Фирм-издателей и дистро контор (т.е. тиражированы разными фирмами в разное время). 8 глава

NIGHTSKY BEQUEST "Keep The Lonely Trees" - Gothic /Doom Metal (Bulgaria) 200 р.

NIGHTSKY BEQUEST "And Now Only The Wind…" - Gothic /Doom Metal (Bulgaria) 200 р.

NIHIL NOCTURNE "Necrohell" - Atmospheric Black Metal (Germany) 250 р.

NIHILIST "Drowned (Demo 1989)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

NIHILIST "Premature Autopsy (Demo 1988)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

NIDAVELLIR "Волчьи Чертоги" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

NIDAVELLIR / MEHAFELON "Прикосновение Тьмы" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

NS NINJA "Keep Facebook White!" - Techno / Electronic (USA) 250 р.

NaziSSexNoise "Facewash Expungance Of Jewish Juice! Manifesto Aryan Sexology! Total Hikikomori!" - Techno / Electronic (USA) 250 р.

NUNSLAUGHTER "Impale The Soul Of Christ On The Inverted Cross Of Death (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

OBLIVION "Appearances Deceptive" - Melodic Thrash /Death /Doom Metal (Romania) 250 р.

OBSCURE INFINITY "Purefying Illusions" - Death Metal (Germany) 250 р.

OBSCURE INFINITY "Beyond The Gate (Demo 1992)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

OCULARIS INFERNUM "Satanism-Madness-Raping" - Black Metal (Mexico) 250 р.

OCCULT VOMIT "Anti Human Devotion" - Pure Crazy And Underground Music (France) 250 р.

OCULTAN "Nexion Chaos" - Atmospheric Black Metal (Brazil) 250 р.

ODIUM "Requiem Of Insanity" - Death Metal (Bulgaria) 250 р.

ODIUM "Sign Of D.E.F.I.E.T. (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (Greece) 200 р.

ODIN'S COURT "Reign Of Olympus" - Heathen Black Metal (Greece) 250 р.
ODOR MORTIS "Спаси И Отсоси" - Ultra Radical Blasphemy Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ODEM ARCARUM "Bloody Traces In The Virgin Snow" - Nordic Cold Black Metal в духе великих альбомов старых Satyricon и Ulver +

немного мрачной клавишной атмосферы (Germany) 350 р.

OHTAR "Human Fuel Of Death" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OHTAR "Petrified Breath Of Hope" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OHTAR "When I Cut The Throat" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OHTAR "Deep Woods" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OHTAR "Wolfshanze" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OHTAR "The Empire Of White Power" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OLD CHAPEL "Symptoms Of Possession" - Old-School Death /Doom Metal (Russia) 250 р.

OLD CHAPEL "Tales From Fhe Churchyard" - Death Metal (Russia) 250 р.

OLD FOREST "Covered In Black (Demo 2010)" - Atmospheric Black Metal (UK) 200 р.

OLD PAGAN "Tecknotschtiklan" - Black Metal (DE) 250 р.

OLD WAINDS "Здесь Никогда Не Сходят Снега" - Cold Black Metal (Russia) 350 p.
OLD WAINDS "Через Хаос К Вечной Зиме (Promo-Demo 1999)" - Raw Cold Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

OMEN / AWICHA / BLACKSPELL "The Misanthropic Trinity" - Black Metal (Portugal) 250 р.
ОМЕРЗЕНИЕ "Содомск На Инферно" - Avant-garde Metal /Grind Core (Russia) 250 р.

ONOGUR "Uj Kezdetre Varva" - Skinhead Pagan Metal (Hungary) 250 р.

ONSET OF SERIOUS PROBLEMS "Oblivions" - Fast Grind Core (Indonesia) 200 p.

OSSEWABRANDWAG "Apartheid = Hafrada = Reality (Exposing The Lies And The Reality Of Aparthied & Afrikaner Volkseenheid)" - Industrial /Noise /Sound Collage (USA) 250 р.

OSSEWABRANDWAG "Racism & The Wheel Of Life" - Noise /Sound Collage (USA) 250 р.

