Residential and Industrial Buildings

1. In technically developed countries the building industry, comprising skilled and unskilled workers in many trades, building engineers and architects, managerial staff and designers employs a considerable proportion of the available labour force.

Building industry including residential public and industrial construction holds a considerable place in the National Economy and is being carried on a large scale. It is the largest single industry in the country. The problems of construction have grown into major, political issues in most countries.

2. The ever growing housing demands have brought to life new methods of construction with great emphasis upon standardization, new levels of technological advance utilizing such techniques as offsite prefabrication, precutting, use of reinforced concrete panels and large-scale site planning. At present, prefabricated structures and precast elements may be classified into two principal groups—for residential houses and industrial buildings.

3. Present-day designs for residential construction envisage all modern amenities for a dwelling, they advocate larger, better built and better equipped flats and houses. There is a marked improvement in the heating and ventilating systems as well as in hot; water supply, kitchen and sanitary fittings. Many tenants now can afford better furnishings, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. A house which is a physical environment where a family develops is acquiring a new and modern look.

Industrial buildings comprise another significant type of construction. This type of construction involves factories, laboratories, food processing plants, mines, office buildings, stores, garages, hangars and other storage facilities, exhibitions halls, etc.

4. Each of these functions demands its own structural solution and techniques. But in general they may be divided into two classes according to whether the plan must give greater attention to the size and movement of machinery or of persons. The building techniques (by techniques we mean building materials and methods) depend upon the types of buildings.

Modern industrial buildings have demonstrated the advantages of reinforced concrete arches, metal frames, glass walls and prefabricated standardized mass produced parts. Steel was gradually substituted for iron and permitted wider rooms and larger windows. Windows can be enlarged to the extent that they constitute a large fraction of the wall area.


2. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the largest single industry in the country?

2. How may prefabricated structures and precast elements be classified?

3. What can many tenants afford now?

4. What was steel gradually substituted for?




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1. Types of buildings depend upon social formations and may be classified according to the role in the residential community. The types of buildings may be residential, educational, office, industrial, recreational, etc. The type and the function of a building govern its design, building materials and techniques.

2. Speaking of residential construction we must say that the apartment houses are mostly built to suit urban conditions. The techniques of construction or the methods by which structures are formed from particular materials are influenced not only by the availability and character of materials but also by the total technological development of society.

3. Large housing programs stimulate technological change in the building industry. Craft operations at the building site are being replaced by mechanised operations at the factory and houses are increasingly becoming assemblages of factory – made elements. Standardization of elements has led to increased possibilities for mass production, with resultant economies. A wide variety of mass – produced elements from which substantial portions of the house can be assembled are now available. Entire apartment assemblages are available and are being used to an increasing extent. These techniques aim at a higher output of better structures at lower cost.

4. The high degree of mechanization and standardization is successfully achieved by the use of reinforced concrete blocks and units. Reinforced concrete homes are produced by a variety of construction methods. Various methods of constructing reinforced concrete houses involve extensive use of large sections manufactured in heavily mechanized factories and erected at the site.

5. Industrial buildings comprise another significant type of construction. This type of construction involves factories, laboratories, food processing plants, office buildings, stores, garages, etc. Each of these functions demands its own structural solution and techniques. Modern industrial buildings have demonstrated the advantages of reinforced concrete arches, metal frames, glass walls and prefabricated standardized mass produced parts.


2. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1. What types of buildings may be?

2. Where do large housing programs stimulate technological change?

3. How is the high degree of mechanization and standardization achieved?

4. What have modern industrial buildings demonstrated?




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1. Man has always been a builder. The kind of house he built depended upon the climate, upon his enemies, and upon the building materials at hand. The first houses in many parts of the world were made of wood, for in those days the greater part of the Earth was covered with forests. Men tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with the skins of animals or with leaves and grass. So a tent, or hut, was the first house of the primitive people who lived where there was much wood.

In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. Men began building houses out of stone very long ago. Although they were built without cement, the remains of a few of them still exist.

2. It appears that the most ancient homes on the territory of Russia were earthen houses. One such home was discovered near Voronezh in 1927. It consisted of a shallow hole of oval shape. The floor was covered with limestone slabs. The roof had been conical and stood on poles (столб) covered by branches or animal skins. Such dwellings existed in that part of the country in the Upper Paleolithic Period (from 40,000 to 12,000 years ago).

