Проверка качества освоения программы проводится преподавателем в виде текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля.
Текущий контроль осуществляется регулярно на занятиях в виде устных бесед на иностранном языке по правовым текстам (статьи, судебные решения, статуты), описывающим различные вопросы, связанные с содержанием, структурой, регулированием судебных решений различных судебных инстанций, их языковых (лексических, терминологических, морфологических и синтаксических) особенностей, а также проверки предварительно выполненных заданий.
Промежуточный контроль проводится после прохождения каждого модуля в виде контрольной работы и устного опроса.
Итоговый контроль успеваемости по дисциплине проводится в конце семестра в виде семинарского зачета и включает в себя итоговую контрольную работу, состоящую из: (1) перевода основных терминов терминополя «судебное решение» с (а) английского на русский и (б) с русского на английский; (2) составления краткого изложения текста, описывающего вопросы по судебным решениям объемом около 2000 знаков, а также (3) устной беседы по тематике пройденного курса.
Примерные задания по промежуточному контролю:
контрольная работа (Модуль 1):
Задание № 1. Расшифруйте следующие аббревиатуры-названия судов и переведите их:
1) ICJ, 2) ICC, 3) CJEU, 4) ECHR, 5) E.A.T., 6) EWCA, 7) EWHC, 8) CC, 9) ChD, 10) FtT
Задание № 2. Соотнесите названия судебных решений и их определения:
№ | names of judicial decisions | definitions | |
1. | foreign judgment | a) | a judgment entered in favour of the defendant when the plaintiff has not continued his action (e.g., has not appeared in court) |
2. | summary judgment | b) | an intermediate judgment providing a temporary decision on an issue that requires timely action; it is not final and may either not be subject to appeal or may follow a different appeal procedure than other kinds of judgments |
3. | non pros | c) | the decision of a court on issues of fact or law |
4. | interlocutory judgment | d) | the judgment that is not automatically enforceable in England |
5. | finding | e) | a judgment disposing of the matter without a trial |
6. | judgment of dismissal | f) | that is made without requiring a trial; a court may grant it if either the claimant or the defendant has no prospect of succeeding and there is no other compelling reason why the case or issue should be disposed of at a trial |
Задание № 3. Расставьте в нужном порядке структурные части судебного решения, вынесенного в суде Англии и Уэльса:
a) analysis, b) judgment given on 29 June 2016, c) the facts in more detail, d) heard on 14 March 2016, e) the relevant legislation, f) appellant / respondents, g) conclusions
Задание № 4. Определите, к какой части из задания № 3 относится данный отрывок из судебного решения:
- Article 15 addresses the surrender decision and sufficiency of information:
“15.1. The executing judicial authority shall decide, within the time-limits and under the conditions defined in this Framework Decision, whether the person is to be surrendered.
2. If the executing judicial authority finds the information communicated by the issuing member state to be insufficient to allow it to decide on surrender, it shall request that the necessary supplementary information, in particular with respect to articles 3 to 5 and article 8, be furnished as a matter of urgency and may fix a time limit for the receipt thereof, taking into account the need to observe the time limits set in article 17.
3. The issuing judicial authority may at any time forward any additional useful information to the executing judicial authority.”
Задание № 5. Переведите с листа отрывок из судебного решения:
15. Mr Goluchowski was arrested under the EAW on 1 August 2014, and further information was supplied, presumably at request, by the Regional Court of Elblag through Interpol on 29 August 2014. It showed that the sentence imposed in case I on 22 October 2007 had been suspended for a probation period of four years, that on 13 June 2008 he was ordered to serve the sentence as a result of having committed a similar intentional offence during that probation period, that he was summonsed to attend the correction facility on 28 July 2008, but that on 17 June 2008 he filed a motion to defer the sentence, leading to a six month deferral until 19 February 2009, when he was required to attend the facility without further summons, that on 20 February 2009 he failed to do this, that on 10 March 2009 the police were ordered to bring him to the facility and on 30 June 2009 a search with a domestic arrest warrant was started.
Задание № 6. По отрывку из судебного решения определите, какой суд Англии и Уэльса выносил данное судебное решение:
21 June 2016
Ben Butler you have been convicted by the jury of the murder of your 6 year daughter Ellie on 28th October 2013 and of child cruelty to her early in October. You murdered her in a brutal assault prompted by your evil temper. You struck her head so hard against a flat surface, or hit her so hard on the head with a blunt implement that, whether you hit her once or more than once, you inflicted catastrophic skull and brain injuries from which she very quickly died. This is not the case of an otherwise good parent who, in a moment of exhausted frustration, gives way to a bad tempered assault with such disproportionate force that a young child dies, leaving that parent distraught and full of remorse. In such a case any court would, despite the horrific nature of the offence, be obliged to feel some compassion and would temper the inevitable lengthy sentence accordingly.
