Read the text. Fill in the blanks using words from the word bank.



There are a large number of 1) __________ when appearing in court For example, when the clerk says 2) _____________ everyone stands up. After being sworn in, a person is then under oath. If a person 3) ____________ under oath, he or she risks being charged with perjury. There are also rules for 4) ______________ the judge.


20.Read the sentences and choose the correct word.


1. Margaret had to tell the truth because she was (off the record / under oath).

2. All people in court are expected to (address / interrupt) the judge as "Your Honor".

3. The judge told the lawyers to (approach the bench / all rise).

4. The conversation between the attorney and the judge was (off the record / sworn in).

21. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.

1. When the judge arrived, the clerk sad, "Everyone, stand up".

A) approach the bench B) A1l rise C) Your Honor


2.The prosecutor stood in the area in front of the bench to give his argument.

A) bench B) protocol C) well


3. It is important for people to know the proper rules and traditions for attending court.

A) oaths B) protocols C) records


4. When Miss Ashley was on the witness stand, she was made to promise to tell the truth.

A) off the record B) sworn in C) interrupted


5. The attorney addressed Judge Lopez as "the title used to show respect for a fudge".

A) Your Honor B) Off the record C) Under oath


6. The attorney was annoyed when the witness stopped her from talking by asking a question.

A) approached the bench B) addressed C) interrupted


22.Listen to an attorney and a judge speaking during a trial.

a) Choose the correct answers.

1. What is the conversation mostly about?

A) a witness who is lying

B) a request for more true

C) a client with new evidence

D) an investigation of an attorney


2.What can be inferred about the man?

A) He has researched the witness.

B) He suspects that his client is lying

C) He expects the judge to stop the trial.

D) He believes the witness telling the truth.

b)Listen again and complete the conversation.

Attorney: Your Honor, may I have permission to 1) _______ _________ _______?

Judge: You may.

Attorney: Your Honor, I have 2) _________ that the witness attended college with my client.

Judge: But she just said that she doesn't know your client.

Attorney: I know. She's changing her story even though she's 3) ________ _______.

Judge: Are you accusing the witness of 4) _____________?

Attorney: Yes She should be 5) ____________ and investigated.

Judge: That's a serious charge. You need to follow 6) ____________ to do that.

23. Use the conversation from Ex. 22 to fill out the attorney's official complaint.


Glossary Unit 1:

adjudicate - судить; решать, выносить решение

bench - место, где сидят судьи, суд (любой, от присяжных до военно-полевого)

well - места адвокатов (в английском суде)

Chancery Division - канцлерское отделение (Высокого суда)
Family Division - отделение по семейным делам (Высокого суда)
Queen’s Bench Division - отделение королевской скамьи (Высокого суда)
indictable offences - преступления, преследуемые по обвинительному акту (тяжкие уголовные преступления)

circuit judges – судьи окружного суда
recorder - рекордер (мировой судья с юрисдикцией по уголовным и гражданским делам)

ex officio member - член по должности

laymen – непрофессионал

stipendiary magistrates – мировые судьи, получающие жалованье

concurrent jurisdiction - параллельная юрисдикция

exclusive jurisdiction - единая юрисдикция

Personal jurisdiction - персональная юрисдикция (юрисдикция в отношении лиц, личная подсудность)

Subject jurisdiction - предметная юрисдикция

Territorial jurisdiction - территориальная юрисдикция

coroners’ court - коронерский суд, рассматривающий дела о насильственной
juvenile’s (youth) court - суд по делам несовершеннолетних

Crown Court - Суд Короны, суд по рассмотрению уголовных дел

High Court - Высокий суд

magistrates’ court - магистратский (мировой) суд

Trial court – суд первой инстанции

forum shopping - поиск "удобного" суда, манёвры с выбором судебного форума (стремление передать дело на рассмотрение суда, от которого можно ожидать наиболее благоприятного результата)

off the record - не для протокола, неофициальный (AE)

perjury - лжесвидетельство

charge with perjury - обвинять в лжесвидетельстве

preside - председательствовать

try - проводить расследование; выяснять обстоятельства дела; представить дело на рассмотрение суда

under oath - под присягой




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