Ex. 34. Comprehension check.

1. What does excessive strength require? 2. What does airframe mean?

3. Why were numerous wing designs developed? 4. How is an airplane strength measured?

5. What is the practical effect of the flap?

6. Through the use of what device is lateral control obtained? 7. How is directional control of the airplane obtained?

8. How can the pilot decelerate or stop the airplane?

9. Name two basic types of landing gear used on light airplanes. 10. How is shock absorption provided?


Vocabulary practice


Ex. 35. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions where necessary.


1. Designers and manufacturers are trying to obtain maximum efficiency, combined … adequate strength.

2. Pilots are cautioned to operate the flaps … the airspeed limitations set … the par-ticular airplane being flown.

3. The required structural strength is based … the intended use of the airplane.

4. To determine the best type … a wing, numer-ous wing designs have been developed.

5. Could lateral control be obtained … the use … ailerons?


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6. The wings are capable … carrying … permanent damage … the wing structure and an airplane strength is measured basically … the total load of it.

7. The type of wing design … a particular airplane depends almost entirely … the pur-pose … which that airplane is to be used.

8. While … the ground, a steerable nose gear or tailwheel permits … the airplane to be con-trolled … the pilot ….

9. The practical effect … the flap is to permit a steeper angle of descent … an increase … air-speed.

10. The elevators are attached … the control col-umn … the cockpit … mechanical linkage.



Ex. 36. Think of the best translation (noun + noun structure).



1 Engine failure

2 Instruction manual 3 Airplane engine

4 Flight instructor 5 Oil temperature 6 Engine demands 7 Fuel/air mixture 8 Cylinder head

9 Rudder pedal

10 Nose gear

…………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….



Ex. 37. Match the terms on the left with their meanings on the right. Example: 9 – b


1. strength


2. stress



3. fuselage


4. acrobatics


5. friction



6. dive


7. stall

8. trim tab 9. airfoil

10. to cruise

a. small hinged portion of trailing edge of primary-control surface, whose effect is to hold main surface in desired neutral position for trimmed flight b. solid body designed to move through gaseous medium and obtain useful force reaction other than drag (examples: wing, control surface, fin, turbine blade, etc.)

c. precise and largely standardized manoeuvres, unnecessary in normal flight

d. sudden breakdown in fluid flow previously attached to solid surface, caused by changed angle of either surface or flow

e. to fly from top of climb to top of descent en route to destination, usually at altitudes, engine settings and other factors selected for economy and long life

f. condition within elastic material caused by applied load, temperature gra-dient or any other force-producing mechanism

g. ability to withstand stress without rupture. h. steep descent with or without power

i. force generated between solids, liquids or gases opposing relative motion j. main body of an aircraft, absent in all-wing designs



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Aviation English Fundamentals | 27


Ex. 38. Find the English equivalents to the following.


1) в пределах ограничений воздушной скорости,

2) для аварийного выпуска шасси,

3) контролироваться пилотом во время работы на земле,

4) рычаги управления шасси в кабине экипажа,

5) на верхней части хвостового оперения,

6) выполнять заходы по крутой траектории, 7) дополнительная нагрузка,

8) поглощать удар при приземлении,

9) управляемый посредством педалей руля направления,

10) руление по неровной поверхности, 11) величина полезной нагрузки,

12) внешняя задняя кромка крыла,

13) позволять выполнять повороты под более острым углом при рулении,

14) с помощью механической проводки, 15) путем применения элеронов,

16) без повреждения конструкции крыла, 17) движущаяся часть крыла,

18) дополнительные нагрузки, вызванные определенными маневрами во время полета,

19) предлагаемое применение ВС;

20) в попытке определить лучший тип самолета для определенного назначения,

21) в сочетании с адекватной прочностью, 22) вспомогательная рулевая поверхнос ть.






Ex. 39. A: Look at the picture and describe the aircraft. B: Make a presentation on Yak-18T.



Figure 2-1. Parts of Airplane


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Ex. 40**. Look at the pictures of different aircraft types and prepare a presenta-tion on one of them.


Aircraft type


Aircraft type



Aircraft type -

IL – 76 TD


A - 340



AN – 124 - 100


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