The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses, by present standards. Having dried the bricks in the sun, they put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Although their buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very beautiful. Their pyramids and monuments, sphinxes and palaces arouse our admiration to this day. An important part in the history of building has been played by the column, and it was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lessons in the art of making columns.

3. The Greeks learned much from Egypt. But they did not borrow the flat roof. They built a slanting roof because there was much rain in their country. The Greeks made the roof slant in two directions from the middle. They also improved on Egypt's columns and soon became the teachers of the world in column making.


2. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1. What were the first houses in many parts of the world made of those days?

2. What did men begin building houses out of very long ago?

3. Why was the roof flat in Egypt?

4. Why did the Greeks make the roof slant in two directions from the middle?




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1. The Romans, in turn, learned much from the Greeks. First of all they borrowed the slanting roof and the columns. But they added the arch, thus adding much strength and beauty to their buildings. In Ancient Russia architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. Unfortunately only a few of the church buildings of that period have remained, among them the famous Cathedral of St Sophia, the cornerstone of which was laid in 1037 to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs. The churches of that time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows. They often had to serve as fortresses against enemy invasions. During the Second World War the finest ancient architectural monuments were destroyed and great effort has gone into restoring them.

In the Middle Ages in Europe numerous wars between different nations caused great damages to the houses of crowded Medieval towns. Therefore many monarchs and nobles built castles as a form of defence. Those castles had very strong walls, narrow windows and projecting fortifications.

2. The Renaissance, which was a European movement, lasted roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. During this period, arts and sciences underwent great changes. In architecture these changes were marked by a return to classical forms and proportions of ancient Roman buildings.

Buildings of the 19th century are characterized by the use of new materials and by a great diversity of architectural styles. From the end of the 18th century iron and steel became widely used as alternatives to wood, for by that time many countries experienced shortage of this material. Later the Industrial Revolution brought mass-production of building parts which were manufactured at a factory and then simply assembled at a site.

3. The 20th century is notable for widespread use of steel - reinforced concrete. Huge reinforced concrete units manufactured in heated factory premises are brought to the site which becomes something like an assembly shop. This technique has many advantages over other building methods. First of all it cuts the labour needed for building by 60 to 70% and extends the building season what is very important for countries where winter lasts.


2. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:


1. When were the finest ancient architectural monuments destroyed?

2. How long did the Renaissance which was a European movement last?

3. How are buildings of the 19th century characterized?

4. What technique has many advantages over other building methods?




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1. Architecture is the art which makes buildings beautiful to look at as well as useful. A man who designs (проектировать) buildings and makes the plans for them is called an architect. He has to think not only of what he wants the building to look like when it is finished, but also what it is to be used for. He must not forget the sort of material to be used in the building. This may be stone, brick, wood or steel and concrete.

There have been many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past and there are many different styles today in different parts of the world.

The oldest monuments which are met within architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egypt most of which were constructed about 6,000 years ago.

2. The pyramids are large triangular (треугольный) buildings which were placed over the tombs (могила) of Egyptian kings. The best known of the pyramids are a group of three built at Giza south of Cairo. The largest of these is 482 feet high. They tell us of the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt which is much spoken about even in our days.

It was a country which had expert mathematicians and engineers, where astronomy and philosophy were known and studied

3. The country was rich in hard and durable (прочный) stone, but poor in timber and metal, so that the main material used for construction was granite, and this was the reason for the durability of the pyramids.

4. Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water, and placed into position with the help of the most primitive equipment. That was done by slaves working for thirty or forty years. All this great amount of work was done, masses of material and a large territory sometimes of about 52,000 square meters were used, only for protecting the body of a dead king and constructing a dwelling place for his happy life in the "other world".


2. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:


1. What art is architecture?

2. What the oldest monuments are met within architecture?

3. What the best known of the pyramids are?

4. How were large blocks of stone transported over long distances?




  Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Волжский политехнический институт (филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Волгоградский государственный технический университет» ВПИ (филиал) ВолгГТУ   Вечерний факультет   Кафедра «Социально-гуманитарные дисциплины»    
«Иностранный язык» (английский)

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Волжский 2017



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Наталья Станиславовна Хван

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Владимир Борисович Крячко





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