Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и


to be famous for academic excellence........................................................

individual tuition.......................................................................................


once a week...............................................................................................

natural and technical sciences....................................................................


to pay for education..................................................................................

etc.(et cetera)............................................................................................

to be able to (= can)..................................................................................

to get higher education..............................................................................

to provide..................................................................................................



social sciences...........................................................................................

applied and natural sciences......................................................................

a degree.....................................................................................................

to involve research....................................................................................

to defend the conclusions of a dissertation...............................................

to culminate in a Bachelor’s degree...........................................................


Master’s degree.........................................................................................

Doctor’s degree (Ph.D.)............................................................................

to obtain....................................................................................................

undergraduate student...............................................................................

to master a foreign language......................................................................


research guided by a professor..................................................................

Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и


быть известным великолепным качеством обучения.............................

наставническая система...........................................................................

помимо лекций.........................................................................................

система индивидуального обучения.......................................................

руководить на протяжении всего курса обучения.................................

изучать, учить..........................................................................................

отличительная черта................................................................................


первый курс.............................................................................................

второй курс..............................................................................................

выбирать область специализации...........................................................



дальнейшее обучение..............................................................................

научно-исследовательская работа, исследование..................................

сфера интересов.......................................................................................

продвинутый, повышенного типа/уровня..............................................


под руководством....................................................................................


век, столетие.............................................................................................

5. Подберите к словам приведенные ниже определения:

degree; loan; freshman; В. Sc.; essays; dormitory; Undergraduate School; scholarship; a graduate; to earn; to major in; thesis; Department; campus; Master’s degree.

yearly grant given to a student to continue his study;

sum of money given to a person who should return it;

place where students live;

grounds of a school, college or university;

one of several divisions of a university;

to get money as payment for work;

first university level leading to bachelor’s degree;

research paper submitted for a university degree;

second university degree;

person who has completed the course at an educational institution;

specialize in a certain subject;

first-year student;

academic title, or grade given by a university;

first university degree, for example, in chemistry;

piece of writing on any subject.

6. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. У каждого студента есть наставник, который руководит им на протяжении всего курса обучения.

2. Студенты изучают естественные и технические науки, право, иностранные языки, географию, историю и многие другие предметы.

3. Стоимость обучения зависит от колледжа и специальности.

4. Очень мало студентов получают стипендии.

5. Отличительная черта университетов Великобритании – наличие двух ступеней образования.

6. Чтобы получить степень магистра, студент должен работать в течение двух или трех лет.

7. В течение этого времени он посещает занятия, сдает экзамены, проводит лабораторные исследования под руководством профессора и изучает (овладевает) иностранным языком.




1. Переведите текст и отработайте его чтение:


The Russian Federation is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies about 17 million square km. The country is washed by 12 seas. There are a lot of rivers, lakes, forests and mountains there.

Russia is very rich in mineral resources such as oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds, tin, lead and iron. It has the largest oil and gas resources, concentrated in Siberia and the Far East. Oil and gas exports continue to be the main source of hard currency.

Russia is a state with developed industry and agriculture. Russia has undergone significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving from a centrally-planned economy to a free market system. The leading branches of industry are machine-building, air-craft, automobile, defence, electronic, engineering, chemicals, textile and food.

The capital of the country is Moscow. It is the largest economic, political and industrial centre of the country. It is one of the oldest Russian cities.

Russia is a presidential republic. The head of the state is the President. He determines the basic domestic and foreign policy, is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The President makes treaties, enforces laws, appoints ministers.

The government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The President controls each of them.

The legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker.

The executive power belongs to the Government, or the Cabinet of Ministers. The government is headed by the Prime Minister.

The judicial power is represented by the system of courts. It consists of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts.

The Russian Federation has a multi-party system. That is there are some political parties in the country, the dominant one is United Russia party.

Russia has rich cultural traditions. The contribution of Russian writers, composers, artists to the world culture is really great. Everybody in the world knows Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chaikovsky, Rublev and others. They are the pride of the whole mankind. There are a lot of beautiful museums, monuments and ancient buildings that attract the tourists from all over the world.


to occupy занимать

rich богатый

such as такой как

oil нефть

coal уголь

gold золото

diamond алмаз, бриллиант

tin олово

lead свинец

iron железо

Siberia Сибирь

the Far East Дальний Восток

hard currency конвертируемая валюта

state государство

industry промышленность

agriculture сельское хозяйство

to undergo претерпевать

significant значительный, существенный

collapse распад, развал, крах

the Soviet Union Советский Союз

leading branches of industry ведущие отрасли промышленности

machine-building машиностроение

air-craft самолетостроение

defence оборона

head of the state глава государства

domestic policy внутренняя политика

foreign policy внешняя политика

commander-in-chief главнокомандующий

armed forces вооруженные силы

to make treaties заключать договора

to enforce laws издавать указы

to appoint назначать

government правительство

to consist of состоять из

branch ветвь

legislative законодательный

executive исполнительный

judicial судебный

to belong to принадлежать

the Federal Assembly Федеральное Собрание

chamber палата

the Council of Federation Совет Федераций

the State Duma государственная Дума

to represent представлять

court суд

the Constitutional Court Конституционный Суд

the Supreme Court Верховный Суд

contribution вклад

pride гордость

whole весь, целый

mankind человечество

monument памятник

ancient древний, античный

to attract привлекать

from all over the world со всего мира

2. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов:

to occupy значительный, существенный

rich алмазы, бриллианты

mineral resources нефть

oil древний

coal свинец

gold государство

diamonds главнокомандующий

tin вклад

lead уголь

iron золото

state правительство

collapse железо

government распад, крах

to consist of привлекать

to represent занимать (территорию)

court состоять из

commander-in-chief богатый

significant представлять

contribution олово

ancient минеральные ресурсы

to attract суд


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