OFF THE CUFF "Часть Неба" - Ambient. Мягкое гудящее нечто, созданное на плёночных коллажах, неведомых инструментах и звуковой обработке. Ддве пьесы, 24 и 30 минут соответственно. В общем и целом - достаточно олд-скульная запись, снабжённая рекомендацией слушать её с выключенными верхними частотами. Музыка лишена гармоний, отчего звучит несколько коматозно и удушающе, а пьесы не имеют ни начала, ни конца... 56 минут плотной и мрачной Ambient субстанции. Только для тех, кому нужен проводник в иные миры… (Russia) 250 р.

OPPRESSOR "World Abomination (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (US) 200 р.

ORLOG "Reinigende Feuer" - Black Metal (Germany) 350 p.

ORDER OF THE DEATH'S HEAD "Soldat Inconnu" - Radical Black Metal (France) 250 p.

ORDER OF THE DEATH'S HEAD "Pogrom Ritual" - Radical Black Metal (France) 250 p.

ORDER OF THE LIGHT ''Ancestral Knowledge'' - Atmospheric & Ritualistic Dark Ambient with strings and drums… (Portugal) 250 р.

ORDER OF TEPES "Anthology" - Excellent Black /Death Metal! TIP!!! (England) 250 р.

ORDEAL "Ordeal" - Doom /Death Metal (Greece) 250 р.

ORDO BLASPHEMUS ''Live In Desenzano'' - Pure Raw Black Metal + 4 Bonus! (France) 250 р.

ORDINUL NEGRU "Poems Of A Rooted Blade" - Depressive Black Metal (Romania) 250 р.

ORCHID (НЕЖЕГОЛЬ project!) "Холод И Голод / Das Syndrom Der Einsamkeit" - Pagan Ambient (Russia) 250 р.

ORCHESTRAL PIT`S CANNIBALS "Exalted Oestrum" - Grind Core (Russia) 250 р.

ORCHESTRAL PIT’S CANNIBALS / BLUDGE - Death / Grind Core (Russia-Sweden) 250 р.

ORCHESTRAL PIT`S CANNIBALS "Devisceration" - Grind Core (Russia) 250 р.

ORCISH BLOOD "As All The Gods Do" - Progressive Symphonic Black Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 350 р.

ORCISH BLOOD "As All The Gods Do" - Progressive Symphonic Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ORCISH BLOOD "I See No End Of A Winter" - Progressive Rock /Symphonic Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ORPHAN "Remake" - Death Metal (Kazakhstan) 250 р.
ORIGAMI ARKTIKA "Ako Odchadzam" - Experimental Ambient (Slovakia) 250 р.

ORIGAMI ARKTIKA "Nidaros" - Experimental Ambient (Slovakia) 250 p.

OMITIR "Res, Non Verba" - Unique Misanthropic One-Man Black Metal. Excelent mix of Black Metal Atmosphere with Dark Ambient elements full of hatred symbolism presented by total self-destruction. There are many obscure individual parts of vocal, specific guitar riffs and live drums followed by extremist and experimental sounds form illness frustratic sounds creating by psychopathic climates. Re-released and remastered version + bonus tracks! (Portugal) 250 р.

ONOGUR "Uj Kezdetre Ulfrva" - NS Pagan Metal (Hungary) 250 р.

OPHICVS "Azrever Ne Alemamam" - Black /Thtash Metal (USA) 250 р.

ОПРИЧЬ "Север Вольный" - NS Pagan / Folk / Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

OSKAL "StahlKrieg" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

OSWENZIM "Heil Neu Schwaben!" - Radical NS Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

OSIRION "Har Sabbat" - Storming Raw Black Metal (France) 200 р.

OSSUARY ''Black Pulpits Of Blood And Smoke'' - Pure Raw Black Metal (France-Canada) 250 р.

ORDO SANGUINIS NOCTIS "Splamieni Krwią Ciemności" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 p.

OYHRA "На Язычніцкай Зямлі" - Pagan Metal (Belarus) 300 р.

OYHRA "Ратная Страла" - Pagan Metal (Belarus) 300 р.

OUTER ORGASM "Mush" - Grind Core (Ukraine) 250 р.

