Ex. 20. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions where necessary.


1. The airplane could be forced … the origi-nal position and continue … that direction by restoring forces.

2. The airplane can rotate … all three axes simultaneously.

3. Dynamic stability is a property which dampers the oscillations set up … a statically stable airplane, enabling the oscillations to become smaller and smaller … magnitude until the airplane eventually settles down … its original condition of flight.

4. Some conditions require … the use … air-plane controls in order to return the airplane … the desired attitude.

5. The location … the center … gravity with re-spect.. the center … lift determines the longitu-dinal stability … the plane.

6. There is no inherent pitch moments … the center … gravity that are produced by an airplane with neutral stability


Ex. 21. Cross odd one out.

1. Bank, pitch, torque, yaw, roll.

2. Rotor, rotation, recycle, rotating, rotary. 3. Wing, nose, flightpath, tail, fuselage.

4. Once upon a time, at the same time, simultaneously.

5. Perpendicular, parallel, horizontal, vertical, intersecting, inherent.


Ex. 22. Match the terms on the left with their meanings on the right. Example: 5 – a


1. stability 2. pitch

3. roll 4. yaw

5. axes of rotation 6. lateral axis


7. longitudinal axis 8. vertical axis

a. around them movement takes place

b. an imaginary line from the nose to the tail c. rotation about the lateral axis

d. an imaginary line from wingtip to wingtip e. rotation about the longitudinal axis

f. an imaginary line extending vertically through the intersec-tion of the lateral and longitudinal axis

g. rotation about the vertical axis

h. tendency to resume original attitude after upset


© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г

Aviation English Fundamentals | 17



Ex. 23. Find the English equivalents to the following.


1) вращаться вокруг оси,

2) возвращаться в исходное состояние, 3) нарушить равновесие,

4) развивать силы или моменты, 5)шарик на ровной поверхности, 6) по отношению к горизонту,

7) условная линия, простирающаяся вертикально через пересечение боковой и продольной осей,

8) уменьшиться по величине,

9) от одной законцовки крыла до другой, 10) сохранять тангаж самолета,

11) в нормальном горизонтальном полете,

12) вдоль заданной траектории полета,

13) от носовой части до хвостового оперения самолета,

14) пересекаться в центре тяжести,

15) двигаться в направлении приложенной силы,

16) возвращать воздушное судно в заданное положение,

17) статично устойчивый самолет, 18) демонстрировать тенденцию к, 19) ось вращения,

20) вынуждать воздушное судно выйти за пределы исходного состояния.


Bits of Grammar


Ex. 24. Translate word combinations using Participle I.


e.g.: Линия, продолжающаяся вертикально Line extending vertically


Силы, действующие на самолет


Сила, заставляющая самолет разогнаться


Сила, направленная вниз


Восстанавливающая сила


Результирующая сила


Набирающий самолет













Сила, возвращающая тело в исходное





Вращательное движение


Воздух, обтекающий крыло


Движущийся шарик










© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г

Aviation English Fundamentals | 18



Ex. 25. Test yourself choosing the best answer, “A”, “B” or “C”.


1. The positive forces are ….

A lift and thrust B lift and weight C


2. In straight-and-level flight lift … the airplane weight.

A exceeds B counterbalances C


lift and drag



becomes less than


3. A force, or combination of forces, that produces or tends to produce a twisting or rotating motion of an airplane is ….

A drag B weight C torque


4. Airplanes normally display ….

A negative stability B positive stability C imposed stability


5. A property which tends to return the airplane to its original position.

A dynamic stability B neutral stability C static stability


6. Rotation about the lateral axis is called ….

A roll B pitch C yaw





Ex. 26**. A: Study the typical structure of any presentation. - introduction

- main body - conclusion


    Introduction Greeting the audience; Self-introduction; Outlining the main points of the presentation.
    Main body Defining the purpose of your presentation; The presentation (think of the report format: the use of demonstration materials and handouts).
Conclusion Repeating briefly the main points of the presentation or giving a sum-mary.
Closing Thanking people for their attention and inviting them to ask questions



© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г

Aviation English Fundamentals | 19



B: Prepare a short presentation on one of the topics below using discourse markers and the table below:


1. Forces acting on the airplane in flight. 2. Airplane stability.

3. Load factor.

4. Axes of rotation.

Discourse markers


  1. Focusing and linking   With reference to: Talking – speaking of / about Regarding, as regards As far as … is concerned As for …   2. Balancing/ contrasting points   On the one hand, On the other hand While Whereas
  3. Similarity   Similarly In the same way   4. Counter-argument   However Even so But Nevertheless All the same Still
  5. Structuring   First(ly)/ Second(ly), third(ly) First of all Last(ly) Finally To begin with In the first/second/third place   6. Adding   Moreover In addition to Another thing is What is more In any case
  7. Logical consequence   Therefore/ so/ then As a result   8. Summing up   In conclusion Briefly In short To sum up



© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г

Aviation English Fundamentals | 20



  Presentation   LOAD FACTOR
Vocabulary …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… ……………..................…………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… Plan …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… Notes: …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………….……… ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………….…… ……………………………………………..……… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………….……… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………


Ex. 27**. Think of the best translation.



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