idFac)


$this->idFac = $idFac;


return $this;



Методы для класса Мероприятие:



* Класс мероприятий по показателям НИРС

* Структура в БД:

* 1 ID Индекс int(11)

* 2 id_type_event Индекс int(11)

* 3 id_level_event Индекс int(11)

* 4 year int(4)

* 5 date_start date

* 6 date_end date

* 7 location text

* 8 organization text

* 9 is_order tinyint(1)


class Event


private $ID;

private $idType;

private $idLevel;

private $year;

private $name;

private $dateStart;

private $dateEnd;

private $location;

private $organization;

private $isOrder;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of idType


public function getIdType()


return $this->idType;




* Set the value of idType


* @return self


public function setIdType($idType)


$this->idType = $idType;


return $this;




* Get the value of idLevel


public function getIdLevel()


return $this->idLevel;




* Set the value of idLevel


* @return self


public function setIdLevel($idLevel)


$this->idLevel = $idLevel;


return $this;




* Get the value of year


public function getYear()


return $this->year;




* Set the value of year


* @return self


public function setYear($year)


$this->year = $year;


return $this;




* Get the value of name


public function getName()


return $this->name;




* Set the value of name


* @return self


public function setName($name)


$this->name = $name;


return $this;




* Get the value of dateStart


public function getDateStart()


return $this->dateStart;




* Set the value of dateStart


* @return self


public function setDateStart($dateStart)


$this->dateStart = $dateStart;


return $this;




* Get the value of dateEnd


public function getDateEnd()


return $this->dateEnd;




* Set the value of dateEnd


* @return self


public function setDateEnd($dateEnd)


$this->dateEnd = $dateEnd;


return $this;




* Get the value of location


public function getLocation()


return $this->location;




* Set the value of location


* @return self


public function setLocation($location)


$this->location = $location;


return $this;




* Get the value of organization


public function getOrganization()


return $this->organization;




* Set the value of organization


* @return self


public function setOrganization($organization)


$this->organization = $organization;


return $this;




* Get the value of isOrder


public function getIsOrder()


return $this->isOrder;




* Set the value of isOrder


* @return self


public function setIsOrder($isOrder)


$this->isOrder = $isOrder;


return $this;



Методы для класса Уровень мероприятия:




* Справочник уровней мероприятий


* Структура в БД:

* 1 ID Индекс int(11)

* 2 events_nirs_level varchar(255)


class EventLevel


private $ID;

private $level;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of level


public function getLevel()


return $this->level;




* Set the value of level


* @return self


public function setLevel($level)


$this->level = $level;


return $this;




* Update the value of level


* @return self


public function updateLevel()



"UPDATE `events_nirs_levels` SET `events_nirs_level` =? WHERE `ID` =?",

[$this->type, $this->ID]



return $this;



Методы для класса Тип мероприятия:




* Справочник типов мероприятий


* Структура в БД:

* 1 ID Индекс int(11)

* 2 events_nirs_type varchar(255)


class EventType


private $ID;

private $type;




* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of type


public function getType()


return $this->type;




* Set the value of type


* @return self


public function setType($type)


$this->type = $type;


return $this;




* Update the value of type


* @return self


public function updateType()



"UPDATE `events_nirs_types` SET `events_nirs_type` =? WHERE `ID` =?",

[$this->type, $this->ID]



return $this;



Методы для класса Факультет:


class Fac


private $ID;

private $idLkChuvsu;

private $name;

private $countStudents;

private $countTeachers;

private $description;

private $fullName;

private $decan;

private $photoURL;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of idLkChuvsu


public function getIdLkChuvsu()


return $this->idLkChuvsu;




* Set the value of idLkChuvsu


* @return self


public function setIdLkChuvsu($idLkChuvsu)


$this->idLkChuvsu = $idLkChuvsu;


return $this;




* Get the value of name


public function getName()


return $this->name;




* Set the value of name


* @return self


public function setName($name)


$this->name = $name;


return $this;




* Get the value of countStudents


public function getCountStudents()


return $this->countStudents;




* Set the value of countStudents


* @return self


public function setCountStudents($countStudents)


