The Fulbright Programme in the Russian Federation

Why would the Fulbright Programme be interested in inviting you to consider studying, teaching, or researching at an institution in the USA?

For the same reason we are interested in placing American scientists, scholars, language teachers, and artists in Russian institutions: both countries benefit! And with similar exchanges between the USA and over 140 other countries, the whole world benefits.

If you are awarded a Fulbright grant, you will raise your own qualifications and widen your personal perspectives.

But more than that:

We know from forty years of experience that you will also help internationalize the perspectives of your home institution and community. You are likely to incorporate what you learned overseas into your courses and curricula, and into your creative work. Chances are good that you will keep your new professional and social contacts for many years. And you will be in a strong position to continue researching topics and questions relating to your host country.

Your experience in the USA will not be limited to the classroom, laboratories, studios, and archives of your host institution. You will have many chances to participate in the cultural and social activities of your new colleagues, to see their country first-hand, and to enlarge your host community's understanding of your own country. Everyone gains!

By sponsoring and supporting the Fulbright programme of worldwide academic, scientific, and cultural exchanges, the State Department of the United States helps fulfill the dream of the programme's founder, Senator J. William Fulbright: The Fulbright Programme aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby to increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.


Exercise 6. Find some programme supporting study for a Master degree on the Internet, write a grant proposal, cover letter and fill in an application form. You can use these links for reference.

Unit 2. Features of academic language


Exercise 1. Guess the answers to the questions.

1. What is the difference between common spoken and academic language?

2. Who is academic language more often used by?

3. What types of literature is academic language used in?

4. What words are most suitable for academic language?

5. Why is academic English more based upon Latin and Greek roots than common spoken English?


Exercise 2. Read the text and find out if your ideas are true.

Academic Language

Academic language is the language used in instruction, textbooks and exams. Academic language differs in structure and vocabulary from language used in daily social interactions. Academic language includes a common vocabulary used in all disciplines, as well as a technical vocabulary inherent to each individual discipline. Academic English is based more upon Latin and Greek roots than is common spoken English. In addition, academic language features more complex language and precise syntax than common English. Academic language is defined as follows: "Academic language is the language needed by students to understand and communicate in the academic disciplines. Academic language includes such things as specialized vocabulary, conventional text structures within a field (e. g. essays, lab reports) and other language-related activities typical of classrooms (e. g. expressing disagreement, discussing
an issue, asking for clarification).


Exercise 1. Read the text below and try to classify the types of vocabularies mentioned there.

Academic Vocabulary

Academic vocabulary can be difficult to define. One broad definition is
the vocabulary which can be used in academic contexts. The problem here though is what is meant by "academic contexts"? Does this mean spoken contexts (e. g. lectures, seminars, presentations), written contexts (e. g. essays, articles, reports), or both? Writers on academic vocabulary tend to focus on
the latter, and often overlook the former. It also depends on what subject is being talked about. The academic vocabulary necessary for writing a science laboratory report (e. g. apparatus, procedure, errors) has some differences from the academic vocabulary which might be used in social science research (e. g. survey, population, sample), though of course they would also have much in common.

In general, academic vocabulary can be considered to consist of three types of vocabulary: general words which are acceptable for academic use; non-general "academic" words; technical words specific to an individual subject area.


Exercise 2. Replace the phrasal verbs in the sentences with a more appropriate verb from the list below. Don't forget to keep the same tense.
· fluctuate · investigate · eliminate · raise · reduce · propose · intervene · establish


1. Researchers have been looking into the problem for 15 years.

2. This issue was brought up during the seminar.

3. It is assumed that the management knows what is happening and will therefore step in if there is a problem.

4. Schools cannot altogether get rid of the problem of truancy.

5. The number of staff has been cut down recently.

6. It was very difficult to find out exactly what happened.

7. House prices have a tendency to go up and down.

8. A potential solution was put forward two years ago.


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