Задание № 7. Составьте устное изложение текста и переведите выделенные курсивом термины:
Judgment (The County Court)
Once the judge has heard the evidence from all parties involved and any submissions (representations) they wish to put forward, he or she delivers his or her judgment. This may be immediately, or if the case is complicated, at a later date.
Civil judges do have the power to punish parties if, for example, they are in contempt of court but, generally, civil cases do not involve the imposition of any punishment.
If the judge decides that the claimant is entitled to damages, he or she will have to go on to decide the amount. Or the claimant may have asked for an injunction – for example, to forbid the defendant from making excessive noise by playing the drums in the flat upstairs in the early hours of the morning, or a declaration – an order specifying the precise boundary between two properties about which the parties had never been able to agree. The task of the judge to is to decide on what is the appropriate remedy, if any, and on the precise terms of it.
When the judgment in the case has been delivered, the judge must deal with the cost of the case.
Примерные задания по итоговому контролю:
Образец задания для экзаменационного зачета:
1. Подготовить устное сообщение по одной из тем, пройденной в процессе изучения дисциплины.
2. Реферирование аутентичного текста объемом около 2000 знаков по тематике дисциплины в письменном виде.
Список примерных тем для экзаменационного зачета:
1. Судебные решения: виды, структура, содержание, требования и регулирование.
2. Судебные решения Международного суда (ООН): нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
3. Судебные решения Международного уголовного суда: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
4. Судебные решения Международного трибунала по морскому праву: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
5. Судебные решения Европейского суда: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
6. Судебные решения Европейского суда по правам человека: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
7. Судебная структура Англии и Уэльса. Судебные решения Верховного суда Англии и Уэльса: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
8. Судебные решения Апелляционного суда Англии и Уэльса: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
9. Судебные решения Высокого суда Англии и Уэльса: нормы, регулирование, структура; лексические, морфологические и синтаксические особенности.
Образец аутентичного текста для экзаменационного зачета:
How to Read Opinions
Judicial opinions are typically presented in a way that enables the reader to glean a significant amount of information quickly. The caption, or name, of the case gives the names of the parties. For example, an important Supreme Court decision has the caption Campbell AKA Skyywalker, et al. v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. Acuff-Rose is appellee (and the plaintiff); Campbell is the appellant (and one of the defendants). The name also exists in shorter versions, such as Campbell v. Acuff-Rose. The shortest way to refer to a case is usually by the first word of the first party — in this case, Campbell.
Most published versions of cases also include the name of the court, the date of the opinion and, in appellate cases, the date that oral argument took place. In addition, if the case has been published, it will typically give its citation, a string of numbers and letters indicating the case’s location within a published book of judicial opinions. For instance, the citation for Campbell is 510 U.S. 569. This means the opinion was published on page 569 of the 510th volume of the U.S. Reports, a collection of U.S. Supreme Court opinions. Many of the cases we read in CopyrightX will come from the U.S. Reports or from the Federal Reporter. The Federal Reporter contains the decisions of courts of appeals and is abbreviated “F.”
The opinion will also typically give the name of the judge or justice who wrote it. In some cases, judges sitting together will decide not to reveal who wrote an opinion. In that situation, it will say “per curiam” (Latin for “by the court”) in place of a judge’s name.
The opinion itself is less predictable than this prefatory material, but usually contains the following materials: First, it is likely to include information about the case’s history and the stage at which it was issued. (For instance, the opinion might be written after a motion to dismiss, after a motion for summary judgment, or after trial.) This is called the procedural posture. The opinion will also typically include some information about the facts of the case. This is especially true for trial court opinions. Last but not least, the judge will usually state the legal issue(s) involved, her decision about the issues (the holding), and her reasoning.
Although all of these components are present in most opinions, identifying them is not always straightforward. A law student’s or lawyer’s goal in reading a case is to ingest the information quickly and, usually, to apply the reasoning to another case. One way to develop this skill is to “brief” cases. When a law student briefs a case, he typically identifies several pieces of information: the parties, the procedural posture, the facts, the issue, the holding, and the analysis. Although it seems foreign at first, identifying this information, understanding judicial opinions, and applying their reasoning to new cases becomes much easier with practice.