$this->countStudents = $countStudents;


return $this;




* Get the value of countTeachers


public function getCountTeachers()


return $this->countTeachers;




* Set the value of countTeachers


* @return self


public function setCountTeachers($countTeachers)


$this->countTeachers = $countTeachers;


return $this;




* Get the value of description


public function getDescription()


return $this->description;




* Set the value of description


* @return self


public function setDescription($description)


$this->description = $description;


return $this;




* Get the value of fullName


public function getFullName()


return $this->fullName;




* Set the value of fullName


* @return self


public function setFullName($fullName)


$this->fullName = $fullName;


return $this;




* Get the value of decan


public function getDecan()


return $this->decan;




* Set the value of decan


* @return self


public function setDecan($decan)


$this->decan = $decan;


return $this;




* Get the value of photoURL


public function getPhotoURL()


return $this->photoURL;




* Set the value of photoURL


* @return self


public function setPhotoURL($photoURL)


$this->photoURL = $photoURL;


return $this;



Методы для класса Новость:


class News


private $ID;

private $text;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of text


public function getText()


return $this->text;




* Set the value of text


* @return self


public function setText($text)


$this->text = $text;


return $this;



Методы для класса Пользователь:



class User


private $ID;

private $pass;

private $name;



* Get the value of ID


public function getID()


return $this->ID;




* Set the value of ID


* @return self


public function setID($ID)


$this->ID = $ID;


return $this;




* Get the value of pass


public function getPass()


return $this->pass;




* Set the value of pass


* @return self


public function setPass($pass)


$this->pass = $pass;


return $this;




* Get the value of name


public function getName()


return $this->name;




* Set the value of name


* @return self


public function setName($name)


$this->name = $name;


return $this;





class API


static function getMenu()


$data = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__. '/../config.json'));

$roleID = 4;

$response = ["sitename" => $data->sitename, "controllers" => []];

foreach ($data->controllers as $key => $controller) {

if (isset($controller->data->menu) && $controller->data->status <= $roleID) {

$response["controllers"][] = [

"name" => $controller->data->title,

"url" => $key,




return $response;



static function auth($login, $pass)



$tmp = DataBase::SQL(

"SELECT `pass_hash`, `ID`, `GUID` FROM `users` WHERE `id_vk` =?",




if (password_verify(trim($pass), $tmp[0]['pass_hash'])) {

Cookies::setCookie($tmp[0]['GUID'], $tmp[0]['ID']);

return ["code" => 0];

} else {

return ["code" => 1, "msg" => "Неправильный логин или пароль!"];



static function getFacs($isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(



`id_lk_chuvsu` AS `idLkChuvsu`,


`count_users` AS `countStudents`,

`count_teachers` AS `countTeachers`,


`full_name` AS `fullName`,


`photo_url` AS `photoURL`

FROM `facs`",

($isObject)? 'Fac': ''




static function getAwards($isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(

"SELECT `ID`,`award`

FROM `awards`",

($isObject)? 'Award': ''




static function getChairs($isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(

"SELECT `ID`, `id_fac` AS `idFac`, `name`

FROM `chairs`",

($isObject)? 'Chair': ''




static function getEventTypes($isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(

"SELECT `ID`, `events_nirs_type` AS `type`

FROM `events_nirs_types`",

($isObject)? 'EventType': ''




static function getEventLevels($isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(

"SELECT `ID`, `events_nirs_level` AS `level`

FROM `events_nirs_levels`",

($isObject)? 'EventLevel': ''




static function getEvents($year, $isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(



`id_type_event` AS `idType`,

`id_level_event` AS `idLevel`,



`date_start` AS `dateStart`,

`date_end` AS `dateEnd`,



`is_order` AS `isOrder`

FROM `events_nirs`

WHERE `year` =?",

($isObject)? 'Event': '',





static function getYears()


$tmp = [];

for ($i = 2018; $i <= 2025; $i++) {

$tmp[] = $i;


return ["code" => 0, "years" => $tmp];



static function getNews($isObject = TRUE)


return DataBase::SQL(




FROM `news`",

($isObject)? 'News': ''







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