PAIN "Pain" - Электронный Death Metal. Питер Тагтгрен сам играел на всех инструментах, сам записывал, микшировал и продюсировал альбом. (Sweden) 300 p. (Irond)

PANDEMIA "Rhapsody Of Sickness (Demo 1995)" - Death Metal (Russia) 250 p.

PARACELS "Encyclopedia Of Metal" - Thrash /Death Metal (Russia) 250 p.

PARNASSUS "Receive My Dying Spirit (Demo 1995)" - Symphonic Black Metal with raw sound! (Sweden) 200 р.

PAGANFIRE / MODER "Split" - Black /Death /Thrash Metal (Philipphines-Germany) 250 р.

PALE MIST "Where the Darkness Is Praised" - Black Metal (UK) 250 р.
PANZERFROST "Denial Of The Mankind" - Black Metal (Spain) 250 р.

PANACEA "Temple Of Madness" - Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PANDEMONIUM "Reh/Promo 1990" - Death Metal (Poland) 250 p.

PAJSER "Demo 2015" - Thrash Metal (Serbia) 250 р.

ПАГАНА ВАРАКА "Дружина" - Raw War Pagan Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PAGAN REIGN "Древние Воины" - Pagan/Black Metal (Russian) 250 р.

PAGAN REIGN "Отблески Славы... " - Pagan/Black Metal (Russian) 250 р.

PAGAN REIGN "Уделы Былой Веры" - Pagan/Black Metal (Russian) 250 р.

PARA TU ETERNO M.M.J.P.G.A. "Vitoria e Honra" - Black Metal (Brazil) 250 р.

PARAMNESIA "Illumination"- Obscure And Esoteric Black Doom Ambient with a CURE Cover! (France) 250 р.

PHANTASMAGORY "Anamorphosis Of Dreams" - Progressive Melodic Death Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

PHANTASMAGORY "Phantasmagory" - Progressive Melodic Death Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

PHANTASMAGORE "Suck Motherpussy (Demo 1999)" - Death Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PHANTASMA "Welcome In Heaven" - Atmospheric /Progressive Death Metal (Slovakia) 250 р.

P.H.T.O. "Affliction" - Depressive Black Metal (France) 250 р.

PKM "Pkm" - Hard Rock/1986 (US) 250 р.

PLAGUE ANGEL "Stagnation Of Christ" - Satanic Death Metal (Sweden) 250 р.

PLASTIC HARDCORE "Ultra" - Electro Hard Core /Angry (Belarus) 250 р.

PREDATOR "Hell On The Earth" - Powerful & Techno Death Metal (Brazil) 250 р.

PROTEST "Натиск" - NS Black Metal / RAC (Ukraine) 350 р.

PROMONTORY "The Hill Of The Hope" - Doom Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PEDERASTY "Conceiving God (Demo 1999)" - Death Metal (US) 200 р.

PERTERRICREPUS / KARPATHIA / IGRIC ''Elegies Of Endless Horizons'' - Obscure Dark Ambient (Slovakia) 250 р.

PERTERRICREPUS "The Dark Age Of The Carpathia" - Cold, Emotional & Majestic Aryan Black Metal with Ambient touches (Svk) 250 р.

PERMAFROST "Pervers & Geisteskrank" - True Black Metal (Germany) 250 р.
PEURS ANCESTRALES "Supplices Infernaux" - Raw Black Metal (France) 250 р.

PERVERSIST "Necrophilharmony" - Brutal Death / Grind Core (Czech) 250 р.

PERVERSE "Blunt Of Stench" - Grind Core (Poland) 250 р.

PERVERSITY "In The Garment Of Lust" - Brutal Death Metal (Slovakia)250 р.

PERVERSITY "Idolatry" - Old-School Death Metal (Slovakia)250 р.

PEST "Vado Mori" - Black Metal (Germany) 350 p.

PEOPLE ARE MECHANISMS "Formatting" - Depressive Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PENTADRVG / TENGRI "Cadmiae Regugium / Gri Disi Kurt Ogullari" - Black Metal /Ambient / 250 р.

PIEVOS "Pasilikus Su Vienatve" - Folk Metal (Lithuania) 250 р.

PILATUS "The Diabolical Trinity" - Satanic Atmospheric Black Metal (Brazil) 250 р.

PIMENTOLA "MM-MMV" - Orchestral Dark Metal (Finland) 250 р.

PLAGUES "Darkness Reigns" - Traditionnal & Obscure Black Metal with killer Feeling (USA) 250 р.

PESTILENT GRAVE "Paths of Solitude" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.

POCCOLUS "Poccolus" - Pagan /Black Metal (Lithuania) 200 р.

POGROM "Mort Au Peuple" - Black Metal (France) 350 p.

POISON "Sons Of Evil (Demo 1984)" - Death /Thrash Metal (Germany) 200 р.

ПОЛУВРАК (POLUVRAK) "Tateni Oglasyat Tishinata" - Black Metal (Bułgaria) 250 p.

POP CORE EXPERIENCE "Et Currere" - Avantgarde Death Metal (Belarus) 250 р.

POPRAVCI VRCH "Král Šibenice" - Black Metal (Czech) 250 р.

PORNO PETROSJAN "Fartality" - Grind Core /Avant-Garde Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.
POSSESSED "Death Metal (Demo 1984)" - Death /Thrash Metal with Raw sound! (USA) 200 р.

POSSESSED "Demo 1991" - Death /Thrash Metal (USA) 200 р.

POSTMORTEM "Bloody Justice Comes…" - Death Metal (Estonia) 250 р.

POWER FROM HELL "Lust And Violence" - Black /Thrash Metal (Brazil) 300 p. (Inferno Kommando Productions)

POWER FROM HELL "Spellbondage" - Black /Thrash Metal (Brazil) 300 p. (Inferno Kommando Productions)

POWER FROM HELL "Sadismo" - Black /Thrash Metal (Brazil) 300 p. (Inferno Kommando Productions)

POWER FROM HELL "The True Metal" - Black /Thrash Metal (Brazil) 300 p. (Inferno Kommando Productions)

PRIMEVAL MASS "Blood Breathing Idols" - Black Metal (Greece) 300 p.

PRIMEVAL MASS "Enlightened Black Gnosis" - Raw Black Metal (Greece) 250 р.

PROFUNDAE LIBIDINES / INSSECT - Two French Insane Black Metal Bands! (France) 250 р.

PROLETAR "Rakyat Jelata" - 22 tracks of devastating Grind Core bring death to all living and nonliving around! (Ind) 250 р.

PROFAN ''Tales From The Sabbath Of Equilibrium'' - Ritualistic Drone Noise /Dark Ambient Music (Portugal) 250 р.

PROFANITY ANGEL "Acts Of Desecration And Blasphemy"- Pure Black Metal desecration of the darkest Polish cemetery (Poland) 250 р.

PROFANER ''Baptised In Vomit (Demo 2007)'' - Black /Death Metal (Australia) 200 р.

PROFEZIA "Black Misanthropic Elite - Moon Anthem" - Harsh Misanthropic Black Metal featuring members of Abhor, Tenebrae in Perpetuum, Beatrik.. (Italy) 250 p.

PROFEZIA ''The Truth Of Ages'' - Cold & Necro Filthy Old-school Black Metal (Italy) 250 р.

PROPHECY "Demo`1995" - Black Metal (France) 200 р.

PROTECTOR "Clinical Death: Way To Hell" - Dark Ambient, Drone / 250 р.
PRICKROTT "Cyberworm" - Industrial Black Metal on a nice level. Like it or not, i don't care! (Netherlands) 250 р.

PRICKROTT "Total Fucking Meltdown" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.

PRICKROTT "Dust Of Obscure Devastation" - Industrial Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.

PRICE OF DEATH "Rest in Suffering" - Old-School Death Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PSYCHOPARADOX "Reapeiron" - Melodic Death / Dark Metal (Yugoslavia) 250 р.

PSY-FACTOR / TWILIGHT OF EMPTINESS "The Moonlight Of Memory & Winter Funeral" - Dark Drone Ambient (Hungary) 250 р.
PSILOCYBE LARVAE "Stigmata" - Symphonic Black /Doom Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PSILOCYBE LARVAE "Agony" - Symphonic Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

PUNKS vs HARDCORE Compilation / Vol. I: Nitkie, Pet Nihil, Greenshake, Happy Face, Нейродюбель, Бедлам, Подвальные Рифмы,

#####, Zet, Knuckleduster, N.R.M., LKT, Like Suicide, TT-34, Plastic Hardcore, Деяния, Sabotage, Rasta, Goldprick, Urban Strip…. 80 минут

Punk / Hard Core драйва! 250 р.

PUANTEUR DE CHARNIER "Mitteleuropa" - Epic NS Electro Ambient (France) 250 р.

PUANTEUR DE CHARNIER "Stammesherzogtumer" - Epic NS Electro Ambient (France) 250 р.

PURU "Skalds Of War" - Aggressive Raw Black War Metal (Russia) 200 р.

PUTRIFACT "Reh. (Demo 1989)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 p.

PURGATION "Exterminated Malfeasance" - Death Metal (India) 250 р.

PUTRID DECAY "Feeding Off The Dead (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 p.

PUTRID MINDS "Servants Of Death" - Thrash Metal (Chile) Pro Tape 250 р.

RAGGRADARH "Oris" - Black Metal (Bulgaria) 250 р.

R.A.I.D. "Tribe Of Beast" - Death Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

RÁN "Demonstorm" - Black /Thrash Metal (Spain-Netherlands) 250 р.

RANCOUR / THROUGH "Black Metal Union" - Raw Black Metal (Russia-Ukraine) 250 р.
RANCOUR / DARK INFINITY "Раскол" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 350 р.

RANCOUR "Hatred" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

RANCOUR "Черное / Hatred" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

RANCOUR "The Soul Of The Raven" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.
RADIEN "Maa" - Sludge Metal (Finland) 250 р.

RADIGOST "Nocturne" - Atmospheric Pagan / Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

RAPTOR "Bestial Necroperversion" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.

RAPTOR "Necromantic Rites" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.
"Antichristian Terror Propaganda" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 250 р.
"Molesting The Entrails Of The Disemboweled" - Brutal Death Metal (U.S.A) 250 р.

RAPED TOAD "Demo 1999" - Thrash Metal (Poland) 250 р.

RAVENDARK's MONARCHAL CANTICLE / STURM KOMMAND / URIBURU / 88 "BulgAryan-Southern Radikal War Propaganda" - NS Black Metal (Brazil-Bulgaria-Argentina-Bulgaria) 250 р.
RDJA "Cold Skin (Demo 2016)" - Raw Black Metal (Serbia) 300 р.

ROBBED TOMB "In Foreboding Of Evil (Demo 1998)" - Death /Doom Metal (Belarus) 250 р.

РОДОВЕСТ "Здесь Русская Земля... " - NS Pagan Metal (Russia) 250 p.

РОДНА ЗАЩИТА "Mogashtestvoto Na Balgarskiya Duh" - NS Pagan / Black Metal (Bulgaria) 250 р.
РОДНА ЗАЩИТА / ARYAN KOMMANDO 88 / NACHTKRIEGER "Day Of The National Socialist Uprising" - NS Pagan / Black Metal (Bulg-USA-Can) 250 р.

ROHESFLEISCH "First Journey To Flesh Of Human Nature" - Grim, Inhuman And Carnivore Black Industrial Metal (Italy) 250 р.

R.O.L.F. "Es Un Hermoso Lugar Para Morir" - Death'n'Roll /Sludge Metal (Spain) 250 р.
ROSSOMAHAAR "Live & Die in Moscow" - Black /Death Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ROSSOMAHAAR "Imperium Tenebrarum" - Fast Black / Death Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ROSSOMAHAAR "Grotesque" - Fantasy Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

ROTTEN "Cryptic Catacombs (Demo 2013)" - Gloomy Death Metal with Raw sound! (Spain) 250 р.

ROTTEN AGE "Zgnilizna Dziejуw" - Black Metal (Poland) 250 р.

ROTEM "Dehumanization" - Progressive Black /Death Metal (Portugal) 250 р.

ROTTEN RECTUM / MISOGYNIST "Split" - Gore Grind (Czech-Serbia) 250 р.

ROYAL HUNT "Intervention" - Progressive Metal/Hard Rock (Denmark) 250 p.

RHGMA/ OLETHROS "O Teleutaios Aiwnas / Olethros" - Death Metal /Hard Core/ 250 р.

RHUITH "Darkness Moves" - Futurist Post-Black Metal with Screaming… (Italy) 250 p.

RIDDLE OF MEANDER "Orcus" - Black Metal (Greece) 250 p.

RITES OF CLEANSING "Nemesis" - Black Metal (Germany) 250 р.
"Split" - Pure Blasphemic Raw UG Black Metal / Bestial Raw Black Metal (Austria-Finland) 250 р.

RITUAL TORMENT "Demo 1991" - Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

RITUAL TORMENT "Gaffed (Demo 1993)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

RIGID HORNS "Nightrhymes" - Atmospheric Black Metal (Finland) 250 р.

RISE UP "Different Type" - Thrash Metal (Poland) 250 р.

RIOTOR "Fucking Metal" - Thrash /Heavy Metal in the old way, + bonus demo "Death and Destruction" (Canada) 250 р.

R’LYEH "Act 1" - Dark Ambient (Poland) 250 р.

REINCREMATION "Sodomia" - Death Metal (Russia) 250 р.

REALM OF CARNIVORA "Vengeance Shall Come" - Black Metal (Estonia) 250 р.

REALM OF CARNIVORA "Vengeance Shall Come" - Black Metal (Estonia) Pro Tape 250 р. (хромовая лента)

RESSIDUO "Estandarte Del Caos" - Oi Rock (Colombia) 250 р.

REVETRETH "Funeral Darkness ov Bottomless Swamps" - Black Metal (Belarus) 250 р.

REACTOR "Killed And Cremated" & "Hellish Power" - Death Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

REACTOR "Industry" - Death Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

REACTOR "Midnight" & "Liers Religion" - Death Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

REQUIEM LAUS "For The Ones Who Died" - Death Metal (Portugal) 250 р.

REVELATION NONE "Rituals Of The Flesh (Demo)" - Black Metal (USA) 200 р.

REUSMARKT "Fortress Ungh" - Pagan /Black Metal (Ukraine) 250 р. (D.D.P.)

REUSMARKT "Fortress Ungh" - Pagan /Black Metal (Ukraine) 250 р. (Aryan Sturm)
РУССКИЙ МЕДВЕДЬ "Будни Окраин" - White Power / RAC (Russia) 250 р.

RUST ON THE AX "Sigil" - The release which presents in itself more various compositions with dominating dark ambient sounds which slightly turn into industrial passages creating raw, undeground, sombre atmosphere. In complement to all of this dark and sick stuff goes the variety of key passages with scare Black Metal vocals full of obsession and insanity. (Poland) 250 p.

RUST ON THE AX "By Eternity Of Non Existence" - The debut release of a project from Lower Silesia is mixture of Atmospheric & Ritual Black Ambient. Gloomy, keyboard composition, built on raw old school of 90s with screaming demonic vocals, devil apocalyptic lyrics which hit the sense of being, buried by religious dogmas. Horryfing, psychedelic and mysterious atmosphere, which full of emotions and freedom of compositions. (Poland) 250 р.

RUST ON THE AX "Luciferian Poetry" - Compilation tape of atmospheric ritual ambient from Lower Silesia, including the demo "Pierwotne Znaczenie" and "Eritis Sicut Dii". Sombre, keyboard atmosphere, ritual cries and stress emotions performed in old primitive style in the wave of the projects in the beginning of 90s. (Poland) 250 р.

RUSSIAN ALTERNATIVE EXTREME MUSIC VOL. 1 / 60 min. of Alternative /Thrash /Doom Metal Compilation. 250 р.

P.H.T.O. "Affliction" - Black Metal (France) 250 р.

SABOTAGE "Breaking Inside" - Hard Core /Angry /Alternative (Belarus) 250 р.

SABOTAGE "Slam" - Crossover /Hard Core (Belarus) 250 p.

SACRAMENT "The Dynasty Of Diabolism" - Raw Black Metal (Ukraine) 250 р.

SAD "Total Nothingness" - Black Metal (Greece) 250 р.


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