Text C. Employment Documents: Resume and CV

A CV, or Curriculum Vitae, is Latin for «Course of Life». Moreover, it is an academic resume, and is often requested when applying to colleges, graduate school, or academic jobs. Follow these steps to write a CV that will impress!

1. Contact Information. Begin your CV with a centered header containing your full name and other contact information, including your address, phone number, and email address.

2. Education. Your first main section should be your education. Begin with the most recent degree, and go back in time from there. Include the name of the institution, the degree earned (or in progress), your major(s)/minor(s), GPA, and any other important details (honors/senior thesis, etc.). Be sure to include any time spent abroad!

3. Experience. This section should list any relevant academic experience that you have. If you are applying to grad school or looking for a job, this section would ideally include any teaching experience that you have. It might also in­clude other academic jobs that you have held, including any sorts of research internships.

4. Publications/Presentations. The next section should detail any academic work of yours that has been published. If you are a student, this section is prob­ably either very short, or non-existent. Be sure to include anything published in department journals or school newspapers. This section (or the following sec­tion), should also list any presentations that you have given of your research.

5. Awards and Recognition. List any awards, fellowships, scholarships, and any other sort of recognition that you have received for your achievements, along with the date they were awarded. These do not have to be monetary awards.

6. Other. Finally, there are a number of other items that could be added to a CV, depending on your interests and areas of expertise. These could include: membership in honors societies; professional affiliations; community service and professional activities; research interests; languages spoken/studied.

Comprehension check. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. What is a Curriculum Vitae? Give your definition. 2. What are the main parts of a CV? 3. Contact informationincludes your address, phone number, and email address, doesn’t it? 4. Is it important to include any time spent abroad in the section «Education»? Why? 5. In what case should you include any teaching experience in the section «Experience»? 6. What section should detail any academic work of yours? 7. What kinds of awards does the section «Awards and Recognition» include? What does it exclude? 8. A person could add other items to a CV, depending on his interests, couldn’t he? What are they?

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. CV is often requested when applying to colleges, or jobs. 2. Your first main section in CV should be your experience. 3. You should begin the section «Education» with your first degree. 4. The section «Education» lists any rele­vant academic experience that you have. 5. If you are a student, the section «Publications» is either very short or doesn’t exist in CV. 6. The section «Awards» includes all sort of recognition that you have received for your achievements. 7. You shouldn’t include any information concerning your inter­ests and hobbies in your CV.

12. Translate the following sentences into English using the target vo­cabulary (Exercise 9).

1. Резюме – это краткое описание того, что кандидат может предложить потенциальному работодателю. 2. Разделы, включаемые в резюме, могут варьироваться и зависят от конкретной вакансии. 3. Кроме указанных в об­разце разделов, резюме может включать такие разделы, как область про­фессиональных и личных интересов, членство в профессиональных сооб­ществах, дополнительные умения и навыки. 4. Выпускнику вуза, не име­ющему достаточного профессионального опыта, следует сначала описать в резюме образование, а затем опыт работы. 5. Цель резюме при устройстве на работу – привлечь внимание работодателя к кандидату на должность. 6. Кандидату на должность необходимо четко описать навыки, умения и до­стоинства, которые имеют прямое отношение к желаемой вакансии. 7. Широко известно, что положительной рекомендацией кандидата может стать его общественное положение – например, членство в клубе иди об­ществе. 8. Ваши достижения по возможности необходимо подтвердить конкретными примерами, показывающими, как Вы зарекомендовали себя. 9. В заключительном абзаце резюме указываются личные качества канди­дата на должность и то, как они могут пригодиться работодателю.

Speaking and Writing


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