1. What is an engine? 2. What is a propeller?
3. What does a reciprocating engine mean?
4. What does the reciprocating engine consist of?
5. How many strokes does the piston make to complete one cycle?
6. What system provides a spark to ignite the fuel/air mixture in the cylinder? 7. Why is it necessary to cool the engine?
8. What is the oil system used for?
9. What system supplies fuel to the engines?
10. Why is it important to maintain the center of gravity position within the tolerable limits?
© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г
Aviation English Fundamentals | 31
Ex. 44*. Fill in the chart to find the other parts of speech. Use your dictionary where necessary. Check the pronunciation.
1. strength | strengthen | strong |
2. … | provide | ... |
3. ignition | … | … |
4. … | … | structural |
5. … | propel | ... |
6. … | … | efficient |
7. … | compress | ... |
8. caution | … | … |
9. … | … | specific |
10. … | operate | … |
Ex. 45*. Form nouns from the verbs.
To provide, to retract, to curve, to supply, to caution, to attach, to absorb, to satisfy, to load, to land, to circulate, to compress, to aviate, to consider, to cause, to intend, to use, to combine, to limit, to avoid, to propel, to complete.
Vocabulary practice
Ex. 46. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions where necessary.
1. Dependability and efficiency … the en-gine could be increased if the pilot obtains … knowledge … a few general principles … engine operation.
2. A spark … the plugs ignites … the mix-ture, when the piston is approximately … the top … the cylinder head,
3. Being forced … the engine compartment … openings … front … the engine cowl, the cooling process is accomplished … cool air. 4. The oil temperature gauge indicates the temperature … the oil which is heated … the engine.
5. Meeting … the engine demands … all op-erating conditions, the fuel system is in-tended to continuously supply fuel … the engines.
6. Propeller is a device … propelling … an aircraft that has blades … an engine-driven shaft and when rotated, produces … its action … the air, a thrust approximately perpendicular … its plane … rotation.
7. Most light airplane engines installed … air-craft designed … ab-initio training are internal combustion … the reciprocating type.
8. One end … a connecting rod is attached … a piston and the other end … the crankshaft.
9. As the piston moves … … the cylinder head, the intake valve is opened and the fuel/air mixture is drawn … the cylinder.
10. It’s obvious that most … heat is expelled … the exhaust.
© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г
Aviation English Fundamentals | 32
Ex. 47. Give the definitions of the aviation terms and words:
1 Airframe
2 Fuselage
3 Stress
4 Wing flaps
5 Ailerons
6 Airfoil
7 Strength
8 Aircraft engine
9 Propeller
10 Stall
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Ex. 48. Find the English equivalents to the following.
1) эффективность двигателя,
2) в пределах допустимых значений,
3) через отверстие в передней части кожуха двигателя,
4)воспламенять топливо, 5) плоскость вращения,
6) дополнительное вспомогательное оборудование, необходимое для работы,
7) вал, приводимый в действие двигателем, 8) преобразовывать прямолинейное
движение поршня во вращательное движение коленчатого вала,
9) завершать цикл,
10) расширение сжигаемого газа,
11) при всех эксплутационных условиях, 12) избежать отказа двигателя,
13) чтобы обеспечить адекватную информацию,
14) спроектированный для первоначального обучения,
15) оставшееся тепло,
16) устройство для создания тяги (продвижения самолета),
17) для достижения повышенной зависимости. 18) эксплутационные ограничения.
© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2009 г
Aviation English Fundamentals | 33
Ex. 49**. A: Study the principles of a summary writing given below:
1. Read the text
2. Exclude unnecessary and unimportant information.
3. Think of subject headings which may perform the function of an outline to your abstract. 4. Think of a plan.
5. Use the first point in this outline as a general statement of the problem discussed. It should in-dicate the source saying whether it is a book, an article or an abstract.
6. Be sure that the second sentence enumerates the most important subject headings. 7. Avoid duplicating the words of the title.
8. Avoid space-consuming phrases. 9. Use short simple sentences.
10. Use Passive voice and the third person present.
B: Write a short summary on Text “Airframe”.
Summary | AIRFRAME | |
Vocabulary …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… | Plan …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… | Notes: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |
Ex. 50**. Think of the best translation.