The comparative analyses suggested in the previous part and the proper analyses of the stylistic notation's varieties used in LDELC conf irm such supposition.

It was interesting to analyse different types of labels & their combinations used in LDELC. As it turned out a word may have up to five stylistic characterizations that are reflected in the notations. E.g.

bum(2) AmE & AustrE derog sl This word has four indexes shown by mean s of the styli stic notations,

buster sl, esp.AmE.oflen derog There are five indexes of the styli stic notation in this word.

amniocentes is med — only one index.

Here we deal with the words, which can be used in different regions, can belong to different layers of the word- stock & have different stylistic colours expressing the attitude. Some of the word's characteristics suggest choice of usage.

Behold esp-tit or old use

Buggery BrE taboo or law

Taking into consideration all these facts all the labels & their combination s used in LDELC were classified as follows:

Labels of sementico-functional indication.

Label s of quantitative indication of indexes in one notation.

All the labels in LDELC we may devide into four stylistical groups (Appendix VIII):

Stylistical labels (pure)

Stylistico-functional labels

Stylistico-sementical labels

Stylistico-sementico-functional labels

Stylistical labels include all the labels denoting words which are limited to particular parts of the world or area, as the regional indication is one of the microcomponents of the stylistic component of the word & purely shows that the word is stylistically marked: carrfge dock BrE

Aficinado Sp

Abortion Lat

Bratwurst Germ

Accommodations AmE

Agent provocateur Fr

From the stylistical layers point of view here we find words belonging to common literary vocabulary. (foriegnisms, barbarisms)

Stylistico -functional labels include the labels denoting words according to their usage & functioning. Here we may point out:

-purely stylistico- functional labels

access card tdmk it means that the word functions in economics and bu siness,

AC/DC sl the word is used by a certain group of people -mixed stylistico -functional labels

beaut AmE&AustrE infml the word is u sed both in American & Australian English in informal situat ion s, billy-o BrE old-fash sl the word belongs to British English and is used as the outdated slang.

bevy dial sl the word is limited to a particular area & is there as slang. amp fml-tech it is a term used in formal situations.

Here we may find the words belonging to all the layers of the word-stock of the English Language. As beaut belongs to common literary vocabulary, bevy — to special colloquial nonstandard (non-literal) vocabulary. Some words having the notation AmE old-fash, SrE becoming old-fash may be referred to special literal vocabulary. Such labels as infml becoming rare, infl esp.BrE belonging to words which come from common colloquial vocabulary. But there is a number of labels that makes it difficult to identify to which layer this or that word belongs because the natations may indicate different layers.

old-fash BrE infml — as we considered it earlier the label old-fash indicates special literary vocabulary & archaic words in particular, the label infml evidently shows common colloquial vocabulary.

BrE oid-fash sl- where sl indicated nonstandard group of the word-stock. The existence of such labels confirms the fact that there are differen t degrees of bookishness &colloquialness. In accordance to the combinations of labels the words marked, e.g. BrEinfmIsl or BrE old-fash sl may be found bordering on common literary & special colloquial vocabulary, such words may pass into another layer, (taking into con sideration I.R. Calpe rin point of view).

Stylistico-sementical labels indicate emotional state, attitude of the speaker by means of the marked word, in other words this label shows the type of connotation that is typical of the word. E.g. bouncing (of babies esp) appnec. - this word is u sually u sed about healthy and active people with a kind of administration,

catchpenny derog - something that is cheap & useless, but is done to be attractive. The word is used with negative connotation & show s not delightful attitude towards such things.

Sometimes to show some peculiarities, some overtones of the semantics of the word some additional indexes are used:

anatomy - 2. body of a person or animal - has the label often humor. We know that in this very meaning thi s word is used frequently with humour.

breeches now usu. humor ( in the meaning trousers). We may suppose that this word didn' t have any emotional colour but nowaday s it has become some stylistical connotations.

activist sometimes derog - sometimes this word may be used derogatorily depending on the speaker 's attitude & emotional state.

Here we refer the label taboo, as prohibition of the usage is aroused by the high emotions that are connected with annoyance when taboo marked word is used. Prohibition is usually accompanied with the labels sl or derog, because they may express annoyance as well.

ball (in the meaning nonsense) taboo sl derog. These stylistically marked words belonging to this group we may find both in colloquial & literary vocabulary & in nonstandard vocabulary, because emotions are human being characteristics which are reflected in emotiveness & expressiveness of the word s used by people independently on the layer.

Stylistico-semantico-functional labels combine all possible characteristics that a word may possess. Both semantical & functional characteristics are represented in such stylistic notations. Through such labels we may consider the whole passport of the word (all the additions to its main meaning).

boon-docks AmE infml humor accept the main meaning - a rough country area far from any town, where few people live - we see that this word belongs to American English, is used in informal situations (common colloquial vocabulary) & the emotions that are expressed by this word are humorous.

broad 2) AmE derog sl in the meaning woman.

We know that this word is used in American English Slang (nons tandard) expressing negative derogatory emotions. That is why before using this word regarding for women one should keep in mind and consider what reaction one can call by such stylistical colours,

blue-eyed-boy infml esp. BrE,usu derog - someone favourite male person — so we may use this word in informal situations keeping in m ind that the British would understand you better than American & the fact that by using this word one can offend somebody.


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