Keywords: curd, quality assessment, hard cheese, microorganisms
Abstract. The work is devoted to the study of cheese suitability of curd of the commercial network. Cheese from the curd of the peasant farm belongs to the highest commercial variety and is the best in quality. For the preparation of hard cheeses, the curd of the commercial network without the addition of calcium chloride is quite suitable. According to organoleptic, physicochemical indices, shelf life it corresponds to State Standard R 52686-2006 and belongs to 1 commercial class. Curd of commercial network with addition of calcium chloride is not cheese-usable. The cost of cheese made of curd of commercial network is 2.5-3.0 times higher than that of domestic curd. The cost of cheese made from curd of the commercial network is 2.5-2.9 times higher than from curd of the peasant farm. An indicator of the presence of calcium chloride in the curd is reduced titrated acidity (about 106oT), and a bioindicator of the absence of calcium chloride in the cheese is sifted penicilla (Penicillum glaucum Link).
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Zakharov Vyacheslav – candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of technology of storage and conversion of agricultural products, Bunin Yelets State University (YelSU), 399770, Lipetsk region, Yelets, Kommunarov St., 28.e-mail:
Zajcev Andrej – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Agro-Industrial Institute of Bunin Yelets State University, 399770, Lipetsk region, Yelets, Kommunarov St., 28.e-mail:
Shchegolkov Nikolaj - candidate of agricultural sciences,associate professor, Leading Researcher of the Lipetskaya Cattle Breeding Laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Tribal Affairs, 141212, Moscow Region, Pushkinsky District, Lesny Polyana Village, Lenin Street, Building 13, e-mail:
Shubkin Sergej - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Technological Processes in Mechanical Engineering and Agro-Engineering, Bunin Yelets State University (YelSU), 399770, Lipetsk region, Yelets, Kommunarov St., 28.e-mail: