D) Preparing the reference section

There are a variety of styles used by journals for referencing information. Citations in the text may be referred to by number or by author name. In
the reference section the citations are then arranged numerically or alphabetically.

Whichever system you utilize, the reference itself must include the following:

· all of the authors listed on the publication (or on the chapter if citing a book);

· the title of the paper (or chapter if citing a book);

· the name of the journal (or book);

· editors if a book is cited;

· volume number;

· complete pagination (first and last page of the work cited);

· year of publication.


Exercise 4. Read the tips and complete the table identifying the section they belong to.
Section Tips
  1. Move from specific to general:your finding(s) Þ literature, theory, practice. 2. Don't ignore or bury the major issue.Did the study achieve the goal (resolve the problem, answer the question, support the hypothesis) presented in the Introduction? 3. Make explanations complete. Give evidence for each conclusion. Discuss possible reasons for expected and unexpected findings. 4. What to avoid: Don'tovergeneralize. Don'tignore deviations in your data. Avoidspeculation that cannot be tested in the foreseeable future.
  1. Provide enough detail for replication. For a journal article, include, for example, genus, species, strain of organisms; their source, living conditions, and care; and sources (manufacturer, location) of chemicals and apparatus. 2. Order procedures chronologically or by type of procedure (subheaded) and chronologically within type. 3. Use past tense to describe what you did. 4. Quantify when possible: concentrations, measurements, amounts (all metric); times (24-hour clock); temperatures (centigrade). What to avoid: 1. Don't include details of common statistical procedures. 2. Don't mix results with procedures.
  1. Move from general to specific: problem in real world / research literature / your experiment. 2. Engage your reader: answer the questions, "What did you do?", "Why should I care?". 3. Make clear the links between problem and solution, question asked and research design, prior research and your experiment. 4. Be selective, not exhaustive, in choosing studies to cite and amount of detail to include. (In general, the more relevant an article is to your study, the more space it deserves and the later in the Introduction it appears.)


Exercise 1. Skim the text and find out the main types of visuals used during the presentation.

Exploiting Visual Aids

If you have a lot of complex information to explain, think about using some charts, diagrams, graphs on an overhead projector or flipchart.

There are some things that can be conveyed far better visually than by words alone. Relationships can be more clearly diagrammed, trends clearly shown via graphs. If your presentation is a lengthy one it is worth varying your aids. You may wish to use a mix of diagrams: some could be on prepared slides, others drawn on a board or flipchart at an appropriate point in your talk. Handouts that you want people to look at while you talk, such as a detailed table that you wish to discuss at length, can usually be distributed as people take their seats. When you give a presentation in a foreign language, visuals are essential for effective communication. It is therefore important for students if they wish to succeed in their careers to develop skills in interpreting information presented in visual aids.

Reasons to use visuals

• Present specific information that can be readily understood and remembered.

• Emphasize important facts and figures.

• Present supporting data that are helpful in making analysis and drawing conclusions.

• Reduce the amount of talking you have to do.

• Add interest to the material.


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