Comprehension check. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. How do you understand the engineering ability of the creative kind? 2. What are the main divisions in any industry of the manufacturing type? What is the role of engineering in this division? 3. What is one of the worst faults of the modern industrial system? 4. Must the production department carry out the ideas of an engineer as closely as possible in actual production? 5. When will the design of a product be commercially successful and attractive to the public? What is the role of an engineer in this case? 6. Is it important to conserve what remains of our originally tremendous natural resources? Does an engineer play any part in it? 7. Why should an engineer have a proper engineering education? 8. What is the underlying idea in the best engineering schools? 9. What difficult tasks does a modern engineer face daily in the industrial world of today? 10. Why did President Lincoln make a thorough study of Euclid? What did he learn?


Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Men having research training and the research point of view are called en­gineers. 2. Engineers must have a certain fund of ready knowledge and under­standing of where to get any particular information required at any given time. 3. Engineers are capable of successfully carrying out most important tasks. 4. General executive and financial supervision are the main functions of engineer­ing. 5. Engineering, production and selling are three main divisions in any in­dustry of the manufacturing type. 6. Engineering personnel is necessary in any modern industry. 7. An engineer cannot be expected to design with ease of pro­duction in mind. 8. An engineer should always study the methods of production of goods. 9. The production department shouldn’t endeavor to carry out the ideas of the engineer in actual production. 10. The underlying idea in the best engineering schools is to encourage clear and logical thinking of the future engi­neers.


8. Translate the following sentences into English using the target vocab­ulary (Exercise 5).

1. Инженерное искусство, производство товаров и объем продаж наглядно демонстрируют качество работы любого современного предпри­ятия. 2. Работая над дизайном продукта, инженер одновременно внима­тельно изучает потребительский спрос на данный товар. 3. Настало время, когда необходимо сделать все возможное, чтобы сохранить наши природ­ные ресурсы. 4. Будущее профессии инженера во многом зависит от каче­ства соответствующего инженерного образования. 5. Мнение инженера по вопросам, которые чаще всего решает отдел продаж, имеет большое значе­ние для продвижения товара на рынке. 6. Только инженер с надлежащей подготовкой способен судить о том, что следует производить для удовле­творения общественной потребности в конкретной области. 7. Инженерное образование необходимо не только для тех, кто планирует строить карьеру в данной области, но также для тех, кто намеревается заниматься общей производственной деятельностью. 8. Основная идея ведущих инженерных концепций – научить специалиста концентрировать внимание и логически мыслить. 9. Профессиональная инженерная подготовка необходима для умения решать многие сложные задачи, которые ежедневно встречаются в промышленном мире сегодня. 10. Важно научить инженера четко форму­лировать свои идеи и преподносить их в доступной форме другим специа­листам.


Speaking and Writing

Increase your knowledge on engineering profession. Study the information about the highest paid engineering jobs in the USA. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using this information. Act it out.

Some of the highest paying careers in the world are found in engineering. Here are the current highest paid engineering careers available and how the fu­ture looks for each.

Petroleum Engineering. The median starting salary for petroleum engineers is $74,240, with the mid-career salary of $132,320, and with experienced petro­leum engineers making around the $186,520 mark. Industry groups anticipate many employees will retire in the next decade, just as the global demand for en­ergy is increasing. The demand for petroleum engineers is expected to exceed the number of individuals trained to fill available positions increasing demand. Internationally and domestically this demand will advance the careers and the salaries of petroleum engineers. There are a number of degrees available for those interested in pursuing petroleum engineering including training online.

Electrical Engineering. Newly-graduated electrical engineers have a median starting salary of $57,330. Many electrical engineering jobs are tied to design­ing, testing and supervising the manufacturing of electrical equipment, but some electrical engineering careers consist of designing electronics schematics for commercial and consumer use. Mid-career salaries for electrical engineers are in the neighborhood of $89,180.

Computer Engineering. The median starting salary for a computer hardware engineer is $63,970. This is a relatively new field of engineering and some sources say that there are not enough computer engineers to keep up with de­mand while other sources say that the job growth for computer engineers will be below the national average. A computer engineer can anticipate earning a mid-career salary of $101,000. Most technological breakthroughs are coming in the area of software engineering and not computer hardware, so keep that in mind as well.

Chemical Engineering. The median starting for chemical engineers is ap­proximately $94,000. Chemical engineers are typically employed in the areas of manufacturing and research. They work not only for chemical companies, but also work in the manufacturing of electronics, clothing, paper, medicine, and food to name just a few. Chemical engineers can advance their careers from manufacturing plants to technical sales and company management. The market for chemical engineers is expected to be reasonably flat over the next few years. Job growth, however, in closely-related fields, such as biomedical engineering, is expected to be much faster than average job growth according to the US De­partment of Labor. A mid-career salary of $109,000 is the average.

Materials Engineering. The median starting salary for a materials engineer is $52,900. Materials engineers work at developing and testing materials used in the production of industrial and consumer products, as well as working with metals and fabrics, and understanding the uses of each in consumer products. From now to the year 2020, the job growth for a materials engineer position is expected to be around 9% with a mid-career salary of approx. $85,150.

10. Make Internet search. Find information concerning modern engi­neering specializations in Russia. If you are looking for a stable and en­riching career it’s important not only to consider the highest paid engi­neering jobs available, but also the engineering fields with the best potential for advancement and employment opportunities. Present the results of your search in class? Compare it with the results of the rest of your group.




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